"Where are you going hyung?" Ken asked. Hakyeon did not take the time to reply. He was late for his appointment. He picked up his keys and jacket, then ran to the door. "I have to see Minhyuk, I would not be long Ken. Tell others to eat without me, "said Hakyeon before closing the door on him. Ken watched him leave with great bitterness. For days Hakyeon had no time for anyone. Every day it was Minhyuk here, or Minhyuk there. There was nothing left but for this man. Was Hakyeon in love with him? Ken wondered. Then he shook his head. No, Hakyeon saw him as his best friend. Moreover, these two had several times the chance of being able to sleep together, but they preferred to spend hours discussing together. No Hakyeon was more attracted by manly men, he liked to be dominated, said Ken. But he was not so sure of his theory. However, it did not change the fact that he felt lonely. Hakyeon had abandoned them. He felt a hand resting on his shoulder. It was Hyuk's. "He's gone again ?" Hyuk asked. Ken nodded. "It's like we no longer exist for him. Did we harm him?» Ken asked. Hyuk shook his head. "No hyung, he just likes Minhyuk more than us," he said. They heard a person laughing at them. Hyuk and Ken turned and discovered Hongbin in front of the living room door. "You're like two big kids crying because your mother wants to have a little fun. Leave N hyung alone and find yourselves a life, "says Hongbin. Hyuk advanced towards him and dominated him with all his might. "Swear that you too do not feel rejected by N Hyung's behavior," Hyuk said. "Hmm ... maybe that truth, but I do not make it a major problem," says Hongbin. "Well, I do," Ken said, standing up. The three men looked at each other in silence. « We had to discuss this problem.» said Hyuk.
"Yes Sungjae, I totally agree with you. We'll have a good time, "Hyuk said, hanging up his phone. Ken and Hongbin looked at him awaiting his answer. They had spent several minutes discussing and the decision to seek the help of one of the members of the Minhyuk group had been made. Hyuk being friend with Sungjae, it was the person he called first, and he did well because his friend had an excellent idea. He too was tired of seeing Hakyeon and Minhyuk hang out all the time together. The operation "heart broken" was born. Hyuk leaned over his brothers and explained the whole plan. "You think it's going to work?" Ken asked. Hongbin dared not ask this question. He knew the extent of the pervert mind of Hyuk and his friend because he had already experienced it. "Yes hyung, Sungjae will bring all BTOB members together and we have to do the same, and especially nobody should know that it's a trap. Hakyeon hyung will discover another facet of his friend.» Said Hyuk. "Do you know it's not our turn to challenge someone ? » Asked Hongbin. "Yes, I know, but we do not have to start a game. We are expected at the BTOB house. They also started the same game as us and tomorrow it's Sungjae's turn to throw a challenge, "said Hyuk. "What a coincidence!" Murmured Hongbin. He did not know what Hyuk and Sungjae were saying on the phone, but one thing was certain it was that these two children had organized some nonsense. He closed his eyes and followed the alliance of the other two members of his group. He did not know what day he was going to be tomorrow, but he was sure he was going to have fun.
Ravi and Leo were confused. Why an evening with BTOB members? They had seen each other a lot lately because of their promotions. Moreover, in recent days Hakyeon was all the time with Minhyuk. Besides, the two men recalled that they had to remove their leader from this man. Why ? They did not know. They just wanted Hakyeon away from this man. As soon as the door opened, Eunkwang threw himself on them. "Come in, we've been waiting for you a long time," he said. Hakyeon rushed into the arms of his best friend. Ilhoon invited Ravi to sit next to him on the sofa. Hyunsik moved closer to Ken but was overtaken by Changsub. Peniel tried his luck next to Leo, but he felt a little intimidated. The two maknae watched the scene smiling. Everyone was there. Their plan could begin.
The evening went very well. There was a lot of laughter and the food was adequate. The young people mistrusted at the video games while the big ones were discussing in the sofa. As usual, Hongbin won all the games, which quickly discouraged the rest of the young people who decided to join the big ones in their discussion. At first they talked about their anecdotes, like the time they played bowling together, or when Hyuk and Sungjae declared themselves rappers and made a Rap duel. Leo laughed at the disguises of BTOB members as womens to redo the Red velvet song "Dum dum dum". The reaction of the members of BTOB was not delayed. And they brought out the disguises of the members of VIXX for the song "so hot" from Wonder girls, and that of Hongbin for the song « something » from Girls day . They all laughed, and the eternal covenant was heard. "BTOB" said Eunkwang. "VIXX," said Hakyeon. « CROSS » yelled the other members of the two groups. The evening continued in good spirits until the two young men decided it was time to begin the attack.
"I heard you also play this game. Is that true? » Hyuk asked. " Which game ? » Peniel asked innocently. "The game where you have to meet the desires of the chosen person or be punished," Hyuk replied. A tension settled in the room. Everyone knew the answer, but nobody wanted to talk. "I love this game. I already got N Hyung, Hongbin hyung and Ken hyung," said Hyuk. Hakyeon got up quickly and put a hand on his mouth. " What are you saying Hyuk? Are you drunk? » Hakyeon asked. Hyuk shook his head. " Hum, you did not do much. I almost slept with everyone. My favorite was with Minhyuk hyung. He's so cute when he groans, "Sungjae said. He knew he had just thrown a bomb into the room. The others had trouble breathing. But the maknaes had not yet finished their plan. Hyuk slid into his leader's arms and pulled his cellphone out of his pocket. He put a picture in front of Minhyuk's face, then Eungwan, then Ilhoon, Changsub .... Everyone who saw the picture turned red like a tomato. Hakyeon stood up and pulled the cell phone out of Hyuk's hands. He was shocked to see his naked body lying on the ground. He remembered this picture. It was the one that commemorated his first sexual relationship with Leo. He looked at Hyuk with murderous eyes. Hyuk did not wait and run to hid behind Leo. He had gone beyond the limits and he knew it. However, he did not know that his friend had prepared something more explosive than him. He knew it only when moaning began to be heard in the room.
