The game : Chasang
It was not normal. Yes something was not normal. Hakyeon was sure now. He knew Hyuk for years. He had seen him grow up before his eyes. He knew his habits. Hyuk loved him. Yes he knew Hyuk loved him, but his way to show it at him was to run away as soon he saw Hakyeon approach him. Yes, Hakyeon knew that he gave him too many hugs. But what he could do ? Hyuk was too cute. And Hakyeon like cute things. Still, he felt that Hyuk had changed since the beginning of the week. He who usually spent his day playing before the video game or annoy Leo, Hongbin and Ken, never left them for him. But now, Hyuk wake him in the morning, helped him prepare breakfast for the group, agreed to go to the movies with him and even gave him massages certain nights. Weird. Do Hyuk had received the mission to be nice to him? Hakyeon had to verify his theory. He crossed his legs and began comfortable on his couch. Where was Hyuk? Yet spirited play on his console with Hongbin. Usually he did not like to be disturbed during its parts, it was the perfect time to test the theory. "Hyuk, comes to see me," yelled Hakyeon. "Immediately hyung" said Hyuk. Hakyeon saw him throw his joystick and run to him with a smile. Very weird. "What do you want hyung? You need me ? "Asked Hyuk. A mischievous smile appeared on the face of Hakyeon. He would test his theory to the end. "Made me laugh Hyuk. Hyung is tbore. Show me how you're cute, "said Hakyeon. Usually Hyuk will fled the room. He hated playing cute boy, yet Hakyeon saw him start singing and making cute faces. Hyuk began with the song "I've seen a ghost," and his song "niam..niam" then he turned on himself by launching various forms of hearts towards Hakyeon. The latter was laughing hard. It was the best day of his life. Hyuk never been so cute. "Hahahah it's good Hyuk. You're too cute, "said Hakyeon. " Do you love it ? Are you satisfy about me? "Asked Hyuk. Hakyeon hesitated to give him an answer. Hyuk asked him this question far too often lately,he changed the discussion. "Go get me a banana milk, I'm thirsty," he said. "Immediately Hyung" said Hyuk running to the fridge. Hakyeon watched him go with a smile on his lips. He was sure now. Hyuk had received a mission, and this mission was related to him, Hakyeon.
As soon as Hakyeon lives Hyuk return to his game with Hongbin, he rushed to his room. He had to find the message stating the mission. Hyuk used to keep his things. But where was he hiding? Hakyeon rummaged in drawers, on shelves, on his desk in the bathroom ... He searched everywhere but no sheet mentioning a mission had been found. Hakyeon was about to give up when his eyes met the bed of Hyuk. He had not looked under the bed. He rushed over. He then found the coveted paper. "Dare or not: serving Hakyeon to its satisfaction. Your slave status will only be lifted when he says: I am pleased with you, "Hakyeon reads aloud. A smile played on his lips. He did not know who gave this task to Hyuk, but that person had just given him the greatest gift in the world. So Hyuk was his slave and must obey his orders until he was pleased with him. This was not a mission but a godsend. He was going to enjoy it. "Welcome to hell Hyuk" he said, leaving the room.
Hyuk was tired. Yet he had made so much effort. For a week he had received the mission, he had done everything to please Hakyeon but he had never said he was pleased with him. He offered him a massage every night, helped him in his activities and entertained him. And God knows he hated to play the cute little boy. He did not know who sent this mission but that person was a real devil, and had really hate him. Could it be that Hakyeon has sent the mission? No, he could not. The rules specifies that someone could not launch a challenge in relation to himself. So who could it be? wondered Hyuk. He wanted to find out for his revenge because now his life was a hell. He was all the time with Hakyeon. He looked at his hands full loaded with bag products and sighed. Hakyeon had brought him to the movies. He was so stuck to him that the people around them had taken them for a couple. Some even came to congratulate them. Hyuk had been so ashamed when Hakyeon was all smiles and thank people and had accepted the compliments. He did not even make the effort to establish the truth. Hyuk wanted to scream his frustration but then he would have lost his mission and efforts for one week would have served for nothing. He had to be brave. He then followed Hakyeon in several shops to buy goods and clothes. Hyuk now had arms full of bags and he was eager to get home. Hakyeon had kept with him all day and it was getting dark. He lives Hakyeon press the elevator button of their building. A few more minutes and it would be over for the day.
