Chapter~ 21 'Forget It All'
Chapter~ 21 'Forget it all.'
This week has been quite uneventful. We spent a day at London Eye; where we took the silliest photos you could ever see. However, the rest of the days were spent at home, where we had our normal sleepovers every night. Our breakfasts were usually at home or at our favorite place, Starbucks.
Everyone was trying to convince me and Jessica to go and audition at 'The Rising Star' musical. They kept begging and pleading, hoping and praying that we'll agree to finally go and show our 'incredible talents', as they described. Even after the 'singing in front of the costumers in the hypermarket' incident, we were still hesitant to give the musical a call.
They don't get it. It's not that we're shy or dubious of our talents, no. But we can't help but ask ourselves the too familiar questions: What if something goes wrong? What if I accidentally got a music note wrong or something? What if Jessica trips and falls? What if we do something they don't like? What if they don't like how we perform?
We're pretty much very scared that we might do something wrong, but at the same time, we're thinking it might be an amazing opportunity. I mean, what if it changes our whole future? Could we possibly achieve what we've been trying to by entering this musical?
It's just so confusing, and the stress we're in this week does not help. Not even one bit. Even though we're on early Christmas break, I can't help but think about my future career. I've been working hard on every project I'm assigned, in addition to the extra projects I'm doing to increase my grades. I'm trying my best to get the best grades I can, for if achieving my dream didn't work out, I can always have a job.
The day started off as normal, another sleepover morning with everybody. Having breakfast and chatting, as usual. Sounds boring?
You're terribly wrong.
The boys and girls are hard to get enough of. Even if we were doing all the same activities every single day, the silly conversations we have and the hysterical laughs we let out make a normal day only another great memory for us to cherish over the years.
"What should we do this evening? We have a long day ahead. And one more week to spend together, since our tour starts soon. So, any ideas?" Louis asked.
"I was actually thinking of watching the new movie that came out, Catching Fire?"
"Oh my God. It came out?!" Delilah exclaimed in utter excitement.
"Yes! It did. So, anyone up for it?"
"Yeah!" They all squealed and I laughed.
So, I guess we've got our day planned out.
"So, how about we go out for lunch first, then get the tickets?" Jessica suggested.
"Lunch, yes. But tickets? We can order them, Hun." Louis flashed us one of his gorgeous smiles, which never failed to make us smile back.
"So, I guess our day is all planned out! It's twelve, twenty-seven pm right now. Let's say, if we are done dressing up in about an hour or one and a half, we'd be ready to go," Zayn said.
"And, don't forget that we should call Paul to come and guard us. Fans are crazy, you know," Liam states.
"Sure, let's do it!" Louis exclaimed, leaving us deaf. Or almost.
We all headed to our bedrooms to get ready for the day before us. The girls and I headed to the room we share. I picked out shorts and a simple cheetah-printed t-shirt to wear. Then, I applied simple makeup, including mascara and lip-gloss. Nothing more, or less.
We were all done getting ready by half past one. However, we still had to wait twenty minutes for Zayn, who was probably adding thirty hair products on his hair. To make sure my assumption was correct; I headed to the room he was getting ready in.
Apparently, I was right. He was standing there in front of the mirror of the bathroom, fixing and fixing his hair. Who does that anymore?
Yep, you got it right.
Zayn freaking Javaad Malik.
Our trip to Nando's was short, and so was our stay. However, our trip to the movie theater was a bit longer, for the fans were relentlessly chasing the limousine we're in. In addition, we had to dodge and avoid every single fan in the way. It was pretty much very scary.
Once we arrived there safely, we hurried with buying all the snacks we wanted before we made ourselves comfortable on the theater seats. Once the lights were out, the boys and girls sighed in relief, since they didn't have to worry about being recognized by fans in the theater.
Being famous is difficult.
To be completely honest, the main reason of my suggestion to watch this movie was to clear my busy mind. I came here to watch the movie I've been waiting for and think no more.
The problem is, my plan failed. Everyone was enjoying the movie and munching on their popcorn. Except me, of course. My popcorn was barely eaten, and all I did was think even more. This time, however, I wasn't thinking about studies, careers, and what not's.
I was thinking about the boys, who were leaving for their tour in a week's time.
It's not that I'm not happy for them, of course I am. But the thing is, I'm really going to miss them. The days are passing by like the speed of light, and I'm only trying to slow time down.
But this is real life, not a fairy tale.
I'm afraid. Afraid they'll forget about all the memories. Forget about all the adventures. Forget about all the hard times and the good times. Forget about all what we've been through.
Forget it all.
Author's Note: How's everyone? Thanks for reading this chapter! I hope you've enjoyed it. =)
The Dedication goes to @majesties ! You guys should check her story out!
Thank you all! I love you so much! I mean every word <3
~HG xx
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