Sungjae had waited for the right moment to turn on the video. He had taken it as a memory without warning his partner, but today it served him to realize his plan to destroy the relationship between Hakyeon and Minhyuk. On the video, you could see Minhyuk howling with pleasure and moving his buttocks to feel Sungjae's presence inside him. He continued rubbing and yelling until he was enjoying himself on the bed. Sungjae knew he had won. It was the first time that people saw this secret side of Minhyuk. He increased the sound to let them hear the moaning becoming louder and louder. He expected to see people get upset or feel uncomfortable. But no, when he looked around, he saw something else. Each person was focused on the video and one could easily read the desire on their faces. Instead of disgusting them, he had just stirred up their desire. He himself felt that his pants were beginning to become narrow. He cleared his throat and tried to speak, but no one listened to him. Envy was present and she was pressing.
Hakyeon could not look away from the video. Was it really his friend who howled with pleasure? The situation was tempting, really tempting, he thought. He felt tingling in his lower abdomen. And the more he looked, the more he felt his crotch grow bigger and bigger. When he turned to the others, he was shocked. Several eyes peered at him as if he were naked. The photo had its effect and he could see the desire to be read in the eyes of the members of BTOB, even in those of his friend. Hakyeon quickly put his hands in front of his crotch. "Anyah," he said. But the answer came quickly because Eungwang, Changsub and Ilhoon had come closer to him. "We just want to see," Eungwang said. Before Hakyeon could react, he was on the ground and hands had entered his clothes. They soon discovered the evidence of Hakyeon's excitement. The pants disappeared very quickly. Hakyeon was exposed to the eyes of all, and his red anatomy full of joy rose before their eyes. "No, I can not restrain myself," Minhyuk said before getting up and hugging his friend. He was the first to taste the sweet skin of Hakyeon. Leo who was sitting and watching the scene could not hold back a smile. His leader was going to have a great time. He felt a hand drop on his crotch and begin to lower the closing of his pants. "Hyuk, but what ..." Leo began. "It's not for me, but for Sungjae," Hyuk replied. Before Leo could react, Sungjae had already swallowed the entirety of his penis in his mouth. Leo could only answer a "ohhhhhh" of pleasure.
Ravi looked at everything that was going on around him. Ken and Hyunsik were already touching each other on the sofa. Each had his hand in the trousers of the other and caressed themselves. On the floor, Minhyuk gave Hakyeon pleasure while Eungwang was playing with his mouth. He loved the mixture between Hakyeon's tongue and his anatomy still hot of desire. Ravi saw all this and he could not help touching himself. He noticed that Ilhoon and Hongbin were already at the top and Hongbin moaned with pleasure at the edge of enjoyment. Peniel and Changsub were beginning to touch each other. Ravi walked towards them and spread Chansub to the ground. He did not wait until he put a finger on him. He had too much desire to relieve himself. He felt Peniel's mouth on his penis. Ravi relaxed. He could have fun while he relaxed Changsub. Peniel was doing a good job and Ravi believed he would not hold to the end, but he managed to take possession of Changsub before his body betrayed him. He felt the desire to rise in him more and more strongly, and the groans he heard around him only increased his desire even more. He relieved himself inside Changsub. But he still wanted to. He still took the time to look around. Leo had taken possession of Sungjae, who shouted with pleasure like a little girl. Ken and Hyunsik were on the brink of enjoyment. Ilhoon was now with Hyuk and Hongbin with Minhyuk. As the two leaders explored each part of their anatomy. Ravi turned to Peniel. The latter was already awaiting his turn. Thus the evening continued between the groans of pleasure and the cries of enjoyment of the limbs.
Hyuk hung up his phone. He had just spoken to his friend Sungjae. It was now a week since the evening scheduled to break the heart of Hakyeon. It was a disaster. He had had many pleasures, but the objective of their plan was not attained. Instead of fleeing Minhyuk, Hakyeon now had much more desire to see him. The members had to keep him in the house to prevent him from going out to join him. Before the two friends were only discussing, but now the Vixx were afraid that their leader would sleep with this man every day and fall in love. Hyuk saw his leader come out of his room. "Where are you going N hyung?" Ken asked, following him. " To Join Minhyuk," their leader replied. Ken looked at him without being able to tell him anything. He felt betrayed. But Hakyeon stopped just before leaving the house and then retraced his steps. "Are you sad because I'm not often at home? » Hakyeon asked. Ken pouted. "Yes, you do not care about us anymore. You like us less than your friend, "Ken said. Hakyeon burst out laughing and took him in his arms. "Oh my baby but you'll always be more important to me. I thought you did not want to see me dragging at home so I went out to leave you room. But if it makes you sad then I will stay every day. Promised. » Said Hakyeon. He took Ken in his arms and held him tight. "Come on and help me prepare the meal," Hakyeon said, pulling a happy Ken by his arm. Hyuk also felt happy. In fact they had chosen a difficult solution. It was just enough to tell their leader that they were missing him and Hakyeon would have stayed home. Hyuk smiled at his stupidity. He approached his big brothers sitting in the living room and asked: "The BTOBs would like to eat at our home, what do I give them as an answer? ". A unanimous "NO" replied. The members of the VIXX were finally happy, they had found their leader.
Hello, then I first want to dedicate this chapter to @N_Vixx_Saranghae who gave the idea of this chapter. That is proof that I am reading your comments and I am listening to you as well. So continue to leave me a lot of comments and vote. Big kisses «33
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