One Shot 19: Fangirl?
Thought about this when I was watching EXO videos XD
Lesley was eyeing the screen of her laptop seriously. She wasn't even blinking because in one blink and her desired seat would be sold out.
She was waiting for the website to allow the pre-order of tickets to the concert of the popular boy group: Benchmark Beat, also known as B².
She wasn't really a fan— though she must say that the group was really good— but she was making money through their pictures.
Yes, that was the sole reason why she was going to their concerts. She took a lot of pictures of the group but the most loved member of the group was Gusion Paxley.
She had her own website— sniperreadymoneyisthetarget— and her pseudonym was Sniper. And she was uploading all the pictures of the group to her website, per member per concert. A download of one picture was worth 100 diamonds.
Imagine how much she was making for just one concert. The VIP ticket costed nothing compare to how much she was making.
Of course, her identity was also hidden. She didn't want to get mob by the crazy fans and she wanted to save her beloved DSLR camera.
There were only five seconds before the pre-oder would start. She was gripping on her mouse and was ready to click in any moment.
5... 4... 3... 2... 1...
"Gotcha!" Lesley exclaimed as she successfully pre-ordered a VIP ticket.
"Money, here I come!" She exclaimed once again as she playfully kissed her camera.
Lesley was excited when the day of the concert came. Not because she was excited to see the boy group but because she was excited for the money she would be making.
She blended with the fans and brought out the lightstick of the group. She didn't want the fans to glare at her for not having a lightstick.
She wore a plain white tshirt— well, with a minimal design of cup of coffee to be honest— black shorts and white rubber shoes. She even put her long hair in a high ponytail since it was hot due to lot of people.
The concert wasn't even starting and the crowd was already wild. And when the concert started, she should be used to this but the crowd went wilder!
Especially when the members of B² were going near to the fans near the stage. A few even lost their consciousness when Claude Gunner got her phone to take a selfie. Granger Chant— who was the most silent member of the group was even posing in front of the fans. She was already used to Lancelot Baroque and Alucard Sword since they were the narcissistic of the group. The only Japanese and most mysterious member of the group Hayabusa Shadow was even being jolly and pranking his members.
And lastly, the most popular member of the group despite being branded as the Ice Prince— Gusion Paxley— was standing near them and was staring at her direction.
Lesley's heart thumped when she noticed that and panicked a little.
He can't see us right? He is under the spotlight, I'm sure he wouldn't see our faces.
She frowned and shook her head a little. Why would she even get nervous? It was not like he was looking at her.
Though she was quite tall compare to the other fans near her.
She waved her thoughts dismissively and just continued taking pictures of the group.
But Lesley couldn't helped but to get nrrvous when she noticrd that during the whole duration of the concert, Gusion kept on glancing to her direction.
And Hayabusa noticed that.
"Who are you looking at that direction, Gus?" Hayabusa asked with his mic on!
Gusion just shook his head.
But Lancelot and Claude, being the bullies of the group— eyed Gusion teasingly.
"You saw someone interesting there, bud?" Claude asked while grinning, making the crowd scream with the thought that someone in the crowd caught Gusion's attention.
"Stop it monkey." Gusion said, annoyed.
The rest of the members laughed and didn't pry anymore.
When the concert ended, Lesley quickly went out of the concert venue to go home and immediately uploaded the pictures.
She smiled to herself when the fans quickly downloaded the pictures. More download means more money.
Keep on going! Lesley cheered to herself while watching her income increased.
The next few days, Lesley went to the hospital. She brought her laptop with her of course so she could monitor the money.
She went first to the accounting to settle the payment and to schedule the operation that she had been wanting to happen.
Afterwards, she went to the hospital room where her little brother was staying. At a young age, Harley was suffering with a heart disease that needed a heart transplant.
And yes, this was where the money she was collecting went to.
They came from an average family and her parents' wages were just enough to cover their daily needs.
When Lesley entered the room, her little brother was watching news from the television.
"Shouldn't you watch kids' show instead?" Lesley teased her little brother while placing the food she cooked for them.
"They're boring." Harley answered, "Welcome Sis."
Lesley smiled and kissed her little brother on the hair.
"You'll finally have your operation next week. Isn't that great, baby brother?"
