Untitled Part 5
The next couple of days have been hard, Donald,Scrooge and Della barely talked to each other since the dance, Louie hasn't talked much either and everything has just been really uncomfortable and Huey was going to put a end to this somehow.
On the bright side Jose got a new job in duckburg at a hotel. "Thanks again for letting me stay here Donald"Jose said shaking his hand
"I'm sorry for the inconvenience Jose"Donald said
"You did me a favor Donald, don't apologize"He said
Donald hugged Jose "I'm going to miss you pal"He said
"I'll be able to visit more often so don't worry, you'll get sick of me before you know it"Jose winked
Huey,Dewey and Louie ran over to say goodbye to Jose, They huggged him tight.
"Well Uncle Jose it was nice having you here"Huey said
"Awe thank you Huey"Jose said
"Come visit us soon ok?"Dewey said
"I will Dewey"Jose answered
Louie didn't say anything for a second then everyone looked at Him impatiently
"Oh right"Louie said "Stay cool"He said
Jose laughed and hugged Louie "Never change ok Louie?"
Louie smiled and looked back at His phone.
"Well I better be going now, bye Donald"Jose hugged Donald one more time "Bye little caballeros"He said then drove away.
"You know, Jose is a nut but I like Him"Louie said
"Yeah, it'll be great with Him living closer to us right Dewey?"Huey asked but Dewey already left. He knew Webby and Him needed to talk, He knocked on Her door and it slowly opened
"Webby?..."Dewey called "Are you here?"He asked, He slowly walked in and Webby pounced on Him and held a sword to his neck.
"Woah woah woah webby it's me!"He shouted fearfully.
Webby got up "Oh sorry about that"Webby said as she helped Him up "So what's up?"She asked
"Well I wanted to see the Della file again"He said "If that's ok?"He asked
"Of course"Webby said she gave Him the file and He started to look through it.
"What are you looking for?"She asked
"Information about my dad"He said Webby hit Him on the head "Owe, what was that for?"He asked
"Oops I thought I saw a spider on you"She said Dewey gave her a look "Ok fine I hit you because your an idiot"She said
"What makes me an idiot?"Dewey asked
"Don't you get that no matter who your father is Donald will always be your real dad right?"She asked
"Of course I know that webs, I'm going to try to find Him I just want to know who he is"He explained
"Why?"She asked
"Because..."He started to say "
Fergus married downy and had hortence, Hortence married quackmore and had Uncle Donald and my mom and that's the end of the story, Uncle Donald and Della know who they are and where they came from but I don't even know his first name"He said "Also look at me, im my mom the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree"He said
"I guess that's true"Webby said "I wish I could help you on your journey but..."
"But what?"He asked
"I might be leaving"She said, She took out her horn that Diana gave Her.
"What do you mean webs?, where are you going?"He asked
"Are you ready for a serious boyfriend girlfriend relationship?"She asked
"The truth?"He asked
"Yes Please"She said eagerly and nervously.
"We're really young and I barley understand how I feel all I know is that I have strange feelings when your around and I want to be there with you no matter what"He said
"Is that a yes?,Or no?"She asked
"First tell me what you think"He said nervously.
"I feel the same way you do, and I don't entirely understand why I feel this way only to you but, I don't think two people who live together should date, I don't think people our age should date period."She said
"I understand"He said
"Now I need to tell you something"She said, She took a deep breath and tried to hold back the tears "I'm leaving"She said
"Where?"He asked
"My mom wants me to live with Her, and I really want to get to know her"She said
"Wait a minute your just going to leave?"He asked
"Dewey I thought you'd be happy for me"She said
"Why would i be happy about loosing my best friend?"He asked
"You're not loosing me, I'm just moving away that's all"She said
"Would I be able to text you?"Dewey asked
"I don't have a phone remember?"She answered
"Email you?"He asked
"I don't have that either"She said
"What if we wrote letters instead?"He asked
"Good luck finding a mailmen that'll go to the moon"She laughed
"Well fine then, that's it?"He asked "I'm just never gonna see you again and I'm supposed to be happy about it?"He asked
"Dewey how is this any different then you and Della?"She asked
"Della moved here!"He said "Fine you know what go to the moon, Have a nice life"He said then ran out and slammed the door behind Him.
Minima went to the address tahat Lena gave Her, it lead to an alley very similar to Her own neighborhood. She stayed silent until Lena showed up "Hey Minima"She said awkwardly.
