5: Friendzoned
Three hours later, I found myself following Harry through the crowded streets toward a park that he told me reminded him of the one we used to go to while practicing our songs. The fall air made my cheeks freezing, and my lips felt like sandpaper. My hands were sweating in my jacket pockets, but I hadn't brought gloves and I had learned about frostbite the hard way in the past.
"Here it is, Darc'," Harry said, smiling and pointing to a cutesy little playground that was roped off from the houses beside it. There was a slide with a jungle gym attached at the end, teeter-totters, swings, and monkey bars. The only thing it was missing was the smell of hamburgers that would always waft through from the restaurant beside the one in Holmes Chapel. There was a sign at the front that said:
No tresspassing. Playground to be under construction.
Harry smirked and hopped over the fence, followed by me who almost fell on the ground face first.
I smiled up at Harry, who's cheeks were red from the cold. He started walking through the dried pieces of mulch and toward the swings that were nestled in by a giant oak tree. I smiled at all the memories spent at the playground at home and followed him, seating myself in the swing next to him.
"I know this isn't the real playground, but it reminds me of it so much." Harry said. "Me and the boys came here while on tour and I couldn't stop thinking about you. We had to close the show, I was an emotional wreck." Harry admitted with a slight blush.
"I wish I could have let you know that I was okay," I said softly. The sky was beginning to turn dark blue, and there were three small stars in the sky already. Harry shook his head in protest.
"You weren't. If I knew you were out there I'd look for you. Instead I was living our dream while you were-"
For a moment, we sat there. Neither of us said a word like earlier, and I felt the air was getting thick. I heard some crickets in the distance and focused on them instead of thinking about Harry. I wondered what Tiff and Niall were doing. Half of me wished they were here so that they could break up the tension with all of their PDA, and half of me was glad that I just got to spend time with Harry. I wasn't sure which half of me was bigger than the other, and before I could come to a conclusion Harry cleared this throat and spoke up.
"Remember when we were singing, and practicing that monologue I had to do for acting class? And how you were so good at telling me what I should be doing, and giving me advice?" He said. I didn't really remember this, but I was nodding my head anyway. "Well, there's this girl. I met her at my MVA's, and I think I like her. She just ended things with her last boyfriend, and so I thought maybe it was my chance."
I smiled on the outside, but on the inside I was filled with mixed emotions. It was like a bottle of sadness and happiness was dumped into a water bottle and all shook up, and then like soda it just burst. That was how I felt at the moment, and it worried me and confused me. Why shouldn't I be happy?
"Depends." I said at last, pursing my lips together. "What's her personality like?"
"Well, she's really sweet. Sometimes she's a bit edgy, but for the most part she's fun to be around. But the boys all have girlfriends, and Niall has Tiff. I've always been ruled out as the player who will never settle down. Is it so wrong I just want to find a girlfriend to end rumors?"
"It makes sense you want to end rumors." I said, being careful of what I was saying. "But there are other ways to end rumors than to lead a girl on. But if you really like her, you should go for it." I didn't know why I was saying this. Obviously if I wasn't sure how I was feeling, there was a part of me that liked him. But I wasn't even sure how big that part even was, and I wasn't entirely sure if I'd want to be his girlfriend if I even got the chance.
"I'll have to think about it." Harry said, smiling at me. "Thank you, Darcy." I smiled back at him before swatting at a fly that was circling around my head. Harry laughed at me as a raindrop hit me on the forehead. I looked up to see a spark of lightning ignite the sky in light, and in a millisecond it was gone.
Moments later, what started as a drizzle became a downpour. Harry groaned and ran over to the slide, climbing up the tall ladder and sitting at the top, waving to me. He was shouting something at me, but it was hard to hear over the pounding noises of rain that was picking up quickly.
"...and go!" Harry shouted, pushing himself down the slide and landing on his butt in the mulch. I laughed at him as I attempted at righing out my hair. He walked over and grabbed my hand, pulling me to the slide and practically forcing me up the ladder. I sat at the top, and when he approached where I sat he pushed me down with all his might. I skidded over the water and flew two feet out before I rolled down on the mulch. I could feel some pieces in my hair.
"You're going to get it, Harry!" I shouted, running towards the ladder and not even realizing that there was a giant pool of water in my shoes. He screamed and pushed himself down the slide, but not before I could get down the ladder and chase him through the playground. There were a few people on the sidewalk walking by, but we ignored them as we threw mud at each other. I ducked down and got a handful of mud and threw it at him as hard as I could while his back was turned. It landed on his neck, and when he turned around he smirked at me and threw twice as much mud on me.
"Harry!" I complained, even though I was laughing. I ran behind a tree to hide while I gathered up some mud, and I could hear thunder off in the distance. If lightning were going to strike at this tree, it would be the end of me. But instead of worrying about what was going to happen, I poked me head out from behind the giant oak and raced towards Harry. He threw a rock at me and it hit my thigh, but I threw a giant clump of mud and it mixed in with his brown hair.
I couldn't stop laughing for the longest time, because Harry stood in front of me spitting mud out of his mouth on the ground and trying to shake out his hair like a dog in attempts to get the mud out. While I was laughing, though, I did into notice the people coming up behind me.
"Hands where I can see them."
I love cliffhangers c:
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