Chapter 9: Finial
Webby loved Diana, she's like an older sister...that's weird because she's her mom but it's cool.
she couldn't help but miss dewey, he's her best friend. She can't live without him...
They were eating dinner, it was the last day to make her decision.
"So webby you've been here for a whole week, have you made your decision?"Diana asked.
"Yes I did, I love it here, mom you're amazing and I love you but...."
"But what?"
"I can't leave dewey, they were my family first, so even though I love you and love it's not the same thing"She said.
Selene stood up "That's what you think"She said, using her powers to trap her strapped in a chair.
"You're not going anywhere".
Webby struggled "What? What are you-what are you doing?"
"You really thought I'd let you go? It's destiny, finally a daughter I can be proud of"Selene laughed "I can't just let you leave".
Donald and Scrooge got back from their trip exhausted, they never actually reached the destination they wished to but hey it's life.
"Uncle Donald!"All three boys shouted, they ran to their uncle with a big hug.
"Boys!"He shouted back.
"Did you have a good time?"Dewey asked.
"It was...ok, what about you?"He asked.
"Awesome!"Dewey shouted.
"It was interesting"Huey said.
At the same time louie said "Not as bad as I thought...I guess".
"Where's your mom?"Donald asked.
"I'm here!"Della said in the kitchen "Just needed to stir this real quick".
She walked over and hugged Donald and Scrooge.
"Oh good your cooking again"Huey sighed.
"How'd it go?"Scrooge asked.
"Were the boys any trouble?"Donald asked.
"Well we had a few bumps in the road but other then that everything worked out"She said, louie couldn't stand being in the same room with her so he walked back upstairs.
"Della, follow me, I have something to show you"Donald said.
"Quiet Diana, you're lucky to even be here".
"Am I? Am I really? I don't see it that way!"
"Are you going to sacrifice me? Or maybe throw me into a pit of snakes, sell my blood to a vampire? ARE YOU VAMPIRES?!"Webby asked.
"No"Diana said.
"We're going to bring you up into the proper princess you are meant to be"Selene said.
"Awe man, my way sounds so much better".
Diana laughed.
"You think this is funny?"
"Yeah kinda...she's just like her father"Diana said.
"Well, we'll be sure to snap that out of her"Selene said.
"Mom, stop this. This is stupid, no it's worse then stupid it's cruel and on earth THIS IS ILLEGAL!"
"What's illegal?"
"Something Rufus taught me"Diana said.
"Hello? Still here"Webby said.
"Oh right".
Just then beakley fell through the roof and landed on the table "Leave my granddaughter alone!"She yelled.
"Oh this will be fun!"Selene said "Guards after her!"The guards attacked beakley, of course she could take them out while webby tried to escape, when she succeeded she helped take out the guards.
Diana looked around and took a sword "Mom, leave my daughter alone!"She yelled.
"And who might I ask are you to question and backtalk me?"Selene asked. She grabbed a sword herself as they fought.
"I'm her mother!"She yelled "You've always tried to control me, you convinced me to be this perfect princess for you, you convinced me to leave the man I love well I won't let you do that to her!"
Beakley threw a knock out gas grenade at Selene, "Wait!"Webby yelled throwing herself into Diana to push her out of the way.
"Webby, after all I did you saved me?"She asked.
"You didn't do it Selene did....Thanks for trying to be brave and stuff"She laughed.
Selene was out cold just like the guards "Oh mom, why?"Diana asked.
"Diana...I mean mom, would you like to come back home with us?"Webby asked.
"Webby I-I don't think your grandmother would-"
"I wouldn't have it any other way"Beakley said hugging webby.
Donald lead Donald to the houseboat "What's all this?"She asked.
"I have something for you"He reached to a top shelf and grabbed a book labeled 'Dear, Della'.
"Dear Della?"She asked.
Donald opened the first page, a picture of the boys only a few months old it had written:
'Dear, Della. The boys are doing great, you can already see their differences. Huey is already crawling, dewey can't but He still won't stay still for anything and louie hardly ever moves, I checked with the doctor he's fine just lazy' sincerely, your brother Donald.