Happiness and worry were written in his eyes, "I'm happy and worried at the same time Sis. Where did you get such huge amount of money?"
"I got it in a legal way. I didn't risk myself, okay?" She assured him.
"Are you sure?" He tried to pry once again.
Lesley chuckled and ruffled his hair, "Yes. And just so you know baby brother, I would do anything for you because I love you."
"Love you too Sis. I don't want you to be in danger just because of me."
She smiled to her little brother and prepared their food while Harley went back watching the television.
"Breaking news! Gusion Paxley, the member of the popular boy group Benchmark Beat has posted something intriguing on his social media account. And it quoted, "Whoever Sniper is and the uploader of pictures of us to the website known as sniperreadymoneyisthetarget, I will hunt you down. Mark my words."
Lesley almost stumbled on her feet upon hearing that news. Her eyes widened while looking at the screen.
"Gusion also mentioned that this Sniper person was taking advantage of their fans. He gave an ultimatum of three days for this Sniper person to surrender or they will charge Sniper all of the money that he or she has collected through the pictures."
"What the fudge!" Lesley exclaimed and opened her laptop in a hurry to change her IP Address. Though she was doing it everytime she uploaded new pictures to the website from time to time.
"Sis, what did you do?" Harley asked, noticing her panicked.
"This wasn't illegal Harls. I'm just merely taking pictures of them during concert and every download of their pictures convert to money."
"That's taking their privacy."
She gave him a duh-look, "They are public figure."
"But it isn't right to take advantage of their fans."
"It's their choice, Harls. I just upload the pictures and it's up to them whether they will pay and download it or not. I didn't take advantage of them." Lesley sighed, "Would you rather want me to sell myself for an instant money?"
She successfully changed her IP Address and decided to check the post of Gusion in the said social media platform.
There were many replies, retweet and likes.
She tried to read some replies.
"The pictures may be costly but they are definitely worth it!"
"Sniper takes a lot of good pictures! I bet the camera she/he uses is expensive!"
Nah, it's just a matter of timing and angle, sweetie. Lesley thought.
"I'm really saving my money so I can download the pictures."
"@gpaxley I know you are concern about us but you really don't have to worry. It's our choice to download them. Sniper isn't taking advantage of us. In fact, she is helping us who couldn't watch your concerts live."
"I think Sniper is a she. There is one girl near me in the last concert holding a DSLR camera. She was holding a lightstick but she wasn't even shouting the fanchants!"
Her heart accelerated upon reading that reply and saw that it had thousands of replies already— a lot of them was mentioning Gusion's username.
"Now that you've mentioned that, I noticed her too! It was quite dark but when a light passed through our direction, I saw her face. Such a beauty!"
"Oh! I remember that too! I was beside her and @gpaxley kept on looking at our direction. Maybe she was the one who caught his attention? I wish it was me but I know it's impossible. Lol."
Lesley's eyes widened more when she read a new reply.
Gusion Paxley ✔ @gpaxley
Do you remember how she looks and what she was wearing? She's the tallest in that direction. Didn't get to see much of her looks because of the spotlight but I definitely noticed her.
"Oh no." Lesley blurted and closed the social media website.
She then decided to shut down her website. She changed her IP address again and turned off her laptop.
I need to clear my name before it breaks in the internet.
Lesley groaned out of frustration while she was on her way to the Moonton Entertainment building— the company that managed B².
She was reading some trending articles about Gusion's post. There were many speculations of how she looked like and to where she was spending the money.
Ugh, bandwagon journalist. She wasn't generalizing all of the journalist. Some of them were just exaggerated and bandwagons.
Upon arriving in the building, she put her hair in a high ponytail. Not minding that she was just wearing a light brown tshirt with a minimal design of cursive lettering coffee, a white shorts and her usual white rubber shoes— she entered the building.
"Miss, do you have business here?" The guard blocked her.
"Is B² inside?" She asked.
"Are you a fangirl just like them? If yes, I'm sorry but you can't enter." The guard said.
"I'm not a fan." Lesley sighed, "I just want to talk to Gusion or any staff handling B². I still want to live please."
The guard seemed confused at first until his eyes widened, "Are you perhaps the one behind that website?"
"I'm not proud of it but yes." Lesley answered, "Do I need to show a proof?"
