M.P.S. meeting
Hosuh’s p.o.v:
I just layed on the couch pretending to sleep. Jay had gotten up not to long ago. I, However, didn’t really want to get up so I stayed laying down. Everything hurt so much to the point I wanted it to end. I just listened to the others talk in the kitchen.
“Is that really how you found us?”
Yep. Also, Stephen, These grilled cheese sandwiches are good.”
“Um, thanks? I guess?” Obviously Stephen really didnt get compliments.
“I’ll go wake Hosuh up.”
“Thats a good Idea. He does need to eat.” Daniel says. I hear Jay walk over a bit
“Hey Hosuh, It time to get up, you need to eat.” Jay says softly, letting me know with the way he said get up that he knew I wasnt really asleep. I yawn a bit and sit up a bit. Stephen comes over with two plate with daniel following him giving one of the two plates he had to Jay, as Stephen gave one to me.
“Ina Kipoa.” I say softly not realising Im speaking Unittien.
“Kipoa colwe.” Stephen says after a minute. I think I keep forgetting that him and Daniel are taking Unittien classes. I smile softly and eat as much of the two cheese sandwiches I got as weel as stephen got. I assume that Daniel and Jay had eaten their first one now eating the second one because I remember them Telling Stephen how good they were and That stephen had made 8 grilled cheese. I ended up eating only one and stopped. I wasnt really that hungary
“You ok Hos?” Jay asks noticing how I didnt eat the second Sandwhich and I know he knew that my stomach was growling before hand.
“I-I… Ya” I says softly not really knowing but I didnt want them to worry about me more. I already feel guilty that they are worried about me at all. I soon look out the window and saw Blue Ivory, My own soul bird. She watched and soon looked up. It soon seemed as though she was talking to someone or something else. After a few minutes I soon see a Yellow figure flying around with a bit of the nightsky on it. It was Musa.
“Hosuh?!” I hear the three say at the same time, snapping me out of my small window look out trance.
“Wha- Huh?” I ask looking at them.
“You spaced out a lot just now.” Jay says
“Oh, Im sorry.” I say softly.
“Can you eat a bit more? You really havn’t been eating a lot lately.” Stephen says. I shake my head. It is true that I wasn’t really eating all that much. Not only that but now I was terrified and I was in pain. I didn’t want to sleep or eat. Especially with what happened with Stephen earlier.
“Hosuh please, You need to keep up your strength.” I hear daniel who was sitting next to me. I just stare at the window again.
“Can you please try to eat a bit more. You didn't eat breakfast today.”
“I'm not hungry.” I say. I then quickly look at the door out of here when I heard it start to open. Daniel quickly but carefully pulls me closer to him while Jay and Stephen stands up quickly. All the actions was all in a protective manner too. I was just frozen in fear as Shadem came into the mini house.
“Aww how adorable.” He says looking at the small scene in front of him. I curl up closer to Daniel in fear.
‘Let me go, Let me at him! I can get him and we all can escape!’ I hear B.B. say wanting to get out.
‘No, We cant risk it.’ Ivory says. I soon noticed that A black vine had hit Stephen and Jay which made them fall down. I close my eyes and look away not wanting to see what was happening.
“How about we let the boy go?” Shadem says
“Fuck off!” Daniel yells still holding me protectively.
“It’ll be easier for you all.”
“Im not letting you hurt him any more.” I was frozen in fear since there was a black vine about to snatch me away and another one that was going to attack Daniel.
“You dont really have a choise if he gets harmed or not.” Shadem says before one vine attacked Daniel and the other one grabbed me.
“Nonono! Please.” I manage to say softly as the black vine pulled me to shadem. I was panicking and beginning to cry a bit too.
“Let him go!” Daniel said.
“Hmmmmm. Nope.” Shadem said as he now held me tightly against his chest a bit. I struggled but failed to try and get out of his grip. He soon tps away with me and pins me against a corner of the room we where in.
“No. Please.” I whimper softly.
“Shhh, I dont want to have to teach you another lesson?” he asks as he still had a grip on me. I shake my head crying softly.
“Good.” He says before he started to do what he wanted.
Jay’s p.o.v:
I groan in frustration. Daniel was trying to protect Hosuh while me and Stephen fought shadow vines. I hear stephen sigh softly as he finished Bandaging up Daniel.
“ Damn, asshole.” I hear Daniel say. I was wondering why he could get from one place to the other so quickly. Now I know it’s because he can Teleport. I look out the window that Hosuh was looking through earlier. I noticed a light grey, almost white, soul bird with a bit of black, Dark green and baby blue markings. It looked at me, then at a spot of the house then back at me. It repeated these movements for a while every few minutes.