"Hey Lena"She said back just as awkward they stayed silent for a couple seconds then Lena said "So, We should probably start"She said
"Yeah"Minima also said
"First, since we're going to be sisters again we should know more about each other right?"She asked
"Yeah ok"Minima said
"So tell me about yourself"She said
"I guess it speaks for itself I live with our aunt on our moms side"She said
"Cool, because I live with our aunt on our Dads side"She laughed awkwardly "How ironic is that?"She asked
"Yeah"Minima laughed awkwardly too "Well thanks for doing this Lena"She said
"Hey no sweat"She said "I think you deserved a second chance"Lena said
"um what?"Minima asked "You mean it was nice of me to give you a second chance right?"She asked
"Um No, you're the one who gave up the number one dime and ruined our chances to find our father!"She said
"You completely rejected me"Minima said "Besides you know as well as I do that magica can't be trusted!"She said
"Just stop!"Lena shouted "Why can't you just admit you were wrong?"She asked
"Because you're the one who's wrong!"She yelled
"Get out!"Lena yelled back
"You would never have treated webby like this!"Minima said
"Well guess what, Webby isn't a little brat like you!"She said
"You don't know what I've been through"They both said at the same time.
Minima looked at Lena with disgust and ran away, Lena ran the opposite way to the same place.
Lena walked inside and into webby's room, "Hey webby"She greeted
"Hey"She said back
"I hate my stupid sister"Lena said She explained what happened between her and minima. "Can you believe her?"She asked
"Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of hers either"Webby said "But weather you like it or not she's your sister, Something I always wanted
"Me too"Lena said
"Maybe if you admit you were wrong even if you weren't, just so you can get over this fight and be sisters again just like you always wanted"She said very supportive.
"hey you ok?"She asked
"I upset Dewey"She said
"How?"She asked
"well I'm going to live with my mom Diana and selene"She said
"What?"Lena asked
"My granny isn't even my real grandmother, She was paid to look after me"She said sadly
"I'm so sorry webby"She said
"Are you upset with me too?"She asked
"Of course not, we're friends I support you"She said
"Maybe you should support your sister aswell"She said
Minima climbed Into Huey's window, Huey opened it and let her in "Well well well, what do we have here?"He asked
"Lena is the most annoying person on the planet!"She ranted
"Nope, the most annoying people live at my house"Huey said "But continue"
"She's treating me like an outsider who needs her great wisdom or something she drives me crazy!"She said "You have two, how do you handle it?"She asked
"can't live with them, yet can't live without them"Huey said
"What?"She asked
"My brothers are annoying, irresponsible, mean and completely obnoxious"Huey said "But I couldn't imagine a life without them, There's a odd relationship between siblings that doesn't quite make sense, They're always there for you and no matter who your friends are they're nothing compared to your sibling"He said
"What should I do?"She asked
"Want an honest answer?"Huey asked
"Yeah"She replied
"Apologize and talk to her about it"He said
"I'll think about it"She said "What's going on with you?"She asked
"My family hates each other"He said
"If only you could take your own advice huh?"She asked
"What do you mean?"He asked curiously
"Well exactly what you said to me except with your family's prospective"She said
Huey thought about it then came up with a good idea "Minima you're a genius"Huey said.
"Great"She said awkwardly "What did I say?"She asked
"If I can just solve one of the problems at a time"He said pacing back and forth.
"Ok I'm going to go now"She said "Thanks for the advice hue"She said then climbed out the window. After she left Huey called an emergency family meeting, Everyone was in the living room area waiting.
"You're probably wondering why I called you all here"Huey said
"To talk some sense into webby?"Dewey asked
"Or Donald?"Scrooge asked
"Scrooge"Donald shouted
"Della"Louie guessed
"That's it I'm out of here"Webby said
"No!"Huey shouted to shut everyone up "Webby sit down this is a family meeting and your part of it!"Huey demanded
Webby was a little surprised by that She sat down crossed her arms and listened
"So why did you call us here Huey?"Della asked
"I realized that everyone is having a hard time with Della back but all this fighting is tearing this family apart and it has to stop now!"Huey said, He turned to Scrooge and Donald "Starting with you two, I mean what kind of example are you showing by fighting like this?"He asked
"You're right"Donald said
"What do you suggest?"Scrooge asked
"You Uncle Donald and Della go on you're next adventure"Huey suggested
"Not happening huey"Donald said "Besides who would watch you three?"Donald asked
"Well I would but I'm afraid as of first thing tomorrow I must retired mr mcduck"Mrs beakley said
"What why?"Scrooge asked
"Webby and I must return home"She said
"Oh"Scrooge said "This was kind of sudden, is everything alright?"He asked
"Everythings fine mr mcduck"She said
"Well we'll miss you both, don't leave without saying goodbye alright?"He asked
"I promise I won't"Webby said
"You know what"Della said "I like Huey's idea, you two need to work things out and in order to do that you need to be alone so I'll stay and watch the boys"She said
"What?"Donald asked shockingly
"Donald I am quite capable"She said "I Am their mother"
"And yet you have no experience"He said
"Donald!"Scrooge scolded and hit Him on the head with his cane
"Donald I promise we'll just have a normal day at Home nothing special"She said
"Well it would be nice for the four of you to get to know each other"Donald said
"Do I get a say in this?"Louie asked
"No!"All the adults said at the same time
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