"You have the different answer compared to them." He pointed to the group of girls not too far from the building, "And I sensed frustration in your voice. I know you are telling the truth. You may enter Miss. B²'s floor is on the seventh. The whole group is there."
"Thank you!" She said before going straight to the elevator and pressed the number seven.
And when she reached the floor, she took a deep breath to relax herself— which didn't even help a bit.
She saw the group inside their practice since well, it had a glass wall.
Granger was the first one who saw her standing outside that he immediately tapped Gusion's shoulder and pointed her.
Her breathing hitched when she met Gusion's gaze. She even leaned her hand on the wall for support because she felt her knees buckled.
Lesley didn't realize that she was holding her breath especially when Gusion stepped out from the practice room and was now standing in front of her.
"Sniper?" Gusion said in his famous husky voice.
Lesley didn't answer that made Gusion sighed before he pulled her to another room— like conference room.
"I already shut down the website. If you will tell me to return the money, I'm sorry but I can't." Lesley said first.
"You took advantage of our fans."
"I didn't!" Lesley exclaimed, "I just uploaded the pictures but it was their own will to download and pay me!"
Gusion didn't speak while Lesley was already frustrated. She could see amusement was dancing in his eyes which made her more pissed.
"So, what did you do with all of those money?"
Her face softened and Gusion was in awe while staring at her.
"I paid the hospital bills and heart transplant operation of my little brother." Lesley said in a soft voice but it was audible enough to Gusion.
Gusion was shocked upon hearing those words, "Is he okay now?"
Lesley gave him a confused look with his sudden worry but she still answered nonetheless, "He's okay. He's a strong kid." She sighed, "So I'm sorry if I can't return the money. It's my brother's life at risk. Sue me if you want but I want my brother's operation to happen."
Gusion was silent and just staring at her which made her nervous.
"I won't sue you." He finally said after minutes of staring at her, "And you don't have to return the money."
"Really? Thank you—"
"But in one condition." Gusion added.
Her smile faded with that.
What have you gotten yourself into, Lesley?
Few years later...
"Thank you all for coming tonight!" Claude shouted.
"Before the encore, let me do this first. Is it alright with you guys?" Gusion asked the fans.
The crowd cheered and shouted "Yes!"
Gusion chuckled and drank water first, "So few years ago, anyone remembered the name Sniper?"
The fans answered "Yeah!"
"So I saw her, standing in the crowd with her DSLR camera. She really stood out of the rest though. Her height is a plus." Gusion chuckled and put one of his hands in his pocket, "I know that it wasn't a secret to you guys since I am proud of having her in my life. You all helped unknowingly her few years ago by downloading the picture and paying her so I am really thankful to you all."
A spotlight lighted to one direction of the crowd where Lesley was sitting that she immediately hid her face.
Gusion chuckled, "Come on love, they already know how beautiful you are. You can look at her alright, but she's mine."
That made the fans screamed. Almost all of their fans were supportive of their not-so-typical relationship. Yes, almost— since there were still immature fans out there but they just ignored them.
After all, Gusion wasn't ashamed to show her off to the world.
"As a thank you gift, I want you all to be part of this important event to both of us." Gusion said and he walked down towards were Lesley was sitting.
The fans were screaming as they already had an idea on what was going to happen.
"Lesley Vance." He softly called her, "You weren't our fangirl before but let me be your number one supporter." He slowly kneeled on one of his knees which earned a gasp from Lesley, "Marry me and let us spend the rest of our lives together."
Lesley was speechless and she was already crying but she managed to nod her head a lot of times as a response.
Gusion smiled and quickly put the ring to her before hugging her tightly.
"Thank you love. I love you." Gusion whispered sweetly to her as the crowd were so loud cheering for them.
"I love you." Lesley whispered back.
And in front of thousands of fans, Gusion claimed her lips for a kiss.
"Let me know you better and let it take to wherever it will lead us." Was Gusion's condition a few years ago.
Heyaaaa~ you miss me? HAHAHA.
Actually I was quite busy (Aren't I always busy? XD) since I already resigned from my previous company. And tomorrow, I'll start working to the new company that I've applied to. HAHAHA.
This is a bigger company and I might become busier? But I will still try update whenever I can. Don't worry.
Anyway, keep on loving our Dangerous Couple and stay safe! <3
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