One Shot 21.1: A War of Words
So yeah, I can't access my deleted books in my library anymore and I don't have any other copies of my one shots. *sighs*
I'm sad also that I can't read the comments there anymore. Reading comments from those books have been my habit whenever I missed the times that I'm still active. Haha.
"Hey Les! How dare you!"
Lesley, who just brought down her bag to her seat, looked at who spoke with furrowed eyebrows.
"What do you mean, Guinny?" She asked while bringing out her textbook and notebook for the first subject.
"You left me hanging with your update last night! How dare you! Cliffhangers should be illegal." Guinevere pouted.
That made Lesley laughed, "Sorry for that. I have to do cut the chapter in that scene."
Guinevere hmmphed, "So, when is the next chapter?"
"Next month." She joked that the latter took seriously.
"What the— no! Not that long! You can't do that to me. I'm your number one fan!" Guinevere said dramatically while acting she was weeping, wiping her imaginary tears.
Lesley just laughed and sat on her seat and got her phone to check her notifications. Guinevere, on the other hand, left the classroom since her first class would start any minute right now. She had different degree program from Lesley but they were in the same building.
She smiled upon reading the comments and replied to them as much as she could. She was really grateful to her readers— she didn't mind the number of votes and reads— all that matters were her readers' comments, on what they thought and felt with her stories.
Many were really confused and frustrated on the last part of the chapter she updated last night. Though there were some comments demanding her to update right away. She replied that she won't tolerate such behaviours. Writing was just her hobby, and she had a life outside the writing world.
"Please be mindful of your words here. Do not demand for updates daily— frequently. I'm still a student and I also have my own life. I won't tolerate this kind of behavior. Thank you." She replied.
She was about to exit the app but another notification came in so she clicked it.
"Wow, so rude. You update very seldom, you should be grateful that you still have readers. Your stories sucked. InkToYourPen's stories are better than yours and he updates almost weekly, unlike you. If others can, then why can't you? Don't make excuses."
It was the reply to her comment.
What the fudge? Lesley thought. An InkToYourPen reader huh.
InkToYourPen was a male writer on the same app, as what she read on social media. He just started writing few months ago but he already had many followers although he only had two published stories but both were popular.
And based on the fangirls on their school, it was no other than Gusion Paxley— that popular from the College of Business Administration.
Lesley didn't believe it at first because he didn't look like a writer at all. She had not read any of his books but based on reviews, it was well written and closed to reality that was why many could relate to his books.
She sighed and chose not to reply to that rude reader anymore.
Though she was hurt because of those words. Her stories sucked, don't make excuses etc.
She knew that her plots had a lot of loopholes— maybe due to her busy schedule that she couldn't update frequently that she kinda forgot some scenes although she had notes. But she could rectify those loopholes in the latter part of the story by making plot twists— and that was what her readers loved— those unexpected plot twists.
But she knew that people had different genre preferences so she understood if some people didn't like her stories.
But is it really necessary for them to comment negatively on my stories if it isn't their likes? So toxic.
Maybe that was the reason why Lesley had not reveal herself, even to her friends— well, except Guinevere since she accidentally saw her profile in the app while she was trying to update her book.
Lesley sighed and just got her books to do advance reading.
"I still can't believe that Gusion is InkToYourPen. I mean, his writing style is so good!" She heard her classmate say.
"I'm a guy but I'm reading his works. And I can say that he is writing based on his experiences. I think he is in an unrequited love— or too shy to approach the girl he likes." Her male classmate said.
"What? He likes someone?" Another girl said.
"It's just a hunch! He conveyed the words in his stories like he was really experiencing it in real life."
Lesley stopped reading. That's the easiest way of writing in the beginning— you based your characters in yourself or someone you knew. But later on, writers should explore outside their comfort zone to discover their potential in writing. No one would want to read a book with a card board cut character.
(A/N: Card board cut characters - no depth, no character development characters. e.g Villains with no deep reason on why they became like that.)
She was now contemplating whether to read Gusion's works or not.
In the end, she chose to continue her advance reading.
Before going home, Lesley had this habit of staying in her favorite coffee shop for two to three hours to do advance reading and well, to write her stories.
She smiled upon entering at the aroma of coffee and went straight to the counter.
"Hello, Lesley! You look good today. Your usual order?" Lunox— the owner and the head barista, asked her.
Her usual order was iced caramel macchiato with blonde espresso and almond milk but she wanted to try something new today, in hopes that she could find some drive to finish a chapter or two today.