Della smiled "You did this for me?"
Donald nodded "I knew you'd come back someday...and I wanted you to be ready for it".
"Except I'm not. Donald, this weekend was terrible, louie hates me and Huey tolerates me".
"They just need time"Donald said.
"What do I do?"She asked.
"You'll know when the times right"He said, "look, Della, I'm sorry about the way I acted, it had nothing to do with you it's just...I was worried".
"About what?"
At first Donald didn't answer, "Come on, spit it out"She said.
Donald sighed"Well the boys have you know, the amazing Della duck...why would they need someone like me?"
"Donald...they'll always need you, they always will. Donald I hate to say this but...they're yours, I had no part in their lives, I'm no better then Henry"She sighed.
"Now wait just a minute, the boys wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for you, you're Della duck! You saved duckburg more then once, stealing the spear of Selene, saved me from the mirror of tahini, the majestic icicle of grandtender, the beagle boys, magica de spell, um you get the idea you saved me a lot. Point is you were a great sister and that's step one. I always knew I could trust you, and so can they".
She smiled and hugged him "Thanks don, I won't let you down"She said "And as for louie,
I think I know what I need to do."
"Thanks for saving me granny"webby said "How did you know?"
"I can't explain it, I had a feeling you were hurt, its instincts I've never had before. Like...what would you call that?"She asked.
"Being a good parent"Diana said.
"Uncle Scrooge will be very happy we're back!"Webby said.
"Yeah...and I'm sure introducing him to Diana will".
Webby smiled and started racing to the mansion.
"Thanks beakley, for everything"Diana said.
"Rufus Vanderquack was a good man and a fine soldier"Beakley said "Webby is...just like him and better".
Both of them smiled and tried to keep up with webby.
"Louie!"Della called.
Louie sighed "Dewey, I think she's calling you".
"Actually louie, she's calling you"Huey said.
"Oh great"Louie rolled his eyes "Can't you just go over there and pretend you're me?"He asked.
"Louie!"Dewey snapped "Go talk to her!"
"Yeah nice try but it takes a lot more then that to-"Huey took his phone "Huey!"He yelled.
"Go. Talk. To. Mom!"Huey said.
Louie grumbled, "This isn't over"He said leaving the room to find Della, she was in her room looking at something, "Uhm....yes?"Louie asked.
Della looked up and slightly smiled, she placed the picture down, "Don't worry I just want to talk not scold or be all mother like"She said.
Still not sure, louie walked a little closer and only a little.
"When your uncle Donald and I were naming the three of you, we decided to think of three girl names and three boy names. I really wanted something different for each of you while Donald thought it would be cute if all of you had matching names"She said, "Llewellyn was my first choice, The name means lion; The brave leader. Essentially it was meant for the eldest triplet but I guess your uncle knew who fit the name best"She said.
Louie looked at her then looked away, "Mom....I-Its not that I-"He sighed, "I don't fit that name, that's why I've acted the way I did".
Della was confused "What?"
"I'm not brave or leader-like, I get terrified of everything, adventures freak me out because I'm not good at it, I've never been like you....even if I wanted to just scared me, so I guess I don't deserve the name leader or brave".
He looked down, expecting Della to be upset, mad or even disappointed, but instead she got down to his level and hugged him "Oh louie, it's not like I don't get scared too, being brave isn't about not being scared its being brave enough to face that fear, continually adventuring with your brothers for cash is pretty brave and...saving the cash somewhere in case something goes wrong is very wise, and it shows great leadership"She said.
How did she know? Nobody has ever said that to him before...He didn't deserve this....but neither does she, he hugged her right back "I'm so sorry"He said, Della tried not to cry "Thanks...for giving me a second chance and for not giving up on me."
"I promise you, I never will"She smiled.
"Awwww"Huey and dewey chanted listening through the vents.
"It's like a real family again"Huey said.
"I know....all we need webby".
A/N: well....there ya go. I'm sorry the story ended kinda rushed, I needed to finish this before I lost the inspiration also this was supposed to be posted yesterday, sorry, but I will say this much: New story coming soon to continue the series now that the family is back together what could possibly go wrong?
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