Samuel adjusted the lapels of his suit and grinned at a joke Reggie told the other guys in the room. He didn't have it in him to do much. His thoughts were rampant, filtering between Flora and his impending wedding. The original plan was to prepare alone and get to the church, but Holland the youngest of his friends, had a brilliant idea to celebrate the day before. As a replacement for the "abomination" of not having time to prepare a bachelor party before the wedding.
Samuel reluctantly agreed and found himself in better spirits the evening before the wedding. They had spent some time at a local bar, which they bought out for themselves, and returned to the hotel to finish the celebration. The conversations and their presence were a temporary band-aid for his gushing wounds, and he welcomed the distractions.
It was only by grace that they were able to wake up early.
Standing on a round stool, he looked straight at the mirror as Justice used a lint roller on his black suit. The other guys helped each other get ready behind him, dressed in black suits with a grey rose pinned below the breast pocket of their suits.
His sister, funny enough, would have barged in by now to demand order were she there. All the boys listened to her every command, feigning terror whenever she barked at them, only to laugh a few seconds later. He solemnly wondered if he would have been more affected by her absence if he was marrying Flora.
Samuel smiled sadly. He would have loved her support, or at least her presence, but he was undeniably glad when she told him she couldn't make it. If she attended, Ember might notice that he wasn't content with all that was happening, no matter how he tried to hide it. No matter how he smiled or laughed, he wasn't okay with any of it.
Even worse, news of his wedding had spread like wildfire. Samuel suspected that Flora would have heard a few of the details already. No matter how hard he tried not to think of her, he couldn't help it. There was a budding fear that caused his chest to ache. He hoped Flora stayed away from the wedding.
It hurt enough to be marrying someone else. It would feel like an execution if she was there to witness the whole thing.
"Hey man, vanity doesn't look good on you. Your eyes are plastered all over that mirror. Did you fall into another dimension?"
"He is about to." Peter piped from behind, lifting a champagne flute at Rick as he winked. "He is about to fall into the dimension of the married."
"And even though he tried to hide her from us, because, of course, she can't find out how much better she can do, I have seen his bride." Vicente threw his hand over Samuel's shoulder, pulling him closer and slapping him hard on the chest. "For a bookworm, this guy gat taste."
Samuel elbowed him in the abdomen, and Vicente stumbled away in pain. "I should have stipulated that my groomsmen remained silent before, during and after the wedding."
Holland handed Samuel his flute, and all the others gathered around to make a toast. They were all dressed, their face bright with excitement and joy.
Fredrick cleared his throat as he took it upon himself to give the speech. "To our friend, Samuel. Who has finally decided to enter the world of the married? We don't know how you charmed her, but we wish you all the happiness in the world."
Everybody cheered as they all raised their glasses high before drinking. After another round of cheers, they walked left the room to get into the cars parked downstairs. Since his mother insisted that his torture wouldn't be a boisterous affair, she had made the reservations for the wedding to be the talk of the town. The wedding was going to take place at their church, while the reception would be held in the hall of the hotels they had moved into. After that, she had the tickets for their honeymoon also delivered to him. He wasn't sure was a month in Bora Bora would do for him, but he knew he had to accept it. All part of the deal.
Kali admired her sister in the mirror; she looked stunning in the flowing cream-coloured evening gown she wore. Her sister's hair was styled in a waterfall braid, and flowers were tucked, equally spaced, between the braids. Along with the earrings Kali bought her, June wore one of their mother's necklaces and a few bangles.
Kali only stood, already dressed, hair done in a French twist, veil over her head, nails done, and shoes on. Everyone fluttered around her with encouraging words and flattery about how beautiful she looked in the gown and how happy she should be feeling on her lucky day. The cars were also prepared and waiting to take Kali and her train of bridesmaids to the church.
Thankfully, she had been able to get a hold of three college friends to attend the wedding as her bridesmaids. June had six friends invited. It was a welcome weight compared to sitting in a car with Giovanna playing bridesmaid and bride. Neither the first meeting nor the second had gone well since the young girl was determined to make the entire situation uncomfortable.
