One Shot 14: Invisible Apple
"Happy birthday Odette!" The heroes greeted the Swan Princess.
"Thank you so much! Please enjoy!" odette said.
The heroes were in the Regina Palace to celebrate Odette's birthday. Of course, it was large enough to accommodate all the heroes.
"Happy birthday Odette." Lesley greeted Odette as she gave her the gift.
Odette hugged her, "Thank you Les. Though you don't have to bring one."
"You deserved it Odette. Enjoy your day!"
"Yeah! Thank you because all of you came and celebrated my birthday with me."
They were chatting for a while when they heard Nana's shout.
"I hate you Harley!"
They whipped their heads to the direction where the voice came from and they saw Nana was holding her forehead and in the verge of crying.
Lesley squinted her eyes on the culprit. Harley was laughing while running.
Lesley looked at Odette, "Excuse me Odette. I'm gonna leash that troublemaker."
Odette laughed, "He loves teasing Nana."
Lesley rolled her eyes then smiled, "Because he likes her." Lesley used her camouflage to chase Harley, but unfortunately he was now nowhere in sight. Though his hat was left.
She held and shook her head lightly. She thought Harley would spare being a prankster for today but she was wrong.
"Harley I swear! No dinner for you later if you don't show up!" Lesley shouted as she gripped on his hat.
"I caught him."
Lesley looked to who spoke and saw her little brother with the dagger wielder.
Before she could make an eye contact with him, she immediately divert her eyes to her little brother who was struggling from Gusion.
"Let me go you freak!" Harley angrily said.
Lesley placed her hands on her hips and leaned a bit downwards on Harley, "Enough with your pranks you troublemaker." She stood straight and placed his hat on his head, "Do some trouble again and you'll get no dinner tonight. Now, say sorry to Nana."
"I don't wanna!" Harley did some tantrums while still trying to get out of Gusion's grip, "And I said let me go!"
Lesley leaned downwards again to Harley and flicked his forehead which made him shout 'ouch!'
"That's what you get from flicking Nana's forehead. Now say sorry. And I'm serious Harley Vance. I'm going to confiscate all your cards, including your staff and hat if you don't." Lesley said in a warning tone.
Harley pouted while still rubbing his forehead, "Okay! Okay! I'll do it."
She stood straight and looked at Gusion, as if telling him to let go of Harley which he did.
"Make sure you'll do it with sincerity Harley, or else I'm going to cut your hair." Lesley said as Harley started walking.
Harley gasped and looked at his sister with horror, "Fine! I'll do it Sis! Just not the hair!" With that, Harley ran towards where the kids were playing.
Lesley chuckled. Oh, he'll do anything just for his hair.
"I'm really wondering on how you can handle him so well. He is so stubborn." Gusion said.
Lesley looked at him, "We've been together for many years. And mind you, he was more stubborn before he went and practiced in the Land of Dawn." Lesley smiled, "Anyway, thank you for catching him."
"He bumped into me actually, and I noticed his hat was missing so I already knew he escaped from his troublemaking."
"Oh. But still, thank you."
Gusion smiled, "You're always welcome Les."
Lesley felt a blush was creeping on her face so she turned her back to him and started walking, "W-well, the party has started, so come."
Lesley was busy scolding herself for acting like that in front of her love– unrequited love rather, because she knew it herself that she was just a friend for Gusion.
And she knew she wasn't beautiful enough for Gusion.
I mean, look how handsome he is. There are so many beautiful female heroes that would match his looks and that is not me.
Lesley was busy with her thoughts that she didn't knew Gusion was already on her side and placed an arm on her shoulders.
She looked at him with shock but he just smiled at her before walking towards where the other heroes were.
"Okay! Let's play some games guys!" Layla said.
The heroes shouted 'Yeah!' for they were still kids at heart.
"But first, the kids are not included in the games so kids, play on the other side of the garden. We already prepared something for you there." Layla continued as the kids ran towards the other side of the garden.
"Alright!" Layla said as the kids were not now on their sight, "So for our first game! Please come here in front as I call your name."
Lesley's heart beat in nervousness. There was just one meaning if the kids were not allowed to see the games. She knew what games Layla would arrange and she was hoping she would not be picked.
