Chapter 2: The first night.
Stephen's p.o.v:
We helped Hosuh make his famously, rarely cooked, Shepards Pie. Surprisingly, it still tasted good and the same as normal, even if we weren't home. Sadly, we had to stay in prepaid hotels for about 3 weeks after I tried to cook some food at 3 PM. We were going to go back to a newly built house today but we just had to get kidnapped. All three of us sat down in the little living room and watched tv as we ate the food. After Hosuh was done, he went right back to cooking more food in the kitchen. Dan and I knew that he was a bit nervous or scared or something. He probably had a lot of things going through his head while he cooked.
" Soo, Dan. What are we going to do about the room? how are we going to decide who gets what room?" I asked Dan.
" I was thinking youngest to oldest. Hosuh first, then you, then me." He said. I nod in response and stay silent as we watched movies and Hosuh cooked.
3rd person p.o.v:
Hosuh eventually stopped cooking and went over to Dan and Stephen. They soon started to chat a bit and after about an hour later they got up and picked their rooms. Hosuh had chosen the room closest to the kitchen and the bathroom, Stephen got the room on the other side of the bathroom next to Hosuh's room, and Daniel had the room across from the room Hosuh picked. Hosuh and Stephen had retreated to the rooms that they picked and Dan hid in the bathroom pulling out Hosuh's phone from its hiding spot and opens up Jay's contact.
H= Housh's phone J=Jay's phone
H: Hey jay
J: HOSUH!?!? Where are you? Daniel had texted me to call the police and told me the address and I got there just after the police to see if you guys were ok, but the cops said that Daniel and Stephen's phones were left behind and you weren't anywhere to be seen!
H: Actually, this is Dan. I'm just using Hosuh's phone. We were kidnapped and I luckily hide Hosuh's phone from the kidnapper. Don't worry though, the three of us are ok.
J: It's still good to hear from any of you. Do be careful though. We don't know if he can see you or not from wherever you are.
H: I'm kinda hiding in the bathroom, but I will have to go for a bit. I will update you whenever I can. bye
J: Ok, bye.
Dan then turns off the phone after making sure it was on silent, hiding the phone, flushing some toilet paper, and 'washing' his hands to make it seem as he did go to the bathroom. Daniel soon went into his room and passed out as soon as his head hit the pillows just like Stephen did a few minutes before. The last question he asked in his head was "Why Hosuh?" repeatedly before he fell into sleep. What both human boys didn't realize was that Hosuh was still awake.
Hosuh's p.o.v:
I sat up once I heard Daniel's room door close. I sighed softly as I got up, making my ears and tail disappear. I looked over to the mirror on the closet door of the room, touching the collar lightly. A chill ran down my spine as I stare at the blue piece of whatever it was made of. terror filled my body as it shook slightly. A normal kid of shadows that fell for a young halveblood and found out the secret that halveblood now couldn't tell anyone without asking. Three colors, three different personas. I looked back up towards the mirror just in time to see him standing behind me. My mind lost its thought when I saw that familiar figure. All I could think of was saying 'go away Shadem!' and ' I want nothing to do with you!' But I couldn't as my body disobeyed me and stood still.
" Hey kitten~," he said as he hugged me from behind me.
" My name is not kitten," I say in a small mumble that had annoyment laced in it. I soon felt a shock and I yelp in pain a bit falling to the ground.
"That was really rude kitten~," he says standing over me now.
"You need a lesson," he says before grabbing me and teleporting away
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