Chapter 1
It took so long for me to publish this, because I kept second guessing on the cover. Hope you guys like it, took me a while to make.
(Y/n)= your name
(E/c)= eye colour
(H/c)= hair colour
(S/c)= skin colour
The sun was starting to rise over the ocean, gleaming and bright, reflecting off of the waters below and the sleepy sea side cities and towns that slowly began to wake. People left their homes to start their day at work, boats already being pushed out to start trying to get a catch on the calm seas. The sea breeze that went through the land was welcomed as the warm sun began to beat down on people. Above all of this, was an airplane.
It reflected the light off the sun, the engines loud as thunder while it soared through the cloudless sky. People were staring out the windows or trying to wake themselves up from the flight to Japan. In the back of the plane, several men dressed in black suits were sitting around a figure, that was just staring at their hands. Confinement had caused them to be quite and cold, their eyes flashing when they saw the blood on their hands from the past. Shaking away the memory, they looked ahead to the front of the plane, that had just landed in the airport in Tokyo.
Everyone exited the plane, the ones to exit were the group of men, that still surrounded the figure. Everyone stared at the (S/c), (e/c) eyed figure, who had a big metal restraint on their back, their hands clasped together with chains that connected to their feet. A metal mask covered the bottom half of their face, that was hidden by their (h/c) hair, that shinned slightly in the light of the airport. Being lead through the crowds of people, the group went through security check out and walked to the train station. People didn't enter the train at the sight of the chained and restrained figure, who's head lowered, watching the ground with a cold, almost dead gaze.
People that were brave enough to get on the train, or didn't notice them, whispered about that it might be a low security prison transfer or that she was being detained and had destroyed all of their cars. When they shifted, people shut up, watching as they looked out the window, the city blurring past and slowly broke out into small suburbs. They noted how young they looked, yet how lifeless and haunted their eyes are, wondering what quirk required such low level restraints. It took a few hours, people getting off and only a few getting on, until the group was the only one left, the train pulling in to Musutafu station.
Getting up, they walked out of the station and to an entire line of cars, one with the back seat open, the other few having guns mounted on the top of the cars. The men standing on the roofs of the cars, trained them on their target, who moved along with the pace of the men around them. Getting in the car, they sat their and waited while the group of escorts found the cars they were expected to be in. The line of cars began to leave the station, having no trouble with traffic because of road blocks set up so no one gets an idea to attack the vehicles or worse, the prisoner escapes their restraints.
It took about ten minutes or so, before the cars stopped in front of a large archway, the doors opening to the cars and they exited the vehicles. Looking up at the giant letters at the top of the arch, UA, their eyes sparked slightly, before they were escorted to the building. Heading up the stairs, they were meet with a tired looking, black haired teacher, that had a scarf around his neck, his red eyes watching them tiredly. Beside him, was the R-rated hero, Midnight, who watched with a slight pity in her eyes, Present Mic standing on his other side, all watching as the group stopped.
"I still don't think that this is a good idea." Present Mic whispered to the tired man. "Letting a crasher into the station is never good."
"Well I think its a splendid idea." A voice came from the scarf, startling the restrained person a bit as a white, bear, mouse, dog thing popped out of the fabric. "Letting someone who wants to change their ways to be a hero, is always great. Not to mention that they haven't harmed anyone in years. Why don't we take those ridiculous restraints off? Their pretty unnecessary."
The men nodded and pulled out separate keys, coming up and unlocked the restraints, the cuffs and chains falling to the ground, allowing them to grab the metal mask and pull it off. The giant, metal restraint on their back let out steam as it was discharged, the metal slowly coming off, until it fell to the ground. Guns were trained on them as they stretched their massive wings, black curling from the tips of their feathers to meet the white wings. They went so far out, that no one was able to get closer than five feet, the sounds of guns charging coming from behind them as they rubbed there sore jaw. A black, demon tail unfolded from around the wings, a rounded tip swiping the ground when it was freed.
The feeling of wind in their feathers felt great, having been stuck inside of a building for over ten years, wings flapping slightly to get a better feeling and let loose feathers fall. Pulling them in, they folded against their back, men eyeing the angel's head, were two, small, black horns were poking out of their hair, and the slightly sharpening tial. Looking at the white creature, they stuffed their hands in the jeans they were given, their plain, black shirt swaying slightly in the light wind.
"I'm principal Nezu." The white creature introduced, hopping out of the tired mans scarf and stood in front of the angel. "This tired fellow here is Aizawa, your homeroom teacher. He's going to try and help you learn how to control your quirk better. We also have a student that's in the class your going to join who volunteered to be your guide through the school."
The doors behind them opened from the school, a spiked, red haired boy running out of the school building, panting slightly. He tried to catch his breath, before turning to Nezu and bowing low to him.
"I'm sorry I'm late." He apologized, standing up, still breathing heavy. "Mr. Ectoplasm wouldn't let me leave until I finished the work he assigned."
"(Y/n), this is Kirishima." Nezu introduced, the boy finally noticing the angel and gave them a friendly smile, revealing sharp, pointed teeth. "He's going to be helping you through out your time here in the school. If you want, he can show you around the school and the dorm room you'll be staying in."
The angel said nothing, only stared into the red eyes of Kirishima, seeming to be searching for something. He returned the stare, still smiling, waiting for you to say or do something, before clearing his throat, snapping your attention back into reality.
"We can go now if you want." He offered, the men watching the exchange, along with the teachers, waiting for (Y/n)'s reaction.
Hope you guys like this.
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