Chapter 1: Pranking goes wrong
3rd person p.o.v:
Hosuh sighed as walked into the studio. He lazily went to the studio room and summoned a book to read. Other than Daniel, he was the only one in the studio. About an hour after he started reading, Stephen arrived and they got onto a group chat to talk as they did whatever. Stephen and Dan already had an idea for the next video but Hosuh didn't know what it was yet. As they talked in the voice chat, Hosuh texted an old friend of his about some stuff. After about 30 minutes into the chat, Hosuh hears Stephen and Dan start to fight about something. He sets his phone down just as he gets a message from someone. He didn't really care about it and tried to stop the fight before it got anymore bigger.
" Maybe I should just quit!" Stephen says. This made Hosuh freeze in his seat.
"Fine! Maybe you should!" Dan resorts back. Hosuh trying to think almost takes off his headphones before hearing a couple of snickers and then the two boys bursting out laughing after taking off their headphones. Hosuh could tell his face was red with anger but he just got up after finishing taking off his headphones and went for a walk to clear his mind. Little did he know that someone was watching and following him. Daniel and Stephen get to Hosuh's studio room to apologize and see's that he wasn't there. Stephen sees Hosuh's phone and looks at it seeing the message Hosuh didn't. Hosuh rounds the corner to go back when suddenly a figure pushes him into the nearby alleyway where he saw a van. He then proceeds to fight off his attacker the best he could while Dan and Stephen run outside just in time to see the figure going into the alleyway after their friend. Stephen shows Dan the text and hands the phone to Dan while they both silently but quickly run to the alleyway and sees the figure looming over their unconscious friend.
"HOSUH!" They both yelled. Stephen attacked the attacker while Dan quickly texted Jay and hide Hosuh's phone. In the end, Dan surrendered since that attacker knocked Stephen out as well.
Dan's P.O.V:
I got into the van, hands tied behind me, while Stephen had both hands and feet tied and Hosuh had his feet, legs, hands, and arms tied. A bit too much for how much of a threat Hosuh was since I was more of a threat than he was. We were also blindfolded and gagged so we didn't see where we went and couldn't yell out for help. About 30 minutes into the drive I passed out. Waking up, I noticed the numbness I had in my right leg for some odd reason. I opened my eyes and began looking around. It looked like a mini house or a 4 bedroom apartment. Our kidnapper must of saw I was awake because he laughed from his spot beside the couch playing with something that I couldn't see.
"It's a mini house connected to a house. I made it myself. Like it?" He asks before getting up and moving towards the door.
"What do you want with us?" I asked in a bit of a hiss. "Well, 1. You two got in my way and 2. I don't want you. I wanted him." He says smirking and leaving
"Oh. You each get a room and do whatever you want. Just don't escape." He said before closing the door and locking it behind him. It takes me a minute to take in what our kidnapper just said. The only thought in my head that was bouncing around was ' Why was this person after Hosuh then?' Looking around the room I first spotted Stephen on the floor with me as he was waking up slowly but surely. I also look to the couch again where the kidnapper was before to see what I couldn't see earlier. The thing or person I should say was Hosuh who still was out cold.
" Oowwwww." I hear Stephen mumble from my side.
" Hey, Stephen," I say still thinking about what our kidnapper said.
" Hey, Daniel. What Happened? OH MY GOD! Did you put us into a "By The Way, Can you Survive video?! Where are we?! What Did YOU do?!" Stephen says freaking out a bit.
" Stephen, calm down. No this is not a 'By The Way,' video, we are actually kidnapped, and I have no idea where we are." I say calming Stephen down.
" OK then. Oh, look! at least we have entertainment." Stephen says spotting a T.V. We eventually stood up and walked around the place and also keeping an eye on our youngest of us three but yet could be so much more in control of himself in this kind of situation. I did go over to Hosuh at first noticing a shock collar on him and that his hair was now out of his usual ponytail and now was down. I felt a bit sick seeing this and I just walked around. Stephen also complained about the damn collar but both of us knew that we couldn't really do anything about it right now. Stephen was watching T.V. while keeping an eye on Hosuh as I looked around in the kitchen. That's when I heard a Mumbling from the small living room and Stephen going,
" Oh, morning sleepyhead. DAN! HOSUH IS AWAKE!" He yelled making me glare at him as I walk out to him and Hosuh, who was also sitting up on the couch this time, watching youtube.
"Hey, Hosuh. How are you feeling?" I asked.
"F-fine" I hear him say in a soft and yet fearful. Stephen and I looked at each other with concern.
"I have an Idea! How about we cook something? We do have supplies in the kitchen." I say knowing Hosuh and how he loves to cook.
"Do we have ground beef, Mashed potatoes, cream of mushroom, corn and cheese?" Hosuh asks. I nod in response and smile as I see him jump up really quickly almost falling over "Eck! I'm fine! Let's cook!" he says now running into the kitchen. Stephen gets up as well and I join him in following Hosuh to the kitchen. By the time we get into the kitchen, Hosuh already had everything out that we needed.
Hey everyone! Nightlara here. I did say I was going to make a new book in my last post so, ya. I'm also thinking of making a comic book. but I will need some time on that. Also, I hope you all enjoy it, check out my Youtube channel, and please send me pics, info, or something that tells me about your oc if you want to be in any of the books/ actually part of the group or if you are already in said Book/ Group. Anyways, see you all later, bye!
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