Chapter~ 1 'Back From Summer. Bummer!'
Chapter~ 1 'Back From Summer. Bummer!'
School's starting again tomorrow and just in case you're asking, I don't want to go at all. Eleventh was so difficult to go through. So many exams and assignments were there to complete. It always kept me extremely busy, which is something I really dislike.
What is senior year hiding for us?
I lazily opened the fridge door, silently praying to God that there'd be delicious food waiting for my company. I groaned once I found nothing but vegetables inside.
"Mom, what are we having for dinner? I'm starving!"
No answer. Ugh.
"Mom!" I yelled out, loud enough for her to hear me from upstairs.
"I'm not cooking tonight. I've got a night shift to do in the hospital. Please take care, okay? Maya sleeps at eight. Make something for both of you to eat." I groaned as I watched her hurriedly wear her sandals.
"Be responsible for once, please." She rolled her eyes. I took in a sharp breath and faked being heartbroken.
"That hurt right here, you know." I pointed at my heart. She chuckled, kissing my cheek.
"I'm sort of serious here." She gave me a warning look, and then headed out the door.
''Maya,'' I called out. ''Dinner's ready!''
''I'm coming!'' I heard her say.
We settled down and I, having a huge appetite, immediately started eating. I looked up, finding Maya staring at the food in disgust.
''Eat your food, we are running out of time. You should be in bed by eight, Maya.''
''How can you expect me to eat everything? You know how much I hate broccoli!'' I rolled my eyes at her ridiculous childish behavior.
''First, you have no idea how much I suffered while cooking this for both of us. Second of, yes, I do know how much you hate broccoli. Trust me, I hate broccoli even more, but it's healthy and it's important for your growth. So better eat everything up or else.'' I gave her a warning look.
''Or else what?'' she gave me a challenging stare.
That little devil.
''No fairies for your birthday,'' I said, brushing a strand of my brown hair out of my eyes. I know how much she loves her fairies, so why can't I use them against her?
Uh-oh, my evil side is taking over.
''Why so mean?''
"I'm not being mean; I'm doing this for your own good. You should be thankful. So let me get this straight. If you eat your food, including broccoli, you get to add a new fairy in your fairy world-"
"Good Morning!" Mom sang as she kissed my cheek.
"Good Morning, Mom," I greeted, smiling.
"So, are you ready for your first day?"
"I guess so."
I don't really know whether I really am ready for school or not. However, one thing I know for sure is that being reminded of it is something I hate.
"Good, now eat your breakfast."
"Thanks," I replied, sighing in relief once the happy thought of not driving Maya to school crossed my mind. So, you could say that it was just the perfect start.
I put on my earphones, listening to One Direction's special play list I have on my iPod. The one that I terribly enjoy. Side by side, Jessica and I head to the school gates, inhaling the scent of pure torture.
Luckily, my locker is next to Jess', which is amazing, since we could always just meet up between lessons to chat without a worry.
I sadly take out my Algebra books along with my pens.
"Algebra?" Jessica asks me. I nod sadly.
"English." She sticks out her tongue, teasingly.
"Lucky." I glare at her.
"Always." She flips her hair.
The bell rang and just then, we knew that high school has begun.
As soon as the school day was over, Jessica and I rushed to the nearest ice cream shop. It was a hot day, so ice cream was perfect.
Both of us ordered Cookies and Cream, which was always our favorite since third grade.
"I can't believe that Taylor didn't bug us today," she stated, laughing.
"Would she dare? I mean like, that's such a childish thing to do at this stage of life."
"You know Taylor. She would do anything."
"You're right. Anyways, let's enjoy our ice cream without the dreadful thought of hopeless Taylor. Shall we?"
"We shall."
I have a good feeling about this year. Let's hope it just lasts.
Author's Note:
Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Thanks a bunch for reading! =)
Dedicated to @salmalcmn ❤️
~ HG xx
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