Untitled Part 6
"Please don't make me do this!"Louie beggged Donald, He was referring to leaving Della to watch the boys while Scrooge and Him are on an adventure. Donald was packing His stuff while Louie was sitting on Donald's bed on the boathouse.
"I don't want to Louie but it might be good for you"Donald explained.
"Come on Please don't leave us with Della, or better yet just take me with you"Louie suggested
"Would it kill ya to call her mom?"Donald asked
"Probably"Louie said with His arms crossed
"Im just doing what I think is best for you lou, I'm sure it'll be fine just try to be good ok?"He asked
"Fine"He said
Donald looked at Louie He looked kinda down so He placed his hand on his shoulder "Hey it's going to be ok"Donald said "Its only a couple of days"He smiled and Louie half smiled back and Donald went to the other room to grab something.
"A couple days with Della is like an eternity"He said to himself then laid down dramatically.
Webby was going to leave that morning, but she didn't want to without saying goodbye to Dewey so she ran upstairs to Huey Dewey and Louie's room where he was. "Dewey can we at least talk about it?"she asked
"Talk about you leaving forever?, sure why not?"He said incredibly rude.
"I don't get you!, how is this any different from what you did back at selene?"She asked
"I wasn't going to stay at selene leaving my best friend forever!"He yelled
"Yes you were Dewey because I almost saw you Die!"She yelled back
Dewey stopped and looked at Webby who was starting to cry "I didn't know if you'd make it, and It was the worst feeling in the world"She said
"Webby I didn't mean to-"He started to say something till webby interrupted
"I don't care Dewey it still hurt!"She yelled
There was a long silence till webby finally said "Two weeks"
"What?"Dewey asked
"Let me stay on selene for two weeks before I decide what to do"She explained
"Two days"He said
"14 days"She said
"Thats two weeks!"He said
"So it's a deal?"She asked
"One week, last offer?"He suggested
She smiled brightly and shook his hand "It's a deal".
A couple hours later Webby was leaving, She had seven days with her mom and she wasn't going to waste time, Scrooge already said that if webby didn't want to stay with Diana she can stay with Him so she wasn't worried.
"Welp I guess this is it"She said
"Hey webby, I know I haven't exactly been nice to you but you are kinda like a sister to me"Louie said
She smiled and hugged Louie "Thanks Louie, it means everything"She said
She hugged Huey
"Have fun webby and don't forget this"He said handing her an extra bag
"Whats in it?"She asked
"A first aid kit, Safty goggles, an emergency flashlight, an emergency blanket, fire starters, matches,Some snacks,extra water you might need and your quacky patch doll you forgot"He said
She looked at him confused then looked Inside, She smiled when she saw the doll and hugged Huey "Thanks"She said
Dewey and webby looked at each other and frowned.
"Well have fun with you're mom"Webby said
"Yeah you too"Dewey said
"Well...Bye!"She said very awkwardly and hugged Dewey
He hugged her back and she stopped took a step back looked at Him again and grabbed his shirt and pulled Him tword her and kissed Him. Then she ran away as fast as she could. Dewey was blushing a little and the other two just stared
"Della are you sure you can handle this?"Donald asked
"Of course I can don,trust me"She said
"Everytime you say "Trust me" Something bad happens!"He said
"Donald come on, I read a couple of the same parenting books you read when you first started out, I'm going to be the best mom theses kids have ever had!"She said excitedly
"Oh Walt"Donald sighed "Well remember they can't stay up past nine o'clock, Don't let them watch horror movies Louie says he can handle it but he really can't, Don't give Dewey any caffeine and not too much sugar got it?"He asked
"I got it Donald"She said then started to push Him to the living room
"Also don't forget, Huey's jr woodchuck meeting is tomorrow, You have to Be there to sign Him up"He said
"I know Donald you told me"She said
"Maybe the boys aren't ready for this"Donald's said
"I don't think you're ready for this"Della said
"You're right Della I just hate leaving them overnight"Donald said "Promise to call tonight and early morning and if there's anything wrong Call got it?"He said
"We promise to call woodchucks honor"She said
"Let's get this over with"Scrooge said getting the bags into the plane.
The boys hated not having Donald there no matter what the case,They all hugged Him tight
"Be good for your mother ok boys?"He asked
"We will"Huey and Dewey said
"Louie, Please try to make the most of it"He said Looking at Him, Louie nodded and hugged Donald again.
"Betta get a move on lad or we'll never make it"Scrooge said
"Good luck, Huey help your mom if she needs it, Dewey be good and don't get into trouble and Louie be nice"He said.
"Yes uncle Donald"They all said
"Seriously Della if you need anything-"Donald started to say
"I'll call"She said as she pushed Donald to the plane.
She shut the door and took a deep breath. "Who's ready for a weekend of great educational value, fun packed weekend?"She asked excitedly.
"This is going to be the longest two days ever"Louie said then Huey and Him walked away.
"Give it some Time"Dewey said.
Authers note:This chapter is kinda short sorry about that i hope you enjoyed.
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