"This game will be in pairs. Odette and Lancelot, Kagura and Hayahusa, Freya and Zilong, Ruby and Alucard, Irithel and Claude, Selena and Martis, and last but not the least, Lesley and Gusion."
Lesley felt her heart stopped for a second when she heard her name. But she had no choice but to do whatever the game would be.
As the pairs were now in front, Lesley looked nervously at Gusion whom she noticed had a knowing smile on his lips.
"Gusion." She called him.
"Hmm?" He looked at her.
"Why are we here? All of them were couples." She said while pointing at the couples.
Gusion shrugged, "I don't know. But anyway, let's just do this okay? Trust me."
Lesley sighed and nodded. She had no other choice.
"This game is called Invisible Apple. But instead of finishing it with the least time, the pair who will do it for the longest time will be the winner okay?"
Wait, what?
"What kind of game was that?" Lesley confusely asked Layla.
"You'll know it later Lesley." Layla winked at her.
Lesley looked at Gusion, hoping for some answers but he just smiled and winked at her.
"Good luck Lesley." Layla said as she handed them a blind fold.
"I still do not get what this game is." She said as she put her blind fold.
"You will Lesley, later."
"All of you are already blind folded, so time starts now!" Lesley heard Laylasaid.
And Lesley was confused because she could hear the heroes' cheering.
Lesley didn't feel Gusion was moving so she tiptoed and tried to bite on the apple but she end up on bumping to Gusion's chin.
"Oh my! I'm so sorry Gusion. Are you okay?" She apologized.
"Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry."
"This game is weird Gus." Lesley blurted.
"How do you say so?"
"I mean, I can't feel the apple and I don't understand the mechanics."
"You still don't get this game?"
"No." She shook her head though she knew he couldn't see it.
"Lesley, this game is called Invisible Apple if you didn't listen earlier."
Her eyebrows knotted, "And?"
"There was no really apple here."
She frowned more, "So? What is this game, really?"
She heard Gusion sighed, "In this game, we need to do this."
And the moment he said 'this', Lesley felt him wrapped his arms around her waist as he pulled her and she felt something soft on her lips.
Her eyes widened behind the blind fold.
Oh my gosh, he's kissing me!
Lesley just stood there, frozen, as Gusion's lips was still on hers, but not moving.
She could hear the roaring cheers for them of the heroes.
She didn't know what to do.
"Lesley." Gusion whispered, their lips were still touching.
"W-what?" Her lips quivered.
She felt him held her hands as he made them wrapped around his neck then his hands found their way back on her waist, "I love you, so please answer me and my kisses."
Lesley gasped, and that was when Gusion moved his lips to claim hers.
Her lips were still quivering but then she started to kiss him back.
Gusion tightened his arms around her, pulling her closer as if they weren't close enough.
He groaned as he licked her bottom lip, nipping it gently before his tongue explored hers.
Lesley moaned as their kiss became more intense, more passionate. She could feel all his emotions on that kiss.
She didn't know long they were kissing when she pulled a little to gasp some air. Gusion didn't let her go though, he was still dropping sweet little kisses on her lips as she breathe enough air.
"Gusion, wait–"
"What love?" He said as he gently nipped her upper lip and running his tongue on it.
Lesley moaned, "I love you Gusion."
Gusion was stunned for a while but then she felt him smiled after a second, "You didn't know how happy I am now to hear those words from you."
She was about to say something but Gusion claimed her lips once again.
She felt his kisses were something more this time, as they already knew they felt the same way.
She tightened her arms around his neck for she felt her knees were buckling from too much sensation from their kisses.
"And we have a winner guys! It is Lesley and Gusion!" Lesley heard Layla announced.
Lesley tapped Gusion's chest to make him stop but he continued to kiss her.
"G-Gusion, we won."
Gusion was still kissing her but she felt he removed her blind fold.
"Hey Gusion! How about thanking me first for agreeing to this game you suggested because you wanted to confess to Lesley?"
Lesley's eyes went open with what Layla said and pushed Gusion enough to break their kiss.
"You what?" She asked Gusion.
Gusion smiled sheepishly at her, "I love you."
She narrowed her eyes at him, "So that's why you had a knowing smile earlier huh."
Gusion chuckled and leaned on her, "I love you."
And with that, he claimed her lips once again.
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