The Date
-a few weeks later-
Gabriel and Sam were on their first date. Gabriel hadn't heard much from Sam and thought this was a great opportunity to talk to him again. Gabriel wasn't that surprised when Sam agreed to meet him. Gabriel felt a happy feeling inside and it made him feel giggly.
Gabriel waited at the table anxiously that night. He wore a suit which was nice and black. He had his hair slicked back with gel. He had a lollipop in his mouth as he looked through the menu, pretending to be doing something for when his crush was to walk into the restaurant. Gabriel thought this place was nice. It was a cute little restaurant named Lizzy's. It had many tables and booths and even a bar and ice cream shop inside. Gabriel thought it would be perfect for a date especially with Sam.
Gabriel drank his water as he began to sweat. He took off his suit jacket. "Maybe I'm just nervous." He told himself. "Sam will be here any minute." Gabriel nods to himself and looked at his phone. He jumped seeing he got a text. He immediately opened it, thinking it was Sam. He was disappointed to see Castiel's name at the top of the screen. He sighs. "So how's the date going?" Castiel had sent. Gabriel stared at the text. "Should I even reply yet? My date could've bailed on me..." Gabriel mumbles.
Castiel had been keeping in contact with Gabriel a lot often and recent. Gabriel thought it was good to have his brother back in his life than to know only small details here and there. Gabriel visited more often too. It made both Castiel and Gabriel feel as if things were good now. Gabriel sucked on the lollipop some more. "C'mon Sam.... should I text him?" Gabriel fiddled with his fingers. He flinched at the touch of his shoulder.
"Sir, are you alright? You look distressed." A waitress said to him. Gabriel shook his head. "I'm alright here. I'm just waiting on someone, thank you." He replied. The waitress nods. "Would you like anything to drink to get started on?" Gabriel shook his head no and points to the water. "Staying with water until my date has arrived." He told her. The waitress nods, "Got it." She went over to the kitchen. Gabriel could feel her eyes on him. "Ugh, women," He thought. "So complicated."
Gabriel took out his lollipop from his mouth and drank some water. He didn't like the taste as much because it didn't have any sugar kicked in it. "You are my enemy sometimes." He mumbled. Gabriel looked at his watch again. "It's only been ten minutes." He says. "No need to worry. Take your time, Sam." Gabriel said.
Gabriel looked over at the front door and waited. He took another deep breath. "Probably traffic..." He muttered and squeaked when Sam then came in through the front door. A waitress pointed over at Gabriel's table and Gabriel could feel the blush growing on his face and his stubble get itchy. He giggles a little and ran a hand over his face to wipe off the sweat. Sam rushed over to the table with a big smile.
"I am so sorry I'm late!" Sam says first thing and took off his coat before sitting down. "Oh, it's no biggie." Gabriel says. No biggie? We were worried! His thoughts say. Sam chuckles and set the napkin in his lap. "This place is so lovely! How did you manage a reservation?" Sam smiles. I never noticed how gay Sam was... now that I seem him this way in liking me... I see... everything, Gabriel smiles to himself. "I have my ways," He teased and watched Sam chuckle. "Want anything from the bar? I offer paying... my offer from the wedding night to get back to you with money." He says. Sam hums as he picked up the drink menu. "Are you sure? I mean... we really didn't drink that night, so I don't see why it's a big deal, Gabriel-"
"I just feel bad for not paying back is all?" Gabriel tried to explain. Sam hums again and cleared his throat. "Alright then, sure." He continued to look through the menu in silence. Gabriel wiped his brow and saw the waitress coming over. Oh great, Gabriel immediately thought. "I see you both are doing well! I also see you've taking a liking to our drink menu! How can I get you guys started? Would drinks be okay?" She asks. "Or an appetizer?"
"An appetizer sounds delicious right now but I'd like to order my drink first." Sam said with a smile. The waitress nodded. She got out her note pad and pen. "I'll have either Cherry Pie Moonshine-"
"Oh! I'm so sorry! We don't have any Moonshine right now... we have Budlight if you'd want..." She says. Sam sighs, "Budlight will do then..."
Gabriel kept quiet and saw the waitress look at him. He read her nametag as Terra. "I'll have a Hard Cidered Angry Orchard." He says. She nods and wrote both drink orders down. "Should I leave you two to decide on a appetizer? Or are we not going with one this evening?" She smiles at the two men. "Please give us a minute." Gabriel said. Terra nods and left to go get their drinks made.
Gabriel looked through their big official menu. "We should do fried pickles or wings.... oo! What about mozzarella sticks?!" He says to Sam. Sam hummed for awhile, thinking. "Fried pickles sound delicious...." He said lowly.
"Then we'll get that... how has your day been?" Gabriel asks Sam. Sam shrugs as he kept looking through the menu. "It been okay.... I have good days and bad days and some inbetweeners."
