Chapter~17 'Start Anew'
Chapter~ 17 'Start Anew'
After we ate our food, actually, after Niall ate our food, we decided to head home and get ready for our adventure to the carnival. So, after paying the bill and replying to the "Come again!" we were headed to different destinations. Jessica and I to our flat, Delilah to hers, and the other boys and girls to their hotel rooms.
It was once we entered the flat when I realized how much I've missed this place. How much I missed its scent, the way everything was organized, and most importantly, the love of my life.
My bed.
The whole time I was in a coma, I had these very weird dreams. Dreams that weren't necessarily scary, but not nice either. Waking up to the very unfamiliar smell of the hospital, to the very uncomfortable feeling of the mattress beneath me, wasn't very pleasant. I wasn't in my room in my Queen size bed. However, I was very grateful to have myself awake once more. To open my eyes and see once again.
The girls told me about everything. About my heart almost stopping. About Jessica fainting. About Taylor faking an apology. And most of all, about them being so sad and miserable. About their tears that never stopped.
The second they told me about all that, I felt very, very guilty. I didn't like the thought of my friends being so somber. They kept on apologizing for leaving me with Taylor and not believing me. They went on and on, saying sorry for hurting me.
Even though I was pretty sad when the doubted me, I'm happy it happened. Everything happens for a reason, for if I haven't gone with her, I wouldn't have known what she was up to. She would have done worse. She might have pulled her revenge on Jessica or any of the other girls and I didn't like the sound of that. Therefore, it was kind of worth it.
"You missed this place, didn't you?" Jessica asked, snapping me out of my deep thoughts.
"Yes, very much," I replied, smiling sadly. "I will go take a shower and get dressed. Meet you in about thirty minutes?"
"Perfect," she answered. I winked at her and headed to my room.
After taking a quick glance around and smiling in content, I took a quick yet very refreshing shower. Once done, I went over to my closet to look for an outfit.
I searched through my wardrobe, looking for something comfy yet nice to wear. I finally found a blue top I got while shopping with the girls and white, ripped shorts. I tried them on and they matched perfectly. I wanted to add a touch to the outfit, so I wore a brown belt and brown sandals, completing the look.
I looked at my reflection on the mirror and frowned.
My body.
I became so skinny. So skinny that I look like a toothpick. I look so unhealthy, as if I starved myself or something.
I hate it. I like my body normal, not too skinny nor fat.
A light knock on the door snapped me back to reality.
"Come in!" I cried. The door opened, revealing a beautiful figure. Jessica.
She was wearing a pink tank top with royal blue jeans and pink Converse. She looked amazing, as usual.
"Like what you see?" She asked, laughing a bit while twirling around.
"Not at all," I said, grinning. She frowned, causing me to laugh even more.
"I love it." I hugged her.
"You don't look bad yourself," she told me. I smiled, although it didn't really last.
"Look, Jess. I became so skinny! I look like a toothpick!" I told her. She looked like she was going to kill me.
"Are you kidding me? You look stunning! I won't lie to you, you did lose weight. But you're still the beautiful Izzy I met in school," she complimented with a serious look on her face.
"Thank you." I smiled shyly. "But seriously though, I really think I should eat more, now. I don't wanna lose more weight. I might disappear!" I told her.
"Oh God, Isabella. I-I can't b-breathe!" She laughed, tears falling from her eyes. I don't really understand how what I said made her laugh that much. She started holding her sides, and then fell on my bed.
Overall, it was so priceless that I cracked up as well.
I took a glance on the watch. Everyone will be here to pick us in about ten minutes.
"Jessica! They will be here soon. Now get your bum outta that bed and help me apply my makeup," I ordered after I slowly sobered up.
She tried to stop laughing, but failed.
This girl will be the death of me.
Well, it will be a good death.
"To the rollercoaster!" Louis exclaimed.
The place was huge and amazing. So many vivid colors filled the place. The sound of joyful screams, the sight of hopping children and cute couples, and the scent of delicious food made the carnival ten times better.
"Let's go!" I shout. "Last to the line pays for ice cream!"
"Prepare to get beaten!" Liam says as he races off.
"Hey! That's cheating!" I laughed before zooming behind him. Soon, everyone was following.
I was an inch away from beating Liam. I ran and ran, determined to beat his sorry butt. Then, I took him by surprise and reached the line first. His eyes widened in shock, and then he started twitching like an idiot.
"What? Embarrassed about being beaten by a girl?" I smirked at him. He just rolled his eyes and sighed.
"Whatever. I let you win anyways," he told me.
"Ha-ha! Very funny! You cheated and still got beaten by me!" I stuck my tongue out. "Liar, liar. Pants on fire! Lalalalala!" I sang, twirling around.
"Liam, you just got beaten by a girl. Poor guy!" Zayn teased Liam.
"Shut up." Liam glared at him.
The rest followed, "Liam, did Isabella just beat you?"
"Oh my Goodness, Liam. Isabella just won the race!"
"Dude, I feel bad for you."
"Yes! I know! Now, shut up!" He yelled. We all started laughing. He just stayed there, glaring wildly at us. Then, he started laughing along.
"Guess who's buying us ice cream?" I smirked.
After many games, we finally decided on having ice cream. Eleanor was the last one to the line, because she was wearing a dress. Yes, you heard that right.
She wore a dress to the carnival.
We kept on asking her why she wore one but she just shrugged, rolling her eyes at us.
What can I say? She is sassy, just like Louis. And that's why they're perfect for each other.
Speaking of the cute couple, Louis insisted on buying us ice cream instead of her. He was just being his gentle man self.
We ordered away and sat on a nearby bench. While eating, a girl that looked like she was 12 years old came and jumped up and down right in front of us. She squealed and jumped like there was no tomorrow. Our eyes widened While Delilah, Jessica, and I burst out laughing at how the boys and girls failed to disguise themselves.
"Oh my God! I love you guys so much! You are amazing. You saved my whole life! God, I love you. A lot! You can't even imagine! Can I please take a picture with all of you? Please? " She shrieked.
"Err- yeah! Sure!" Niall replied, pretty surprised. The boys took their positions and I took the girl's phone and took a picture.
I have to admit it was adorable. They smiled down sweetly at her, and knowingly, she was swooning inside.
"Thank you so much!" She hugged them all. Then, she turned around and faced me.
"By the way, are you Isabella? The girl who was on YouTube?" I nodded my head in utter shock, not able to speak. "Everyone is crazy about you! All my friends in school love you. You have an amazing voice. I'm a big fan!" She squealed at me. "Can I take a picture with you, too?" She asked, politely.
A big fan?
A picture?
With me?
"Y-yes, of course. Thank you." I smiled shyly. We took the picture and said our goodbyes. Then, we watched her as she hopped to her parents, saying:
"This is the best day ever!"
"Oh! You have a fan. Lucky you!" Delilah winked at me. I smiled from ear to ear.
"I cannot even believe it," I replied.
"You deserve all the best." Liam hugged me. I stood there, hands by my side, completely shocked. However, after regaining my confidence, I hugged him back, blushing.
"T-thank you," I stuttered nervously.
What's up with me?
I took a glance at Jessica, who was wiggling her eyebrows at me.
What's up with her?
Things just keep getting better and better. And I am enjoying every second of it. All I want to do is forget about what happened and move on. Everything about my past. I will live the great present and hope for an even better future.
I will start anew.
Author's Note: Hello! How is everyone?
Dedication goes to @InfinityLove_5 . Go check out her stories!
Thank you to every single fan that is reading this. I love you all. Very, very much. <3
~HG xx
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