BONUS CHAPTER: Suna Felix x Reader
For this one-shot, Felix and (y/n) will NOT be related (because incest is fucking nasty) and this has no correlation with this story.
(y/n) will have any last name you want except Suna.
(r/n): random name
Listen to the song for a boost of Serotonin.
Requested by Kurabux (the biggest Felix simp out there other than myself)
Reader POV
I raced through the crowds, a smile on my face.
"(y/n)!!!!" Felix stepped off the train and hugged me tightly, kissing my cheeks. "I've missed you so much, darling!!"
I allowed him to sway our bodies as he held onto me tightly. "Me too. How was Seoul?"
He let me go and grabbed my hand. "I'll tell you over dinner. Let's go!! Oh, and I got some merch for you."
"Thank you!"
In a series of giggles and smiles, he dragged me to our favorite 1950's-America-Style diner near the train station in Akihabara.
"Okay! Tell me everything. I want to know," I said after we ordered our meal.
He took out his phone and showed me a series of pictures. "I contacted my cousin Min-Jun. He works for BigHit Entertainment. Oh, and I got to see those seven BTS members practice. I'll say it now-I have mad respect for them."
"What's this?" I showed him a photo of him and Min-Jun posing with maid hats on their heads and maid clothes on, laughing.
His eyes widened. "Okay, I thought I deleted that!"
"Give me an explanation!" I said as I pulled the phone away.
"I-ugh fine! It was Femboy Friday..." he said. "Just don't tell anyone, especially not my sister!"
I giggled at the thought of Suna (r/n) seeing the picture of her brother dressed in a maid's outfit. "Okay, but you owe me."
He snatched back his phone. "Not a chance, (n/n). I've gotten you merch from your favorite groups (if you don't like kpop, now you do). Not to mention dinner's on me."
"I suppose..."
The greasy food came out and we started wolfing it down.
Felix reached over the table and wiped some whipped cream off my nose. "Wow, (n/n). They have straws for a reason,"
I rolled my eyes at him. "Shut the hell up, femboy."
"So rude!" He cried.
"Don't say it like that!" I cringed. "You're reminding me of Oikawa."
He cringed as well. "Oh shit. Okay, remind me never to do that again. As much as I respect him for being a really famous setter in San Juan, I really don't want to be associated with him and his 'Shittykawa' antics."
While we chatted, I saw it start to rain outside.
"Crap..." I said.
Felix looked outside the window of the diner. "That's okay! That means we'll just have to run home in the rain! Besides, I never travel anywhere without my umbrella."
Felix paid the bill and we left the diner, laughing like idiots as we ran through the rain to the apartment building we lived in together as crackhead roomies.
I unlocked the door and helped him put his clothes away after washing it.
"I'm so wet! Annoying rain!!" I frowned. "I'm going to take a shower."
I took off my clothes and hopped into the shower, not caring that he was probably going to pull a sly 'lmao since I'm here, let's have sex'.
As per my thoughts, Felix joined me, and let's just say things got a bit steamy.
He carried me out of the bathroom when we were all done and cleaned up, Felix opted to dress me in his clothes (with my undergarments of course).
"I should wrap you in a blanket burrito," he said as he laid me down on the bed, preparing to make me into a human burrito.
"Sure," I said. "But you'll have to carry me everywhere."
He did as he said and picked me up, placing me on the big couch. "Sure. I don't mind hauling your ass everywhere. Besides, you look so adorable!"
"Keep it in your pants, iron man."
Felix kissed my lips one more. "Yeah, yeah. Oh! Speaking of Iron Man, want to watch Endgame?"
As we watched the movie, I felt Felix's arms tighten around me. "Felix? Is something wrong?"
He shook his head. "Nah. I'm just glad I'm home now."
"Me too."
Since this isn't an official chapter, some bonus chapters will be between 700-1k words.
If I'm being honest, I'm basing Felix off myself as a male (since I'm female).
And yes, I would definitely date myself lmfao
I hope you enjoyed this, Felix simps :)
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