"Oh, where do you work at now?" Gabriel asks, interested to see how Sam was now nowadays. "I work for a lawyer company. I have many many... messed up clients let's just say." Sam was careful for his choice of words. Gabriel laughs. "Nothing wrong with that. I believe everyone is messed up in their own way. Could be good... could be bad." Gabriel reasons. Sam nods in agreement. He smiles when they got their drinks finally after what felt like forever. "We'd like to order our appetizer, Terra." Gabriel gets her attention. She smiles and chuckles. "Alright, sir, what would you like?"
"Fried pickles please." Gabriel smiles back at her. His nerves were slowly going away as the date seemed to be smoothing out by itself. Sam drank his beer. Terra nods. "I will be right back with that... did you guys decide anything on your actual orders?" She asks. Gabriel shared a look with Sam. "Yeah, I think we're ready for that." Sam replied. Gabriel was at a loss for words as he didn't know what to get. There just too many options. This was one of the reasons why Gabriel rarely went to restaurants. He always felt nervous to give his order especially if he said it wrong. Gabriel thought too much into it sometimes. "Gabe... Gabe." Sam says, seeing Gabriel was zoned out. "I haven't been called that in a long time..." Gabriel mumbled and admits. Sam chuckles and looked at the waitress then back at Gabriel. "C'mon and order. The sooner we get out of here, the sooner I can rip those clothes off of you." Sam says in a low tone across the table. Gabriel was full on red in the face from blushing so much. "Okay." He squeaked. "I'll have a macaroni and cheese bowl with every add on you have here.... bacon, extra cheese, shrimp, chicken... all of them." He smiles at Terra. She wrote it all down and hums. "Well then gentlemen, your food will be out soon." She promised then walked away.
Gabriel gulps and looked back at Sam. He saw a hungry look in his eyes. "Sam... you're kinda scaring me, hun..." Sam chuckles. "Maybe because I'm a tall person." He responds and chuckles again a bit louder this time. "But I was serious, Gabriel. I want this date to go so well, I want to have you under me in bed." He said, starting to explain his ideas in the bedroom. "Samantha! Stop!" Gabriel flushed. "I get it... I'm a bottom but you don't have to throw it in my face. Especially here!" Gabriel scolds Sam. Sam looked down, "Sorry."
Gabriel smiles and took his hand and kissed it short. "I have had a crush on you for so long... you would have never known..." He says. "Your brother could've told me and you always act so zoned out when you're around me. Probably imaging what I'm like in bed." He wiggled his eyebrows at Gabriel.
"You are so dirtyminded. You know that right?" Gabriel teased.
"Everyday I know..." Sam laughs with Gabriel. The night went on talking about their jobs and lives and how they both were financially living right now. Both men were interesting to knowing what the other acted like on a daily basis when they weren't around one another. The night had some laughs and slurred speech. "You've gone to our drink limit. Unfortunately, you can't purchase any more drinks for the night, sirs..." Terra says, going over the policy rules when Gabriel argued with her to get her more drinks. Terra wasn't getting tipped or anything for any of this. Gabriel had finally had enough and waved his hand at her. "I don't need to listen to this... get me a check!" Sam giggles and leaned across the table drunkly, kissing Gabriel short on the lips. It grabbed Gabriel's drunk attention. "I think we should get out of here fast." He said. Sam smirks a little and nods as he hummed a yes.
Terra came back with the check. Gabriel stared at the number. He put in some bills he had into the card slot and left a large tip for the waitress. "Thank you for everything, my dear. Keep the change." Gabriel says before him and Sam left to the car. "What about my car?" Sam asks Gabriel. "Fuck your car. It can stay there until tomorrow. Right now... we going back to my place." Gabriel smirks. Sam chuckles and kissed his cheek. "Cute... real cute." He yawns.
Gabriel pouts. "I am not cute!" He said. "Now shut up!" Sam chuckles. "Well damn."
Gabriel quickly got them to his house and didn't realize he had driven through his lawn to get to the driveway. He laughs. He enjoyed the bumps. The two men got out and were hung all over one another. Sam was kissing Gabriel's neck all slobbery. "I really really like you Gabriel." He said, distracting Gabriel's thoughts from getting the keys out from his pocket. Gabriel groans, feeling a problem growing in his pants. "Sam..." he says. He finally got his keys out slowly and jingled them. He blinks and yawns. He slowly put the key into the hole of the door knob and turned it and soon they were inside the house which was warm and safe.
Gabriel's dog, Lucy, was barking from her cage. "Lucy!" Gabriel says drunk. He went over to her and took her to the backyard to do her business and feed her and give her some water. He didn't trust having his dog out alone in the house because she'd shit everywhere and ruined his pillows and couches. "Cute dog... but I wanna go upstairs." Sam whined.
"In a second!" Gabriel calls to him. Sam chuckles and carefully walked up the stairs. Gabriel then got Lucy back inside the house. "You and me are gonna have a pep talk." He says, putting her back in her cage. "You might hear some noises from upstairs but I'm gonna be alright. You stay here and keep watch okay?!" Gabriel smiles and pets her little head. He then went upstairs to join Sam in his bed.... alone. The fun began.
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