"Bipp" said the red light of the elevator when the latter stopped. What was happening ? Hyuk pressed the button of the floor but nothing worked. They were stuck in the elevator. Suddenly the dark fell, and Hyuk heard his hyung making a cry. Hakyeon was afraid of the dark. "Hyuk, where are you? I'm afraid it's too dark, "said Hakyeon. "I'm right next you Hyung, I try to call for help," said Hyuk. He pressed the troubleshooting button several times, but received no response. What was happening ? He felt a hand on his leg. Hyuk jumped in fear. "It's me Hyuk, come near me, I'm really scared," said Hakyeon. Hyuk put the bags on the ground and sat next to his hyung. Hakyeon must have really be scared because Hyuk felt him shaking in the corner of the elevator. What should he do? They were alone in the dark and into an elevator that did not work. Hyuk tried to think of all possible solutions. His cellphone ? No he did not have the network inside the elevator. He felt Hakyeon cross arms on his legs and continue shaking. Hyuk had to take care of his leader first. He took off his jacket and turned to Hakyeon to put it on his shoulders. But when Hyuk leaned to Hakyeon he felt something cold and wet on his lips. What could this be? Hyuk opened his mouth and pulled his tongue to lick this thing to know what it was. But when he slipped his tongue, he felt this thing open and his tongue went to meet something warmer. This thing moved and Hyuk understood the situation. He was kissing Hakyeon. In shock, Hyuk froze. What should he do? He had no time to think about it long because the kiss of Hakyeon became more pressing and Hyuk found himself responding with passion. How this thing could be so good and sweet? He wanted more. He felt the hands of Hakyeon slip under his shirt. His hands were cold and Hyuk felt a shiver of pleasure through his body. Hyuk remembers then the picture that Leo had shown them. He remembered having felt his body react to his leader lying naked on the floor. He remembered wanting to touch that amber skin color and now this dream had become reality. Too bad he could not see it, but he could feel it. He could feel Hakyeon move in his arms. He could feel the soft texture of his skin and especially he could taste it. Hyuk let his tongue slide along the skin of Hakyeon. He heard the groans of his hyung. This only increased his excitement. Hyuk let his hand slide along the thigh of Hakyeon. God, he loved that feeling. He let his hand brush against the crotch of Hakyeon and the latter gave a cry. Had he really liked his touch ? wondered Hyuk. He put his hand in the same place and felt a big lump palpable. He heard Hakyeon breathing becoming fast and strong. Was he had found his escape? wondered Hyuk. He then slid his hand inside the pants of Hakyeon. The groans of this leader became stronger. "Did you love it Hyung? "Asked Hyuk moving his hand up and down. "Oh yes," replied Hakyeon. "More than when I gave you a massage or when I sing for you? "Asked Hyuk. "Much more," said Hakyeon panting. Hyuk smiled. He had found his escape door. He sent down the closure of his pants and pulled his hyung member of his underwear. He let his hand slide slowly along this hot all member. "Hyuk ... please," begged Hakyeon. "Are you please with me? "Asked Hyuk. He did not hear an answer. Hakyeon refused to talk. Hyuk then slid his tongue along the member of Hakyeon. He went very slowly, sometimes biting, sometimes sucking. He felt Hakyeon shaking more. It would not last long. "Hyuk ... please," even begged Hakyeon. "Are you satisfied with me? "Hyuk asked again. Still no answer. Hyuk was in no hurry. He had plenty of time to enjoy this feast. "Hyukkkkk" yelled Hakyeon. "Yes hyung" said Hyuk in a mischievous voice. "Please," said Hakyeon. "First Answers to my question," said Hyuk. He knew his hyung was tired. He had won. "Yes I'm satisfied with you then please finish the job" yelled Hakyeon. " As you wish Hyung ," said Hyuk taking everything into his mouth. He discovered that he love this soft, silky texture. He also liked the sound of Hakyeon's moaning. He felt that his body wanted more. But he would first meet Hakyeon's desire. His freedom depended on it. He felt a liquid spray in his mouth and without thinking Hyuk swallowed it. This sensation was exquisite. He began to lick the rest when he felt a bright light dazzled his eyes.
" Are you ok ...." asked Hongbin before stopping at the sight of Hyuk holding in his mouth a part of the anatomy of Hakyeon. What had been happening in the elevator? he asked himself. He had missed a great opportunity. He lives Hakyeon recover quickly, put his clothes in and going out of the elevator. For Hyuk, he sat down and looked at Hongbin with a big smile. "You missed something hyung," he said.
Hyuk and Hongbin were sitting in the room and Hyuk related everything to his hyung. He could not return to reality. His experience was too good. "So who do you think sent this mission? "Asked Hongbin. " I do not know. I know this is not Hakyeon hyung and that is not you. It then remains Ken hyung, Leo hyung and Ravi hyung "said Hyuk. "Ken is too busy at the moment with his TV show and Ravi is often busy writing new songs, leaving only Leo hyung" said Hongbin. " You are right. Do you think he understood that I had sent him his last mission? "Asked Hyuk. "So you were the culprit. I had my suspicions, but I was not sure. How could you ask such a challenge? I now understand why you received this challenge. Leo had to take revenge, "said Hongbin. "Um, revenge? You are right. I also think it's Leo who sent this challenge. But his challenge is much worse than mine. I suffered for a week because of him. I will also take my revenge, "said Hyuk. "Your revenge? How you gonna do ? "Asked Hongbin. Hyuk turned his head towards the door of his room and smiled. Hongbin followed his gaze and realized that Ravi was sitting in the living room with his ear on the ears. It still had to be spirited to compose a new song. "Leo and Ravi? You are crazy ? "Said Hongbin. Hyuk smiled. "Leo and Ravi are the most macho of the group. It will be nice to see them in action, "said Hyuk. "Indeed, the house will explode," said Hongbin.
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