Chapter~ 18 'No More Hiding.'
Chapter~ 18 'No More Hiding.'
"No! You can't do that! You can't just follow whomever you want! Leave her alone! Yes, run! Run!" I yelled at the TV.
Yes, you heard that right. The television.
You have no right to blame me or think I'm insane. If you were the type of person that despises horror movies but were unfortunately forced to watch one, you'd understand.
Right now, we are at the boys' flat watching Scream. The evil, cruel person (who obviously has no heart) is freaking me out.
"No! Please!" I yelled again as I squeezed my eyes shut. This movie is literally getting on my nerves. I can't stand it. I keep asking myself 'How on Earth did I survive an hour and twenty-five minutes of this pure torture?'.
I sighed in relief once the screen turned pitch black, declaring the end of this horrible movie.
"Finall-" I didn't get the chance to complete my statement of relief, for I screamed.
'Why?' You may be asking.
It's because the one and only 'Scream' face appeared right after thirty-seconds of silence.
My hands flew to my eyes, shielding them from watching the creepy face.
"Is it gone?" I squeaked.
"Yeth," I heard Niall answer. His mouth was probably stuffed with popcorn
Typical Niall.
My hands were by my side. I felt the familiar heat around my cheeks and ears. I blushed as Louis laughed his butt off at me.
I took a long breath. "Remind me to never watch any horror movie again." I glared at Louis, hoping that he'd stop embarrassing me. It didn't work, unfortunately.
I think my death glare lost it's powers.
"Louis! Stop laughing! This isn't funny. My heart almost stopped, you idiot!" He laughed even harder. I hate him. "You know what? No carrot cake as I promised." I glared at him.
"N-no! I-I'm s-sorry! I'll s-stop n-now!" He said between giggles.
"One day, you will regret what you have done," I threatened him.
"What have I done? I was just laughing. I need the carrot cake," he begged on his knees.
Literally on his knees.
"Have you forgotten that you were the one who chose that movie? I will get my revenge, that's final," I tell him. He looked somehow scared. I bit my lip, trying to hold in my laugher.
"B-but, it wasn't that scary! Right, guys?" He asked everyone, pouting. The response was a no from the girls, and a nod from the boys. Well, except Niall. He looked like a puppy lost in a maze. He looked just as scared as I was. It was so cute. And believe it or not, I guess Jessica was drooling.
Oh, Jess.
"It was," Delilah replied to his question.
"Was not!" Louis protested.
"Was!" Perrie answered.
"Wasn't, Pez!"
"Was!" Eleanor pouted.
"Really? I'm so sorry, El. I won't recommend a horror movie ever again." He went and enveloped her in a warm embrace.
I rolled my eyes, my hands on my hips.
"Oh, really?" My eyebrows were raised. "Louis, remember. Revenge," I told him once more.
"Whatever," he replied.
"So... why are you boys silent?" I stood up from Harry's lap.
Wait, what?
I don't know when or how, but I was sitting on Harry's lap throughout the whole movie. Maybe it's because he was the only person not munching on popcorn, hands free, or because he was sitting right next to me. However, I know it was completely accidental. I was sitting alone during the first five minutes. Then, when things started to get creepy, I guess magically landed on Harry's lap with a high-pitched scream. That explains why Delilah was glaring daggers at me every time I took a glance at her.
Why aren't they together, already?
I blushed really hard as I looked at the boys. They all looked back at me, shrugging.
Well, except Harry, who just blankly stared at me, not moving an inch.
No reply.
"Harry." I clapped in front of him.
No reply.
"Harry! Are you okay?" I shook him from the shoulders.
He still hasn't moved.
Is he deaf?
"Hazza? Are you deaf?" I looked at him in concern. "Harry!" I yelled.
"What?! The whole entire movie I kept holding myself from erupting and screaming in your ears the way you screamed in mine! My bloody ears hurt! Hell, they almost bled! Freaking bled!" He yelled back.
I was shocked from his sudden outburst. However, I couldn't help myself from laughing.
"Umm. I'm sorry! I was just so scared and I needed someone to cuddle with, I guess. Since you were the closest person next to me, I think you were my only choice. I didn't even realize I was on your lap until I stood up! I'm so sorry," I apologized.
"Why my lap?" He whined.
"I didn't have my teddy bear with me, and you were the closest to me," I mumbled quietly.
"Huh?" His eyebrows furrowed.
"She didn't have her teddy bear with her, and you were the closest to her," Jessica repeated my words.
I hate her.
"Oh my God." Niall cracked up. "Izzy has a teddy bear! Izzy has a teddy bear!" I blushed as I glared at him playfully.
"So what, Niall? What about that Mr. Pringles of yours? You ate the box of Pringles three months ago and you still sleep with it between your arms." Liam glared at Niall. "I told you millions and billions of times not to make fun of people when you are a hundred times worse."
