Pretty (Stephan x Reader) (Soulmate AU)
Everybody is born with black eyes, until they lock eyes with their soulmate. Then it changes to a random vibrant color,
BFF/N - Best friend's name
I woke up and put on my roller blades, remembering that my best friend had told me that she wanted to go skating this morning. I strapped them on, so now I was ready to skate with my best friend, BFF/N.
I sighed, and got up. Disappointingly, she HaD a soulmate and I was still all by my lonesome. With a huff after my self complaining, I got up– stumbling a little– before I went outside.
Almost immediately I was greeted with BFF/N, who had a bright smile on her face. Lucky BFF/N had beautiful, vibrant, neon green eyes. "Hey Y/N!" She spoke ecstatically with a smile and a wave. "What's up, BFF/N?" I greeted with a half smile and wave, but she then sighed.
"Are you still bummed I have a soulmate and you don't?" She questioned and folded her arms and I sighed. "A lil' bit. Come on, maybe I'll find him while we're skating?" I said with a shrug and she nodded,
partially smiling.
We both decided to skate to the skating park and skate on the side of the ramps, and one of my friends, Jay, walked over. "Hi, Y/N, BFF/N." He waved partially with a smile and we both waved back. "What's up, Jay?" I spoke and he shrugged lightly. "Nothing much. I invited my friends here earlier, do you want to hang out with us here too?" He questioned, pulling out his skate board from his backpack.
I smiled happily. "Yeah, sure! You fine with it, BFF/N?" I questioned, turning to her. She shrugged with a smile. "Sure, I don't mind!"
Jay started riding his skate board, going up the ramps as me and BFF/N did the same. Soon, a person walked over, he had lightly gray hair in a neat ponytail. He smiled and partially waved. "Hi, Jay! Are these your friends?" He cocked his head and Jay nodded, pointing at me. "That's Y/N, and that's her friend, BFF/N." I waved quickly at him. "Hiii! I'm Y/N, obviously!"
He laughed lightly. "I'm Hosuh, nice to meet you!" He waved lightly and Jay turned to him. "Hey, any-who, where's Daniel and Stephan?" Jay questioned and Hosuh thought for a moment. "Uh, I think they said they were arriving soon. Maybe."
Jay rose his brows, then snapped to me. "Oo, you haven't met them! One of them could be your soulmate!" He smirked and I laughed lightly. "Nah, I don't think so."
Jay only shrugged, turning to Hosuh and chatting with him. BFF/N and I sat on a bench near them.
"Ooooo! I'm so excited! You could get a soulmate today!" BFF/N said excitedly, stomping her feet, making loud clanks with her wheels. I cringed slightly at the noise.
"Maybe if I'm lucky." I spoke with a shrug, then exclaimed, "What if my soulmate lives in... uh... (Foreign Country)!"
BFF/N laughed at this. "Silly, Y/N! Do you know anything about soulmates?" I shrugged lightly, I didnt really know anything about soulmates, I didn't really care.
They sighed lightly. "Y/N, for one, your soulmate is supposed to live in the same city as you! You cannot move cities until you find your soulmate. Two, remember, when you find your soulmate, your eyes will feel tingly. That's okay! And third things third- you always find your soulmate by some.. ugh.. 'romantic accident'." She said with a wave of the hand and I nodded lightly.
Romantic accident? What is that even supposed to mean?
I got up and skated around the park, before I got a probably really stupid and I could possibly get hurt idea, which those ones are the best ideas, right!
BFF/N saw the look in my eyes and shook her head. "Y/N– whatever you're thinking– don't do it." She crossed her arms and I laughed lightly, still doing what I wanted to do.
At this skating park, there are two sets of ramps. One set of tall ramps, one set of short ramps. I'm going to try and make it to the top of the ramp with these roller skates on.
I skated over, going back and forth against them a couple of times before I actually tried it.
I skated backwards, then quickly forward and against the ramp. I got maybe halfway before I fell backwards. Damnit, I'm going to break my ass or something.
But so suddenly, I was caught instead of meeting the tart and probably getting a rug burn, basically everywhere on my legs.
"Okay. Wow." The person huffed, not looking at me yet, and stood me up. It was then we made eye contact.
I'm going to assume his eyes felt weird too, because he started rubbing the crap out of them, and so did I.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jay and Hosuh scurry over, along with BFF/N. And I saw another person who I assumed to be another one of Jay's friends, because they talked in confusion.
The tingling went away, and we both sighed in relief, then made eye contact once again. We both looked wide-eyed at each other.
His once dark eyes were now practically glowing a new neon purple. BFF/N dashed to me, holding out her phone camera. I stared at myself in shock.
My once dark eyes were now way brighter, a blazing F/C. I looked up at then dude again, taking in his features instead. I think he was doing the same.
"Wow, okay. Glad to be soulmates with such a pretty girl." He smiled and winked, which my face fumed.
"Aw. What did I saw Y/N?" Jay rose his eyebrows and looked at me once more, as I folded my arms.
"I'm Y/N, happy to be your soulmate." I smiled lightly as I ignored Jay, holding out my hand to the guy. He smiled back, shaking it. "Stephan! Glad to be your soulmate, too!" He beamed and I giggled.
Part two or no?
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