(34) Miya Jiro
I can't add music to the chapter via app...is anyone else having this issue? Like it starts buffering then I can't add anything since no videos show up 🤷♀️ I've even reinstalled the app. It's a big issue for me since I write each chapter while listening to the music since it gives me inspiration, but I guess I'll just have to update from my computer (or put the music in the chapter before typing it on my phone). It's annoying, but oh well🤷♀️
I'm so sorry for a late update (lmao chill it hasn't even been 24 hours since the last update), so you guys are getting an extra-long chapter. Love me.
Reminder: stop comparing my works to Killing Stalking
Reader POV
"We're going to be parents..." Atsumu's eyes watered when he saw the test on the sink of the bathroom. "And it's actually going to be...oh my god..."
I just stared blankly at the test, not making any sort of reaction.
"(y/n)!" His brown eyes glimmered. "We're going to offically be a family. That's our child,"
I nodded slowly, the bags under my eyes getting more and more prominent each passing day, and my will to live slowly dwindling.
Atsumu sighed and hugged me. "We're finally starting our life together, just like we wanted."
No, it's as what you want.
I don't have a choice.
I allowed Atsumu carry me to our bed after kissing me passionately, not caring anymore.
But three months into the pregnancy, I began to notice things.
How he would always smother me and his child with affection.
"Why are you doing that?" I asked one stormy night in May.
He looked up from kissing my baby bump. "What are you talking about?"
"Why are you constantly kissing and touching the kid?"
He looked at me sternly. "That's our kid, (y/n). And you will treat them as so."
"That's not what I'm saying. Why are you always talking to it and touching him or her?"
"Because I want to show them the affection I never got from my own parents," he said softly.
"Really?" I thought of all the times I saw Mama Miya hugging her children.
Atsumu lifted his shirt and turned around, showing the scars on his back that I knew about. "Who do you think gave me these?"
I traced the scars once more and looked at him with a confused face. "You told me that you got into a fight somewhere in Miyagi when you were visiting me."
"No. That was a lie." Atsumu got up and took something out of his backpack. It was a file with his birth certificate, along with two others.
I looked at it and my eyes widened.
"My mother blamed the death of my younger brother on me," Atsumu spoke softly. "And she could never love me."
I bit my lip. "Atsumu, why did she blame his death on you?"
He looked away, his brown eyes glassy. "When I was born, the doctors said something about me kicking my little brother's head in such a way that he died, in addition to his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck. That's something my mother never failed to tell me, but only when Samu wasn't home."
I slowly nodded. "Can you tell me about what you went through?"
"Okay." He sat down on the bed where my feet where and began to speak.
"I have very hazy memories of everything, but I remember when I was a baby, your father, Suna Akiro, always took care of me when he could. That was before you were born. While my brother was showered with unconditional love, I was outcasted in my own family. I was really happy at a point in my life when I met you and Kita. You guys were honestly the only thinkg keeping me going, along with my brother." His voice began to shake.
"Each time I would fuck up-whether it be dropping a fork on the floor or getting a bad grade, my mother would hurt me. She would take soap and spread it on my teeth then force me to lick it up and swallow it. I hated it. While I suffered, my brother would be locked in our room so he couldn't intervene."
My heart broke when he spoke again.
"My mother almost killed me once," Atsumu laughed like it was no big deal. "I still remember that time. I think I was either six or seven, I don't know. I was dusting off some photos and a wedding picture of my parents and a picture of Samu as a baby dropped to the floor. She took me down to the basement of our house and forced me to starve for only two months, ocassionally feeding me salt and even then, she made me bow down like a dog while she ripped out chunks of my hair while slicing my back up, making deep scars. She would then take lemon juice, bleach, and vinegar to really make it hurt. My father would sometimes join her in the basement."
He put his shirt on and what he said next broke me.
"Once, when I was twelve, I was tied up in the basement. I remember it clearly, no matter how much I want to forget. My mother came into the basement, drunk off her fucking ass. I think Samu was over at Rintarou's house across the street, or maybe he was playing with Akagi and Kita. Whatever he was doing, I didn't know. I just remember my mother yelling at me for the flour incident and tying me up after you went home." His voice shook with emotion and his eyes watered. "I was only twelve, (y/n). My own mother...she raped me."
My hand flew to my mouth and I had tears in my eyes. "Oh my god...Atsumu..."
"She was drunk, (y/n). But I remember her touching me in a way that I never wanted to be touched-especially not by my own mother. I was so embarassed and just broken. Not even my own brother knew what she put me through. I thought she wouldn't do it again. I thought she....but she did it again, and again. When my brother and father were out, she would tie me up again, making me swallow her own goddamn essence. I never wanted to do it. I would always beg her to stop and-"
I grabbed his body and pressed mine against his, hugging the broken male.