She shook her head lightly, "I think I need more sweets today so caramel frappe with toffee nut syrup please. And one egg tart."
"Alright." Lunox said before she left to prepare her orders.
After she got her orders, she went straight to the second floor to her favorite spot— the table for two in the corner beside the window.
She settled in her table and took a sip of her drink. Lesley grimaced when she first tasted it since it was her first time to order this drink. But it was good.
This coffee shop was a bit far from the university where she was studying so she preferred here because it was peaceful— there were few customers.
She opened her laptop and the document where she was writing her ongoing story.
She typed Chapter Eleven and was trying to extract if she could start writing the chapter but— none, nada. Her mind was blank.
"Oh come on." Lesley was trying to motivate herself but she couldn't start typing.
Frustrated, she stared at her laptop screen with furrowed eyebrows while sipping on her drink.
She was too focus that she didn't notice someone sat on the table next to her.
She was feeling hopeless so she stared at the window as she put her chin on her hand while her other hand's fingers were drumming the table.
Ah, I hate having writer's block. Lesley thought.
Although most of her works were historical fiction— since she only knew few writers wrote this genre and it was easier for her since she was studying BA History— writer's block could not be beaten.
After a few minutes, she had to use comfort room to pee but she was alone so no one would look for her things.
She looked around to see that there were few people around, they were also busy with their own business and she knew no one.
But then, her heart skipped a bit when she saw a familiar face sitting next to her table.
Gusion Paxley!
And what made her feel more panic was that he was already looking at her!
She felt cat got her tongue as she stared back at him.
"Umm..." Lesley cleared her throat, "Can I ask for a favor?"
He didn't answer and just continued staring at her.
"I have to use comfort room, can you look after my things, please?" She continued.
He nodded so she smiled at him and mumbled thanks before going to the comfort room.
Once she entered comfort room, that was when she released heavy breaths that she didn't know she was holding. It wasn't her first time to see him, but it was her first to talk to him.
It took her few minutes in the comfort room since she was calming herself.
She went back to her table and turned to Gusion, "Thank you."
He nodded once again and started typing on his laptop.
Magically, after that scenario, she was able to start typing a chapter for her update. Her fingers were typing really fast, as if she found a motivation to write.
Lesley didn't notice that she already typed three chapters— and all of them contained more than three thousand words!
Even she couldn't believe it, it was first time for her to write three long chapters in one sitting!
She glanced at the time on the corner of her laptop and saw that it was already seven in the evening. She grimaced and picked up her phone— only to see that there were already twenty one missed calls and thirty messages.
Nineteen missed calls and twenty eight messages from her little brother while one missed call and one message each from her parents.
Oh no.
She dialled her little brother's number while fixing her things, "Hi baby brother. I'm still alive, don't worry. I'm just here at my favorite coffee shop and I didn't notice the time. Forgive me?"
"You made me worry, Sis. I thought you were kidnapped or something." Harley said.
She chuckled, "I'm sorry. You know that I put my phone on silent when I am studying or writing. I'll be home soon. Do you want me to buy something for you?"
Her little brother sighed, "Blueberry cheesecake. Thank you Sis. Take care. Love you."
That made her smile, "Love you too, baby brother." She ended the call and finished packing her things.
She stood and at the same time, Gusion stood also so it made her stopped for a second in shock.
He is still here? She thought and noticed that he was also ready to leave.
Lesley gave him a little nod and went outside the coffee shop to wait for a taxi or bus. It would still take half an hour on the way to her house.
She was busy on her phone, sending a message to her family that she was already waiting for taxi or bus when she was startled by a honk.
The car's window in front of her rolled down and it revealed Gusion, "Hop in."
Lesley gasped and waved her hands, "Oh no, I'm okay. I'll just hail a cab or bus."
"I insist. It's already a bit late." Gusion said.
"No, it's not. I go home at midnight sometimes from school and I'm not harm. I don't want to disturb you. Thank you for the offer, by the way." She smiled at him.
"I will be anxious if you commute at the time like this. I will not do anything. I will keep you safe. I'll die first before you get harm." He said but she didn't hear the last sentence.
"This will be too much. We don't know each other personally." Lesley said, contemplating.
"I don't care if it's too much, I can offer you anything and I'll be happy." He smirked, "So you better get in before I carry you here."
She was stunned by his words and before she knew it, he was already carrying her in bridal style and deposited her in the passenger seat.
Lesley was gaping at him as he was still on the door beside her, leaning over her and staring at her as if he was fascinated by something.
"What?" She asked nervously, "This is kidnapping."