“What are you staring at?” Stephen asks me.
“The soul bird.” I responded. I noticed how it snapped it head back to the other direction like it knew it’s owner/soul was hurt.
“Wow, Who’s soul bird is that?” Daniel asks looking at the bird.
“I dont know.” I say trying to think of who’s soul bird it was.
“Could it be hosuh’s soul bird?” Stephen asks. My eye widen a bit in realization.
“Oh my Sweet queen Natura! Stephen, you might just be right.” I say as worry fills me a bit. If the bird really is Hosuh’s then Hosuh must really being hurting with how the bird is acting. In all honesty it does have the same colors as Hosuh’s ears. I get up and tap on the window a bit, Which catches its attention a bit. I open the window a bit and the bird glides into the mini house.
The soul bird gets in and looks back out the window where I notice Musa flying by.
“Hey there, umm. Whats your name?” Dan asks the soubird.
“Name is Blue Ivory. I am a MPS soul bird.” she says. She then snaps here head in that one direction again.
“Is It Hosuh?” I ask her. She nods a bit. We soon start to ask her different questions and all that. After a while, She went and quickly hid right before Shadem came back with Hosuh. We wanted to kill him so bad with how Hosuh was shaking and looked now. Lets just say he wasn’t in a good state. Shadem then disappeared again after dropping Hosuh. Right after he left, Blue Ivory came out and went to Hosuh. She turned into her human form and carefully held Hosuh as Daniel went to go get the first aid kit and me and Stephen went over to them.
“Hosuh, Let them out. You’ll be in less pain.” Musa said. I'm guessing she was talking about the other personas. Hosuh thinks for a second before nodding a bit. Soon the room filled with light green and Dark blue light. Daniel had came back by now and we all were kinda watching in aw at the lights. The lights soon form into two figures by Hosuh. Both figures were girls and one of the was kneeling a bit and the other had a sassy stand. When I say sassy I mean cross arms, leaning to the side a bit and all that.
The girl that was standing a bit sassily Had dark blue hair, tomboy like clothes and her hair was down and short. Her eyes was A dark green and liked like shadow eyes. The other girl had light green hair and wore a light green dress with was looked like Postions and all that. She was like Hosuh’s DnD character that wore a bunch of light green, was A girl, the hair was longer and light green. The eye’s however were the same baby blue as Hosuh’s.
“I still think its time to stab a certain shadow. Heck they would agree Ivory!” The dark blue girl said motioning towards us a bit.
“B.B. I have Said this before and I will say it again. We aren't risking it.” The Light green girl who I think is Ivory said.
“Nope, Cant stop me.”
“B.B. NO! Ivery, can you go make some tea?” Blue said. Ivory nodded and went into the kitchen. Me and Daniel bandaged Hosuh while Stephen now held him as the three taked. That's when I noticed how Hosuh’s eyes were now Grey. One a light grey and the other was almost a dark grey color. Where Hosuh’s light blue eye was the light grey and the other one was where his Dark green eye was. Ivory soon came back with the tea.
“Here, Hosuh, Drink this.” She said handing the tea to Hosuh who sipped it a bit at a time. I noticed the smell of the tea.
“Is it peppermint?” I asked to which Ivory nodded a bit.
“Shadem had made Hosuh take something that makes him…. Not feel well.” she said.
“You boys rest though. Don't worry about anything.” Blue Ivory said. We nodded and Stephen hold onto Hosuh taking him to the couch carefully with me and Daniel leaning against it a bit.
“I-i-it h-h-hu-hurts.” Hosuh wimpers out barely even loud enough to be heard.
“We know. It’ll be ok soon though.” Daniel says softly after me, him and Stephen looked at each other for just a moment. Hosuh nods a bit having finished his tea now. Ivory had taken it and Hosuh curled up against Stephen a bit falling asleep a bit.
“What are we going to do? Everytime, that THING takes Hos away, the more harm comes to him.” Stephen asks after a bit. He was obviously worried about Him.
“Easy, Hide Hosuh and say that his magic went a bit crazy.” B.B. said.
“Are we so sure that will even work?” Ivory asks, making something in the kitchen.
“I mean, He didn’t notice Blue Ivory hiding.”
“Are we even sure that he didn’t notice blue Ivory’s aurora?” The two then started to fight a bit again.
“ No wonder Hos has so much patience.” Stephen said before he and Daniel got up and each drags a girl away. I sighed and watched Hosuh a bit. However I started to fall asleep eventually.
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