"Come on, come on." One of the ladies, Cora, sang out as she took Kali's hand and turned her towards the door.
The other girls handled the long train of her gown and helped arrange it neatly as she sat in the car, June beside her. The car filled with banter soon enough, but Kali only offered an occasional smile and a shake of her head when she was teased or addressed. Everyone congratulated her on her wedding to Samuel Madden. Her sister had uploaded a picture of him after they met at dinner, and by the time they woke up, all of their family and friends had seen it. Since the invitation was by mail, June worked with Ysabel to add more of their family and friends to the list.
"Here we go." June squealed, and Kali craned her neck to see the church just before the car stopped.
An ache started in her chest. The door clicking open was louder in her ears than it should be. She tried to get her breathing under control as she took her sister's hand and stepped unto the concrete pavement.
Timothy waited for them by the door. He offered to walk her down the aisle on behalf of her father, and she accepted. They stood outside the closed doors, under the shade of canopies mounted from the driveway to the door. Everything was white, from the carpets to the flowers adorning the doors and windows. Soft music began to play inside the church, and then the church doors were pulled open, and the bridesmaids walked in first. Kali stood still, like a tree, rehearsing the words she had repeated to herself all through the night.
Chin up, smile, and get through the day. Chin up, smile, and get through the day.
The organ continued to play. It was the traditional tune with an added flair so it sounded classic but modern. Violins came in next, and with one hand strangling the stems of the bouquet, and another folded around Timothy's arm, she began a slow match towards the altar. Samuel faced the pastor, and everyone in the congregation turned to watch her, making her heart pitter-patter against her sternum.
The walk to the altar felt like it lasted a lifetime. It was a relief the moment Kali reached the altar. Her sister watched her intently, wide-eyed appraisal brightening her face. Timothy, with a smile and bow, took her hand in his as Samuel finally turned to look at her. He joined her hand with his son's outstretched one and whispered something she didn't catch. June took the bouquet from her hands, and Samuel turned to face the pastor.
After he spoke a few words to the crowd, they took their seats, and the ceremony officially began.
Every word went over her head mostly as she continued to realize that the more he spoke, the closer it was to the end. Like a zombie going through life, she stared at nothing, hearing his voice but never registering his words. Samuel helped her up when he asked them to stand. Peter stepped forward and presented the rings, simple gold bands with words etched into them. His brother smiled and winked at him, congratulating him heartily before stepping back.
She couldn't tell what was written, but it wasn't important at that moment. So, like a puppet on the lap of a ventriloquist, she and Samuel repeated the words the pastor told them when it was their turn, and each slipped the ring on the other's finger at the end. He spoke some more before his final words seemed to drive even the slightest hint of sound out of the room.
"You may kiss your bride."
Kali spotted his hesitation, but she reacted quickly. A large smile stretched her blood-red lips as she reached up to pull his head low and push their lips together. The congregation cheered, and Samuel's gasp of shock gave her the perfect opportunity to deepen the kiss, using the hand on the back of his neck to hold him to her. She trailed her free hand around his side, pushing up on her toes.
He seemed to get the message, resting his hands on her hips and kissing her back. Lovingly, she placed her palms against his cheek, turning her head to change the angle of their kiss as it became milder.
When they pulled apart, the surprise was still written all over his face, but she only smiled back at him, flashing her teeth in enthusiasm as she took his hand and faced their families and friends. She raised their joined hands with false excitement, and the cheers grew louder. The applause bounced off the walls of the church.
June and Mary walked forward. They handed her the bouquet and arranged her dress so she would be ready to walk down the aisle with her new husband. Samuel offered her his elbow, and she lopped her arm around this, laughing when she took the first step down to meet the good wishes that waited for them. Samuel shook some hands, regaining the composure he had lost.
Together they walked out of the church and into a torrent of falling white roses. There was still a long night ahead of them. Kali, the worst was behind them, and the best for her was only beginning. As she stepped out of the church, holding her new husband, with flower petals falling all around them, she was decided. She would dance to Ysabel's tune, but her song would play soon, and the woman would also have to dance.
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