Chapter~16 'We're back!'
Chapter~ 16 'We're Back!'
"Come on, let's go!" Louis said excitedly.
I'm really happy that everything is back to normal again. Everyone is delighted.
Louis is back to being the excited one again. Liam's sweet smile is back, making me blush as usual. Zayn started taking care of his hair after a long time of somberness. Harry's using his cheeky attitude once more, and he's not as shy with Delilah anymore. In fact, they're getting along pretty well, making us all smile in awe at their cuteness.
And Niall? Well, Niall hadn't stopped whining about wanting to stuff himself with proper food, completely disliking the food he unwillingly ate in the hospital. Then, when we decided to go to Nando's for lunch, he literally started dancing. A hop here, one there. The shimmy, a twirl. That boy... no comment.
After packing a few things and taking fresh showers, we were ready to leave this horrible place. The place we never want to see again. This hospital.
"To Nando's!" Niall put on his disguise (A mustache and a hat) and sped down the hallway to the exit doors.
We followed, giggling and trying to catch up with him. When it comes to food, he can be the fastest person in the universe.
It feels so good to smile again. To laugh with the ones you love and cherish. To be alive, overall. I can never be happier.
I sat in the driver's seat, and smiled at the sound of the engine roaring to life. However, I frowned immediately at the sight of Louis' raised eyebrows. He stared at me, hands on his hips, looking as sassy as ever.
"What do you think you're doing, young lady?" He asked.
"Uh- driving?" My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"No, you're definitely not driving. Come on, hop out," he ordered.
"But-" I frowned.
"No buts! Jump out. Now."
"Ugh. I hate you." I surrendered.
"No, you love me!" He sing-sang.
"No, I hate you!" I did the same. "It's my car. I'm supposed to drive it," I murmured.
"Not today, love," he replied, winking.
"I call shotgun, then." I said, hopping in.
"Oh, come on!" Niall groaned.
"Sowwy, Ni." I laughed at his terrible attempt to give me a death glare. "Don't do that. You look cute."
"Do not!" He tried harder.
"Do too!"
"Do not!"
"Do too!"
"Do not!"
"Whatever makes you sleep at night." I winked at him.
"You're being a meanie." He pouted.
"Let's go! I'm starving!" Niall whined.
"Welcome back, Niall." Delilah laughed, us following.
I put on my seat belt, looking at Louis. "Hit it!"
And he did.
"Make it quick, please. We're starving here!" Niall told the server.
"Yes, of course! It'll be right up!" She replied. Then, she walked away.
"Did you guys order for the body guards, too?" I asked, glancing at the three bodyguards in disguise, sitting at the table behind us.
"We did." Liam smiled.
"I still have no idea how in the world did no one recognize you guys, yet. I mean, this is a silly excuse of a disguise, to be honest," Delilah told the boys and girls. Harry frowned.
"What do you mean? We look fantastic." He glared at her.
"Like duh." Eleanor flipped her hair, making me laugh hysterically.
"Shut up," I managed to say, causing her to stick out her tongue at me.
"So, no one found out about us?" Jessica asked them in a hushed whisper. They boys shook their head.
"Well, not yet. But they'll have to find out someday. We can do a twit cam when you are ready to tell them," Liam answered.
"That's a great idea! What do you think, girls?" I smiled widely at the thought.
"I don't mind! Do you?" Jessica asked Della.
"No, not at all. We can actually do it today!" Delilah replied.
"Okay, then. How about we go to the carnival after we have lunch? Then, we can head to our hotel room for a sleepover and do the twit cam," Harry says.
"Yes! The carnival!" Jessica screamed in delight. Everyone looked at her, even the people eating next to us. She sunk into her chair in embarrassment.
"Okay. Let's do it!" Delilah says happily.
"Your food is ready." The server comes back with a tray full of deliciously cooked chicken. She puts it on the table, making Niall sigh in relief. However, when she takes a good glance at him, we all take a sharp breath.
The server furrows her eyebrows, shakes her head, then says, "Enjoy!"
"Now that... was close." Louis breathes.
"Let's eat!" I guess you know who said that. I don't have to say it again.
Should I?
Fine, it's Niall.
We all started digging in, moaning at the deliciousness of the chicken. We talked, laughed, and cherished every moment we spent together.
We're back. Back as a happy family.
Author's Note: Hey! So this is a new update for my lovely fans! Hope you enjoyed it! <3
Dedication goes to @Allure_ !
Love you all :*
~HG xx
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