Chapter~13 'I'm all alone.'
Chapter~13 'I'm all alone.'
Jessica's Point of View:
The very second my eyes fluttered open and took a glance around the room; everything looked like it's going to be a lovely day. Sunrays shone bright and the aroma of the beautiful flowers placed next to me made the corners of my lips rise slightly. However, once I remembered that I'm not home next to my gorgeous best friend, my lips formed a disappointed frown.
On the disgusting, uncomfortable hospital bed laid Isabella, breathing steadily, not moving a limb of hers. On the other side of the room, the boys and girls sat down enveloped in deep sleep.
I took my phone out of my bag and looked at the four bold numbers that inform me of the passing time. It was eight in the morning, and judging by the ugly tears threatening to fall, it was not good news.
Four hours left. Only four.
Four hours until we know the definite state of Isabella. We've all been waiting for those four hours that will tell us the news. Is she going to wake up before the time ends? Or is she going to stay asleep forever? Am I going to see her sparkling eyes again? Am I going to hear her soothing voice again?
She has to wake up. "She will." That's what everyone told me.
Before I knew it, I was crying again. My throat started itching and I found it challenging to keep my breathing steady.
Why am I complaining? I'm used to it, anyways.
Delilah's Point of View:
I woke up to the sound of Jessica's faint sobs. The sound of every single sob leaving her lips broke my heart to a million pieces. It's already hard knowing that Jessica is hurting a million times more than we are.
I took quiet, careful steps to her, promising myself that I'd try my best to help her calm down without getting yelled at. Whenever anyone tries to comfort her, she ends up either crying harder or screaming in our faces, saying that we should leave her alone.
Isabella is an amazing person. She is beautiful, inside and out. My heart swells with guilt at the sight of her in this situation. Taylor was planning for a sinister act, and we were blind. We couldn't see through her pure cruelty. It's all our fault, and I'm sure we all hate ourselves because it is.
"Come on, Jess. Let's go get your face cleaned. You also need a shower and some breakfast. You haven't eaten anything since-"
"No, I-I want to stay next to her. I can't leave her side. Not again. Not ever."
"It's okay, we won't be long. I promise."
"I said no! End of discussion!" She yelled at me, making me wince.
"You can go. If Izzy wakes up, you will be the first one to be informed," Perrie's voice popped out of nowhere.
"Fine. But promise me that even if I was taking a shower, you'd inform me. Please," Jessica pleaded.
"I promise," Perrie nodded.
I took Jessica's hand and headed through the door. But not before taking one last glance at Isabella and thinking, "It was all my fault."
Perrie's Point of View:
I took a seat on the bed next to Isabella's. The symptoms that usually come before the act of crying came flooding into me. Huge lumps, stinging eyes, and an itching throat. However, the dreaded tears never fell. It's like they ended. They dried out.
Why did this happen? What did Isabella do for all this to happen to her? She doesn't deserve this. If anyone does, then it's me. I'm the one that didn't believe her and let her go with that black-hearted person, Taylor.
I cautiously held her hand, afraid that with one simple wrong touch, her fragile self would break into pieces. I pressed lightly on her hand, feeling her steady pulse. She was breathing. She was very much alive. All she has to do is open her eyes. Can't she do that? After all, I don't blame her. We are the ones who doubted her. We're the ones who deserve all the pain, not her.
I started hearing beeping from the device next to me. Her chest was jumping up and down. Doctors rushed into the room and everyone woke up in astonishment. Delilah and Jessica rushed inside after the nurses. I had no idea what was happening. All I knew was that this wasn't good. Wide eyed, I looked at the clock on the top center of the wall in front of me. It was already 11: 00 am. I was scared. In fact, I was terrified. Terrified that I'd lose Isabella. Terrified I won't hear her cute little giggles or her smiles that light up the entire room.
The tears finally found their way to my eyes. They started falling like a waterfall.
Jessica's Point of View:
My heart started beating so hard as I rushed into the hospital room. I prayed to God that the horrible sounds weren't coming from Isabella's room. But they did. Doctors and nurses rushed beside her bed and started using scary tools. My eyes squeezed shut as I kept praying and praying that I won't lose my best friend. Liam, Delilah, Perrie and Eleanor started sobbing. The other boys started crying as well. Everyone was utterly worried. And me?
I just stood there feeling very dizzy. The room started spinning round and round. I fought the urge to close my eyes and sleep, as I was feeling very drowsy. But eventually, I lost the battle. I didn't only feel myself fall down, crashing to the ground like a high wave hitting the shore. But I also felt myself falling to pieces.
Everything darkened and I passed out. I don't know when or how. All I know now is that Isabella hasn't woken up, yet.
She might never do.
I'm all alone.
Author's Note: Hey! Chapter 13! =)
Dedication goes to @_Im_A_Crazy_Mofo_ ! Go check out her beautiful stories! :D
Question Time!: How many of you have seen the movie: This Is Us? I have and I totally ADORED it!
Thank you so much guys all the reads! I love you so much! <3
~HG xx
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