Chapter 2
We had gone through an alley behind the Newsboys' Lodging house and climbed a ladder to a small platform. I gasped at the beautiful view of the city. "There ain't nothings like it up here." Jack said. He stood next to me and admired the view before turning back to Crutchie.
Crutchie hobbled over and gently handed me a wet rag to clean my face and wipe away the blood. I grinned gratefully. "Sorry about the lack of amenities. We'd let youse use the shower downstairs but seein that youse a goil..." Crutchie trailed off. "I understand. Thank you," I replied. Jack walked over to his mat and sprawled out.
"Thank you for letting me stay here tonight. I'll head out tomorrow." I assured them. Crutchie looked over to Jack, and he nodded.
"Youse don't have ta leave," Crutchie began. "Youse can come work with us and stay with us so you have less chance of runnin' into the brothers." I looked up with surprise.
"Really?" I asked.
Jack smiled. "Of course! We wouldn't want it any other way!"
"Thank you so much!" I laughed.
Crutchie smirked. "Don't thank us yet," he stated. "Youse gonna have ta change ya appearance." I stopped and slowly turned to him, quickly glancing at my torn dress.
"What exactly do you guys do?" I asked hesitantly.
Jack laughed. "We're newsies. He just means youse gonna have ta dress like a boy ta hide ya appearance from the Delancys and probably the other guys."
I relaxed. "I'm okay with that," I laughed. "I always thought that being a newsie would be a fun job." Crutchie began looking through his and Jack's extra clothing and gave me a large striped shirt, some pants, a vest, suspenders, and some boots.
"Youse also gonna need a nickname," Jack said as he laid on his back, looking at the stars.
I flopped back onto my mat, which was near Crutchie's, and began poking at my black eye. "Hmm..." I muttered.
"Don't poke ya eye, youse gonna make it woise," Jack called. I turned my head and stuck my tongue out at him. Crutchie laughed.
"What about Alleycat?" he asked.
Jack sat up. "Not bad."
I looked over at Crutchie. "What's the story behind that name?"
Crutchie chuckled. "Well, when we found you fightin', youse reminded me of a cat fightin' other cats." Jack laughed out loud.
"It's perfect!" I rolled her eyes, grinning. "Alleycat it is." I yawned and stretched. Crutchie smiled.
"We should all sleep," he said. "It'll be a busy day tomorrow." He looked over to see Jack was half asleep as he turned over on his mat. Crutchie got up and hobbled over to me, draping a blanket over my small body. "Goodnight," he said, before he drifted to sleep.
I stared up at the stars. Maybe I would stay, and maybe I wouldn't. Just wait till tomorrow was all I was thinking.
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