Lunch with Bella
Dani's POV
It's time for my first day of school and Bella's. "Remember go the speed limit and be-careful with Dani in the front" Charlie tells Bella.
"I know dad, don't worry I'll keep her safe in the car" Bella assures him.
"Why can't I walk?" I ask with a whine.
"You already got lost once in the woods, I won't risk losing you" he tells me. I pout and he kisses my forehead. "Be good and listen to your sister" he tells me before leaving for work.
"Ok, are you ready to go?" Bella asks me.
"Yes" I tell her as I put the toast crusts in the bin. I grab my school bag and we leave. "So Charlie spoke to the principle of both our schools, he said we can have lunch together. Also if I ever get a day off, I can go to your school as long as I don't cause trouble" I tell her smiling.
"Yeah, he told me" she says smiling. "I'll wait for you outside the school at lunch, then we'll walk together to the cafeteria. After lunch I'll walk you back to the school entrance" she tells me. We arrive at my school first, and I get out.
"See you at lunch" I say smiling brightly.
"See you then, stay out of trouble" she tells me.
"I will" I assure her and she leaves. I go to the reception and get my schedule. I only have class with one teacher most of the time. But I have computer class, German and Choir with different teachers. I go to my first classroom.
"Ah you must be Danni, I am Mrs Willows you're head teacher. If you ever have any problems, my door is always open" she tells me sweetly.
"Thank you" I say shyly.
"You may sit wherever you want, there is not sitting chart" she tells me. I nod my head and take a back seat by the window. Soon other students arrive, some with their parents. Some without. "Welcome everyone, I think we should all introduce ourselves. My name is Mrs Willows and I am your head teacher. Miss Aster, please start" she says. A girl with red hair and green eyes stands up.
"I am Ginevra Aster, please call me Ginny" she says before sitting down. We continue doing this until it's my turn.
"My name is Danni Swan, I just recently meet my big sister" I state.
"You're the police chief's long lost daughter" Andy states. "My dad works at the station" he adds.
"No gossiping, we are all friends here" Mrs Willows states. The last two students introduce themselves. We then start to read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. We only read the first chapter until we had recess. After recess we start to learn our time tables. Well relearn them for me. Then had to draw our favourite animal and I drew a meerkat. I did the simplest drawing I could.
"That's so cute Danni" Ginny tells me.
"Thank you, I like your kitty" I tell her smiling.
"Ok everyone, it's lunch time" Mrs Willows announces. "After lunch some of you have choir, the rest of you have PE. Then you all have German" she tells us. "Good luck with the rest of your day" she says smiling.
"Do you want to come play with me?" Ginny asks me.
"Sorry, but I promised my sister I'd go have lunch with her. But I promise to hang out with you tomorrow at recess" I tell her.
"Ok, have fun" she tells me smiling.
(Forks High School)
I go next door to the high school and spot Bella with two other kids her age. "Bella!" I cheer and run over hugging her around the waist. "I drew a meerkat and made a new friend. Her name is Ginny" I tell her excitedly.
"That's great Danni, I'd like you to meet two of my new friends" she tells me smiling. "This is Jessica and Mike" she says.
"Hi" I say shyly.
"Oh Bella, she's so cute" Jessica says smiling.
"Come on, we'll show you the way to the cafeteria" Mike says. I hold Bella's hand and they lead the way. We arrive and they each get food. I told Elena I had already eaten and wasn't hungry. We sit at a table where a girl with glasses is sitting. Not long after an Asian boy squishes in beside Bella.
"Mike, you met my home girl Bella" he says smiling.
"Your home girl?" Mike asks.
"My girl" a dark skinned boy says appearing out of nowhere. He kisses Bella's cheek and pushes Mike out of his chair before running off. Mike runs after him and Eric follows after assuring Bella he has her back.
"It's first grade all over again, and you're the shiny new toy" Jessica says.
"Hi, I'm Danni" I say to the other girl.
"Angela, I'm a photographer" she tells me.
"Can you take a photo of my big sister and I?" I ask her. She nods her head and I stand on my chair. I hug Bella around her neck smiling and Angela takes the photo.
"Perfect, I'll print it out for you Danni" she tells me.
"Thank you Angie" I say smiling.
"Awe you're adorable" she says smiling.
"Who are they?" Bella asks and I look up to see Alice & Jasper enter with three others. All with golden amber eyes. So being eating animals does work on more then the couple. Though Jasper's eyes still has a tinge of red in them, unlike the others. He must be the newest to the diet.
"The Cullens" Angela tells her.
"Doctor and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids. They all moved down here from Alaska two years ago" Jessica explains.
"They kinda keep to themselves" Angela states. Of course, they wouldn't want anyone to discover their little family secret. Maybe they could be my new family. The one I've been looking for nearly a century.
"Because they're all together. Like, together together. The blonde girl, Rosalie, and the big dark-haired guy, Emmett" Jessica explains. I look at them the blonde girl appears to have been turned at seventeen and is very beautiful. Then Emmet appears to be eighteen and looks very strong, best avoid him.
"Are they a couple?" I ask innocently.
"Yes, but I'm not even sure that's legal" Jessica states. So I'm right, they are mates. Like Jasper and Alice are.
"Jess, they're not actually related" Angela reminds her.
"Yeah, but they live together. It's weird" Jess states. "But they live together. And the little dark haired girl, Alice, she's really weird" she continues her descriptions of the Cullens. Alice must have some sort of power, best stay away from her also.
"I like Alice, she helped me when I got lost. The one next to her is Jasper, he's very quiet" I state. Jess nods her head.
"Who's he?" Bella asks nodding to the last boy. He has bronze hair and appears to be seventeen like Alice and Rosalie. I notice him staring at me, not good. I look away.
"That's Edward Cullen" Jess states and Edward looks over at her. Then Bella before joining his sibling talking in low whispers. I listen in carefully.
"Who's the child?" he asks them.
"Danni Swan, Charlie's long lost daughter" Alice states.
"There's something off about her" he tells them.
"Seems like a normal little girl man" Emmet states.
"She's very pretty though, I'd love to do her hair" Rosalie adds.
"She has amazing taste in clothes" Alice adds and Rosalie nods her head in agreement.
"Hey, Danni you ok?" Bella asks me.
"Fine, I should probably go if I want to get to choir on time" I tell her.
"Right, want me to walk you to the entrance?" she asks me.
"No, I'll be fine. See you in the parking lot after school sis" I say smiling. I hug her and she hugs me back. I then leave and when I reach the parking lot I sense Edward following me. "You know I can tell my dad you're stalker and have you locked up" I tell him.
"How did you know I was here?" he asks.
"I know a lot of things Edward, not that you'll ever find out" I tell him smirking. "Now I have to get to class, see you around. Tell Alice and Jasper I say hi" I add before leaving.
Pictures above of Jessica descriptions of the Cullens and picture on the external link of Dani's outfit.
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