I felt sorry for Niall, but he deserved it.
"I'm sorry, Liam," Niall apologized, embarrassed.
"Not to me, to Isabella," Liam ordered.
"Sorry, Izzy," he told me.
"It's okay, Ni." I hugged him.
''Anyways, how about we start the twitcam now?" Jessica asked.
"Yes!" We all said in sync.
"Let me just apply a tiny amount of makeup to cover the black circles beneath my eyes and get ready for some hate," I said, jokingly. Before taking any step, someone grabbed me by the wrist, which I found out was Liam.
"First of all, you don't need makeup-" He started off, but Niall interrupted.
"Don't need makeup, to cover up."
That's Niall as we know him.
"Niall." Liam glared at him.
"Sorry," He apologized.
"Second of all, you won't get any hate. And if you will, all you got to do is ignore. And that goes to all of you." He looked at Jessica and Delilah, and they nodded. And me?
Well, the usual.
I blushed like an idiot.
"Now, let me go fetch my laptop. I'll meet you all at Louis' room, since it's the largest." He walked away after giving me a smile.
There goes the butterflies.
We all turned on our heels and headed to Louis' room. I was about to sit on the bed, when Louis stopped me.
"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, missy. Take off your shoes." I rolled my eyes and did as I was told.
"Any other rules, Mr. Carrot King?" I asked.
"Nope," he said, popping the P .
Once Liam entered the room, we were all ready to start the twitcam.
"Hey there, everyone!" Liam greeted his fans. "I would like to introduce you all to our new best friends." He smiled. "This is Isabella Martin," I waved shyly at the camera. "Jessica Russo, and Delilah Ross."
We started talking about our life, our day at the carnival, and all the funny moments we had together. Everything and anything. Throughout our chat with our Directioner family, we saw lots of replies that had so many feelings rush through our systems.
Ones that warmed our hearts:
Oh my Goodness, they're so lucky! :D
Ooooooh, they all look stunning! *_*
How are you all not wearing any makeup, but still look so beautiful?
I love you all already! <3
Others that made us laugh:
You better not take our boys away from us, ladies!
Oh God, the sweetness rays are hitting me!
Some that made us pretty much blush:
I ship Darry! You lucky girl! ;) ;)
Jessica and Niall would look so cute together! Jiall all the waaaaay!
Isabella, we know our Daddy pretty much very well. And we can see that he likes you! ;) <3
And others that were pretty mean:
Your faces broke my screen. Get away from our babies. We can all see they hate you.
Ewe, get away from them, boys! I can smell them from here and they smell like rotten eggs!
But there was one specific comment that brought tears to my eyes.
Oh my God, are you the girl from YouTube? The one that was singing Titanium? It must be you! You look exactly like her! Oh my God, I'm already a big fan! You have an amazing voice. I never liked this song. But when you sang it, I immediately loved it. You are going to be an inspiration to millions of people, someday. I just feel it! I love you! <3
"Whoa, looks like it's someone's lucky day today! You guys heard nothing from her. She's way more amazing," Jessica said, smiling at me. I blushed, wiping a few tears that formed at the corner of my eyes.
"Well, I'm pretty sure you guys will be pretty amazed when you see Jessica's dance moves. She's got the moves like Jagger," I told the fans of our fandom.
We talked for almost an hour, until slowly, our yawns became contagious and our eyes were drooping. So, we said our goodbye's.
"We should really do this again someday," Liam told us after shutting down his laptop.
"We absolutely should. I had so much fun and all of them were so sweet!" Delilah smiled widely.
"Some were very mean, though. We're sorry about that," Liam apologized.
"There's nothing you should apologize for, it's normal. I mean, no one is perfect," Jessica told him.
"Some people are," he said back, looking at me.
That's it, a whole zoo was set free inside my stomach.
Did he actually mean that?
"Awe," Eleanor cooed. I blushed even harder.
Kill me now.
"Um, I'm kind of sleepy now. How about we sleep and wake up early to do something else? Or how about we have a lazy day tomorrow?" Perrie said, saving me from the embarrassment I felt.
"It doesn't matter. We'll see when tomorrow comes. Right now, let's all head to bed," Niall replied. We all nodded, agreeing.
We said our goodnights and gave our special hugs. I headed to bed with a flushed face and a sleepy Jessica.
What is that I'm feeling?
Author's Note: Heya, my lovely fans! Missed me?
I hope you liked this chapter =)
Dedication is to @smilevibes , since she made me a trailer for Dare To Dream. Thank you! <3
I also want to thank you all for the amazing gift you gave me, 1K reads! I really can't thank you enough! I am really truly, madly, deeply happy and thankful for all what you have done to me. All the numerous votes, lovely comments, and myriad reads! Thank you all so freaking much! I love you all so much. You are all saved in the deep chambers of my heart. <3
~HG xx
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