He chuckled, "Kidnapping but I'll send you home? I don't think so, baby." He smiled, "It's so satisfying to see you inside my car."
She was confused as he closed the door and went to the driver's side.
She could see that Gusion was trying to suppress his smile but she could see that amusement was written in his eyes. He was glancing at her from time to time the whole ride while she was telling him the direction.
They stopped in front of the village where Lesley lived but Gusion insisted that he would want to send her home door to door.
Lesley learned something new about him: he was such a stubborn man.
They stopped in front of her house and she quickly removed her seatbelt.
"Thank you for the lift. Be safe on your way." She said and was about to get out but he stopped her by holding her wrist.
Lesley flinched with the contact since she felt a spark when he touched her. And it seemed that he felt it too since his eyes widened a bit.
No, it doesn't mean anything. It was just cold inside the car that caused that spark. Yes, that's just it. She convinced herself.
"Wait." Gusion said while he was still holding her wrist.
"What?" She said. Her voice was barely leaving her mouth.
He stared at her and opened his mouth to speak but closing it again. He did it twice before deciding to speak, "Nothing."
She smiled and pulled from his grasp to exit his car. She peeked at the window, "Good night, Gusion."
That made Gusion's one side of his lips to quirk up, "Good night, Lesley."
Once again, Lesley was stunned and before she realized it, Gusion already left.
She absentmindedly turned to enter their house and didn't even notice her impatient little brother waiting on the door.
"Who is that, Sis? Your suitor?"
Lesley laughed at that ridiculous question, "No, Harls. A schoolmate." He will never be my suitor.
Harley eyed her suspiciously before he reached for the blueberry cheesecake she was holding and entered the house.
She was left on the door and looked at the direction where Gusion's car went to.
How the heck did he know my name?
"Omg! Have you read InkToYourPen's latest update last night?"
"Yes! It's so cute! Finally, the male lead is making his moves! After so many chapters!"
"It's just a minimal interaction but— I can't explain it! They're too cute!"
Lesley grimaced with the noise of her classmates. She was busy replying to the comments on her story.
"But hey, do you also read InklessPen's works? The author is a she and writes historical fictions! I love her works! I'm her fan ever since she published her first story. And imagine, my two favorite authors updated their books at the same time! I screamed so loud last night that my parents scolded me."
She tried to hide her smile upon hearing her pseudonym.
And yes, her username was InklessPen. She came up with that pseudonym when she thought of a plot for her story but her pen ran out of ink.
The plot for her breakthrough story— the one that made her famous.
She maintained her privacy though she shared that she was a girl and she was not secretive with her age and degree program. She also had social media for her pseudonym but she didn't upload any of her pictures there— just spoilers, sceneries, pens, coffees and so on and so forth.
"Oh yes! I read her works too! It feels like I'm still studying when I am reading her stories since it is about history. It's helpful."
She then noticed that one of them became silent. It looked like she was thinking until she spoke.
"Don't you find their usernames are similar?"
That made the group silent for a while.
"InklessPen... InkToYourPen... Gusion is the latter, right? And InklessPen is a she. Do you think they are in a relationship?"
Lesley lost her grip on her phone upon hearing those words and it made a loud sound, making her classmates looked at her.
She gave them an awkward smile, "Sorry."
"What if it's just a coincidence? They say Gusion has no girlfriend now." The group continued their conversation.
Lesley just realized one thing that her classmate pointed out. Indeed, their usernames were similar. But she made an account first! No one knew her username except for her very close friends.
She shook her head lightly. Her classmates don't even know that she is InklessPen, how come Gusion will know that it is her? He is from the different department. There's no way that will know.
Lesley felt her phone beeped continuously. She checked her notifications and they were from one social media app. Most of the tweets were mentioning her username on that social media.
Out of curiosity, she clicked it and she had to scroll up to see the tweet that they mentioned her.
It was a quote retweet.
Her eyes widened and panicked upon reading the tweet.
The replies and quote retweets on his tweet made her even more panic. They were now shipping them!
"I knew it! Maybe Gusion likes InklessPen!"
"Maybe he was just curious about her since she isn't still revealing herself. She's a good writer yes, and her stories are wonderful. But all we know about her is just her gender, age, and degree program."
"Either way, I shipped them now!"
And Lesley didn't know that her eyes could get wider when she saw the trending topics.
I'm doomed. They've gone crazy!
Omg, I have to cut it here. HAHAHAHA.
And yes, I'm still awake at this hour tho I have work later HAHAHAHA.
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