Zion (1)
First day of your new school and you already feel like you don't want to get out of bed. You are attending your mother's school, it is like an ordinary school but your mother acts like this anime character and she have never seen the anime. How does that work? I have no idea.
Anyway you get up and do whatever you have to in bathroom and then get changed. You wear a F/C t-shirt with W/E/C (what ever colour) jeans. You look in the mirror and brush your hair. You leave it down and then you walk out of your room. You look at your two brothers your older one Miles has H/C hair and brown eyes. Your younger brother Ayato has light brown hair and blue eyes. They both look like a mess. Not a morning person, either of them.
(Neither am I. What you guys?)
You laugh slightly at them and then make your self some food. Once you ate you get your school bag and wait for your two brothers. They wanted to see your mother since she was already at work. Your father is on a holiday with his co-workers right now so he's not home right now.
Once you three are making your way to your new you heard your brother's argue about whatever they arguing about. To be honest you ain't paying attention to them. Once you finally made it it was already time for school. Oh and I forgot to mention something your auntie works here too. You walked into the school and into the halls, your brother's following you.
"Keep up you two. And stop arguing." You told them. They both looked at you and then sighed.
Everyone was looking at the three of you walking down the halls. When you got to the principal's office your brother's were gone. You sighed and went to open up the door but it opened its self. You quickly stepped back and saw a boy coming out. He had bright red hair, glowing gold eyes and a smile on his face. He was taller than you. You looked up and he saw you standing there. "Sorry kid. You should watch where going not for the door to hit you." The red head said.
You raised an eyebrow and then smiled at him. "And I think you should be more careful when opening a door just in case someone is behind it." You told him.
He looked at you and then smirked, "yeah. I would think that people would watch out just in case since a door can open." He told you.
You rolled your eyes and then looked at the door you saw that there was a tiny glass window on it. "Oh? Well why didn't you look through the window before opening it?" You asked him.
He chuckled and then shocked his head. "New kid huh?" He asked you. You looked at him and then nodded your head. Then he nodded his head as well.
"Zion! There you are. Man we've been looking for you every where." A guy with brown hair said to him.
(I was thinking about not putting the others in the same school as Zion since it said in the game that his friends only care about his money and he doesn't remember their names so that what I'm going with.)
You turned your head to the red haired kid that you now as Zion and saw him nodding his head that him. "Sorry about that. I had to talk to the head." He told his friend.
But something was off, why didn't he say the boys name? You looked at Zion and then at the other boy. Then you remembered that you had to talk with your mother. "Well nice meeting dip-shit but I have to talk with my mother now so if you'll excuse me." You told him walking passed.
All of a sudden he grabbed your wrist and held it. You turned back to him and saw him smirking. "first, don't call me that. Second, what's your name?" He asked you. You could tell that he knew you knew his name. You smiled at him and then turned to him.
And with that he let go of your wrist. You walked into the office and noticed that the both of them were gone. You sighed and closed the door. You walked up to your mother and stood in front of her. "Hello mother. Sorry to keep you waiting." You told her.
She looked at you and then got up. "Hello. Now then I hope your grade in your last school was good." She told you. You nodded your head at her. "Good. I expect the same here. Your schedule, I suggest you get going. Don't want to be late do you?" She asked you.
You bowed at her and then walked out. You looked all over the place to fine the room. She's just like Gakuho. You eventually found the classroom and your two brothers was there. You mentally face palmed yourself, then you walked in and saw your auntie was there to. You raised and eyebrow at her and she looked at you with a smile. "Sorry I'm late." You told her. "idiot and moron Mother wants you." You told them both. They nodded and left.
"Well then can you introduce yourself to the class?" She asked you.
You looked at her and nodded your head then turned to the class. "My name is Y/N L/N. It's a pleasure to meet you all." You told them. You looked around and saw the same red haired boy that was walking out if the office. He had a smirk on his face. "You can sit next to Zion since it empty." You heard your teacher say. You walked over and sat down. You took out all the things you had to and got ready for lesson. You started to write what was on the board already.
You were writing really fast and you managed to catch up to everyone else in no time at all. Zion was shocked that anyone could do that and then he carried on with his work.
And done. Now these parts won't be in a particular order just a random one.
Well thanks.
Bye for now
To be Continued!
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