As much as I wanted to hate him, I couldn't help but feel bad.
"I couldn't even trust anyone. I didn't know who to tell without getting hurt. Your mother...she found out when my mother dropped Samu and I off at your house once. I think that was the time when you and I weren't speaking. Your mother immedietly noticed how I would always flinch when someone touched me, except my friends. She by accidently opened the door to the bathroom since I couldn't lock it. When she saw how I screamed and begged her not to touch me, she knew. Your mother and father were the only adults who truly treated me as their own. I regret killing your mother, but it was an accident. She was about to call the cops on my mother, and I couldn't let her. No, I wanted to be the one to kill my mother. However, my own mother told me that if I didn't want punishment for dying my brother's and my hair, I would have to kill her."
Atsumu buried his head in the crook of my neck. "She...she made a deal with me. She wouldn't punish me if I just killed your mother. I didn't want to, (y/n). I didn't want to. But I remember your mother's words. She said 'Don't be afraid, Atsumu. Justice will be served, and I'm just one domino in the cascade'. I had to kill her. My mother threatened to also hurt Osamu the same way she hurt me. The last thing your mother said was to take care and don't be afraid."
I couldn't control my emotions.
So much hatred for his parents bubbled inside of me.
Is it so wrong that I'm glad Atsumu killed them?
"...Atsumu, is that why you did it?"
"Did what?"
I touched the locket that used to be my mothers. "Is that why you killed everyone?"
He looked at me and nodded slowly. "I'm not proud of what I did, (y/n). But I felt as if they were going to take you away from me. To be honest, you're the only reason why I'm still here. I really felt that my brother was taking everything away from me..."
"Atsumu, Osamu wasn't like that," I said softly, not wanting to anger him.
"I know. But he's gone now...so tell me something. Why is that you still ache for him?" He began to cry again. "Am I still not good enough? Will I ever be good enough?"
"You were already good enough," I said. "But you need help, Atsumu."
He shook his head. "I don't need anyone but you. You're the only thing that I love and cherish. It's my job to make sure you're mine forever, (y/n). Even if I have to-"
I pressed my lips to his and he melted into the kiss.
"I'm already yours, Atsumu. But you need to stop killing people. I don't care about your parent's deaths-they fucking deserved it. Please promise me you won't killl any more innocents. Even if they're trying to take me away."
He sighed and pressed his lips to mine again. "I promise."
(Nine Month Timeskip)
I looked down at the sleeping child laying on the bed Atsumu and I shared.
He had his father's brown eyes and my (h/c) hair.
"You did so well," Atsumu kissed my hand and placed our newborn son in my arms.
I smiled weakly. "He's adorable,"
"A perfect mix of us," Atsumu said. He lifted up his son and kissed his tiny nose. "I'm going to protect you forever, Akiro."
We had decided on naming our son after my father, someone we both loved and looked up to.
His full name is Miya Suna Osamu Akiro.
I felt my world start to turn dark.
"(y/n)?" Atsumu's voice began to shake when he saw that my grip on his hand loosened.
"I love you," I whispered.
Akiro began to cry when my eyes closed.
Atsumu POV
I didn't know whether to shield the baby away from his mother.
My jaw quivered. "No....no!!!"
I placed Akiro down in the crib and felt (y/n)'s pulse.
But then I felt a faint heartbeat and I collapsed on her tired form, glad that she didn't die.
I cleaned up her body and placed her down on the bed once more, making sure her tempurature didn't skyrocket.
It was three days later that (y/n) opened her eyes again.
I was beside her, holding her hand.
I squeezed her hand and pressed my lips to her forehead. "I'm right here, honey. I haven't left your side except to take care of Akiro."
She nodded and looked at the ceiling. "I thought I was going to die."
I shook my head. "Hell fucking no, not on my watch. I won't have Akiro grow up without his mother."
"I saw them," (y/n) said. "Osu, Tori, and Samu."
Just like that, my happiness plummeted.
"Yeah. Osamu says that he hasn't seen your parents, and I didn't think so." She let out a faint bit of laughter. "They're probably rotting in the depths of Hell-right where they belong."
"Yeah..." I held her close as I got into the bed. "How are they doing? My brother and his kids I mean."
"They're happy, but they all miss me," she sighed, leaning into me. "But...at least I know they're happy and safe with their father watching them."
I nodded. "I thought so. Now get up, you lazy bum. I have some food ready, and I know you can't resist it."
I cried while writing this chapter.
Holy fucking shit who else is happy that the Miya parents are D-E-A-D?
How was the chapter?
EDIT: On the web browser, the format is all fucked up. Like, what the hell? Is anyone else experiencing this?
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