Chapter 15
Alba and Kayla were walking exhausted, the hot sun making them regret their decision.
"We should have gone jogging today," Kayla muttered and tried to catch her breath.
Alba moved her bottle to her mouth, and the last drop of water fell on her dry lips. "Dammit."
"I need to sit, preferably on a comfortable chair, under a roof, with an air-conditioner."
"And I need lots of glasses of water."
"Albie, look!" Kayla nudged her and pointed to a café across the street.
They shared a knowing look and smiled.
"I buy the ice cream."
"And I the cold lemonades."
"I need water first!"
"Fine, I'll pay for your water too." Kayla laughed, and they walked to the small café.
They spotted an empty table near the wall, a huge mirror hanging on the wall behind them. Alba sat opposite the wall, her back facing the entire café, but with only a little stretching she could see everything through the mirror.
A waitress brought quickly two glasses of water when Kayla pleaded with puppy eyes and then, they ordered and waited.
Kayla broke the silence and stood up. "I'll wash my face."
"Yes, my dear friend. And don't raise your eyebrow. I don't understand how you are in such a good shape."
Alba smiled shyly. "I run every morning. That's all."
Kayla shook her head. "Whatever. Fix your necklace. The bunny is staring at me sideways."
The girl with the green eyes checked her watch while adjusting the position of the necklace.
I need to be back at the base tonight. I'll search again the files while everyone will be at the Great Room for the monthly announcement.
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She needed more proof, but her instinct told her that she was near the truth.
The door opened and closed again, and the waitress rushed to a table opposite Alba's.
Kayla returned the minute the waitress brought their ice creams, and the two girls enjoyed the chocolate and strawberry flavors in silence. A familiar beeping made Alba worried.
That's not mine, she thought, remembering that she hadn't brought her agent phone.
Curling her feet and standing on her toes, she stretched enough to look through the mirror. Agent O and Agent 37-T were talking quietly.
Kayla made a few sounds of enjoyment, but Alba ignored her. She put a few strands of hair behind her ears as if it could help her hear better. Trying to remember her training, she focused her hearing on the two men and tried to isolate their words.
A couple of minutes passed, and there was no progress. She hadn't heard anything specific apart from a few words: ready, money, traitor and chief.
They could say something entirely different, but aren't those words confirming my suspicions? What if they know the truth and want to expose it? Could they be my allies?
"Earth to Alba. I repeat. Earth to Alba," Kayla said with a robotic voice.
"Oh, stop that ridiculous voice. And don't talk so loud," Alba hissed.
"Why? We are almost alone."
"Almost." Alba mouthed the word, partially unsatisfied she couldn't uncover the reason for that surprising meeting. She felt strange seeing someone from the base in the outside world.
"Are you done? I'm really tired, and I want to go home."
"Sure." They paid for their order, and they stood up, Alba careful not to show her face to the two men.
They don't know my personal life, and I must avoid a meeting with Kayla and work.
The two girls walked toward Kayla's apartment, but soon Kayla shouted. "Oh, no! I forgot my phone."
"Dammit, Kayla!"
"I'll be back in a minute, I promise."
Alba shook her head, not surprised by her friend's forgetfulness. She looked amused as Kayla tried to make her tired body run in vain when she spotted the two agents crossing the street and heading to the opposite direction.
"She won't be back in a minute," Alba whispered to herself certain that Kayla was slower than a snail. She followed the two men, careful not to be hit by a car while crossing the street.
They entered an alley, and Alba halted.
"We shouldn't meet again in the open."
"Would you rather talk in the base?"
The first man, who Alba identified as Agent O, was silent for a few seconds. "No," he answered. "You know what to do with that."
"I do."
With what?
"Greet Azarov and tell him that I won't wait more. Either Neva meets with me, or I'll change the plan. And then," Agent O lowered his voice, "he has to find another inside guy."
Her eyes became wide open, and she managed to put a hand on her open mouth and suppress a shriek.
He's the traitor? Not the chief? What the hell is happening?
"Copy that."
"Now, go. I have to finish a job before returning to the base."
The girl turned around and bent her knees, pretending to tie her shoelaces. Waiting a few moments and certain that both men were gone, she stood up and turned around. Her lips formed a thin line, and her eyes looked with fear when they faced a pair of blue eyes.
"You..." she mumbled.
He smiled. "Hello, Alba. How much did you hear?"
Her chest moved fast, up and down, following her unsteady breathing.
What are you doing? Run! her brain screamed, and Alba started running. She noticed Kayla exiting the café and turned in the opposite direction.
I can explain later. Now, I have to go somewhere safe. But I can't keep running. I need my car. At least, the hours I've spent in the woods running have proven to be useful.
She didn't stop to look behind. All she knew was that she had to go somewhere safe. She didn't know who to trust, but the necklace with the bunny jumping on her chest reminded her that there was someone she could trust.
Not that I trust him for everything. He could be working with them. But he won't hurt me, will he?
She grabbed her keys from the back pocket, thankful that zippers were keeping them in place and stormed into the car. While wearing her seatbelt, she made a sudden move, and the necklace's chain broke, the bunny falling on her hips.
"Go, go, go!" she ordered the car and put the necklace on the co-driver's seat.
Driving fast, she tried to get out of the city and head toward the base. She would be safer there, or at least, she hoped she would be.
Alba was too focused on her fear and her need to reach the base that she didn't notice the truck coming from a side road.
The two vehicles collided, and Alba forgot the most dangerous memory.
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