One Shot 10: Dare Gone Wrong
Lesley was sleeping peacefully when it got disturbed by the continuous notification sound of an incoming chat.
She ignored it and covered her ears with pillow as she tried to sleep again.
But her phone kept on ringing.
She got up and scratched her cheek frustratedly. Oh, for effin' sake!
She picked up her phone with a frown and was scolding herself for not muting the chat notifications before she slept.
Lesley opened the group chat and saw Layla, Miya, and Ruby bombarding it. They were just talking nonsense and that hit Lesley's nerve.
They disturbed my sleep with this nonsense?
She wanted to shout at them but partly, she was at fault too. She could just mute the notifications but she forgot it.
Lesley sighed, her grogginess was now gone and it would take long for her to sleep again. She saw the time and it was only six in the morning. She still have thirty minutes before she can wake up Harley and prepare his breakfast.
"It's too early for the three of you to disturb our sleep." She chatted.
"Good morning Les!"
"Hi Les!"
"Good morning!"
The three chatted simultaneously.
"So what's the commotion all about?" She asked the three.
"Oh! I'm inviting you all for a sleepover here at my house!" Ruby answered.
"Yes! That would be fun!" Miya agreed.
"I'm sorry but I can't leave Harley alone." Lesley replied.
"Oh, don't worry Les. I already talked to Nana last night. The kids will also have a sleepover here in our house." Miya chatted with a smiling emoji.
"You don't have any excuses anymore Les. You'll come with us whether you like it not." Layla chatted. Lesley could tell that Layla had an evil smile on her face right now.
"Yeah! If it means we have to drag you here, then we will!" Ruby chatted.
Lesley sighed once again, as if she had a choice.
She just seen their chat and closed the application.
"Take care Harley, okay? No pranks. No trouble making. You understood?" Lesley reminded her little brother as she dropped him by to Miya and Nana's house.
"Yes, yes. Thank you Sis. Take care too okay? And don't sleep next to that freak!" Harley blurted.
Lesley frowned at Harley, "I told you, he is just a friend, Harley. And the girls and boys are always separate when we are having sleepovers."
Harley scoffed, "But to him, he doesn't see you as a friend only. I know it Sis, I can sense his motives."
Lesley sighed pinched her little brother's cheek.
He was always like this towards Gusion, though she always told him that they were just friends.
She knew Harley was just being an overprotective brother but she couldn't help it but to feel something whenever he would tell her that he always caught Gusion staring at her, something like that.
"Hi Harley and Lesley! Harith and Chang'e are already inside. Just wait for the others okay?" Miya butted in their conversation.
Lesley saw in her peripheral vision that Harley hmmph'ed when Miya mentioned the name Harith. She laughed at him mentally.
Oh, I can sense his jealousy.
"I'm going inside now Sis! Be safe and have fun!" Harley kissed her on her cheek before running inside Miya's house.
And that's when Lesley and Miya laughed.
"He's jealous, isn't he?" Miya asked her.
Lesley laughed, "Yeah. My little brother is such a cutie."
Miya nodded, "Yeah. He's jealous though he shouldn't be. Nana's crush is Harley, not Harith." She picked up her bag, "Anyway, let's go?"
They arrived at Ruby's house. Almost all of their friends were already there, except for Hayabusa and Kagura who were on their way. Rafaela, Pharsa, Argus, Kaja, and Gatotkaca who were in charge to buy more foods and drinks.
Some boys were already grilling the barbecue, while most of the girls were already setting the table.
"Lesley! Miya! Welcome!" Ruby welcomed the and gave them a hug. "You can placed your bags in the guest room then come back here okay?"
"Miya, can you carry my bag? I need to put this cake first to the refrigerator." Lesley asked Miya.
"Yeah, sure!" Miya got her bag then went to the guest room as Lesley went straight to the kitchen to put the cake in the refrigerator.
She might do some kind of help if someone was still cooking.
"Oh hey Les! You're already here!" Gusion said as he went near her, "Beautiful as always." He winked at her, "Let me take this." He said as he got the cake from her and put it in the fridge.
Lesley was just frozen from where she was standing. She knew Gusion was always this sweet to her and she thought she was already used to it but then she was not.
She could feel her face heated up.
Their friends also always teased the two of them. Gusion would just laugh at it while she didn't know what to react.
She had been receiving mixed signals, that's why she would just flipped her tiny feelings for her friend.
But who am I kidding? She thought. She knew she already had fallen.
And she knew he didn't have any plans on catching her.
"Okay! Let's play our favorite game of all time!" Layla shouted as she stood in the middle, holding a bottle of whiskey, "Truth or dare!"
All of their friends cheered, except Lesley who just rolled her eyes.
Her friends were now tipsy from drinking. Most of them were so noisy and Lesley silently thanked God because it was a good thing that Ruby's house were a couple of meters away from the other houses. If not, the neighbors would be furious because of the noise.
Lesley was pulled from her thoughts when she felt a pair of arms enveloped her from her side and a head leaned on her shoulder.
She gasped and held her breath. She could feel the erratic beating of her heart.
And only one person could do this to her.
She heard him groaned as he tightened his hug. She could feel his hot breath fanning to her neck and Lesley swore, she could feel his lips brushing to her skin!
It gave her goosebumps.
"Hey, you okay?" She asked him as she brushed his hair away from his forehead.
Gusion chuckled, "Of course. You know I've never been drunk, Les."
He was right though. Lesley knew he had never been drunk. He knew his limitations, when to stop drinking. He was not letting himself to get drunk.
Lesley just let Gusion hugged her, as she was comfortable in his hug.
"Hey Ruby." Zilong said with an evil smile, "Truth or dare?"
Zilong's evil smile grew wider, "Seven minutes in heaven with the person where the bottle will point next."
Before Zilong could spin the bottle, Alucard stood and pulled Ruby towards him. "No!"
Zilong laughed, "Sorry man, she chose dare."
"That dare was invalid okay?" Alucard said as he carried Ruby upstairs.
All of them laughed at Alucard's action. They were used to Alucard's possessiveness to Ruby.
Zilong shrugged and spinned the bottle once again and it pointed to Claude.
Zilong had an evil smile once again, "Claude! Truth or dare?"
Claude smirked, "Truth."
Zilong laughed, an evil laugh, "Good choice man. Among the girls, who caught your attention first?"
"That was an easy question." Claude gazed to the girls and stopped at someone, "Lesley."
Lesley gasped and at the same time, she felt Gusion hugged her tighter.
"I can feel someone's aura darkening." Freya said.
Claude raised his hands, as if he was surrendering, "But that was before okay? I have my Irithel now." He hugged Irithel, who was beside him.
"And he told me about it long time ago." Irithel said, "And yeah, who wouldn't admire Lesley?"
Their friends agreed, and the boys answered louder than the girls, seemingly teasing someone.
Lesley felt Gusion moved. He made her face buried to his chest.
She could hear their friends teasing them.
"How dare he. You're mine." She heard Gusion whispered.
Lesley felt a blush crept on her face but she remained silent. She didn't want to assume.
The game continued until the bottle pointed to Gusion.
"Yes! Finally!" Freya exclaimed, "Truth or dare?"
"I dare you to dance EXO's Love Shot to Lesley."
The girls pulled Lesley and made her sit on a chair. Gusion stood in front of her, with a sexy smirk on his face.
Lesley could already felt her blush. She knew that dance. And she knew how good at dancing Gusion was.
Their friends played the song and Gusion was barely moving at the beginning, maybe to tease her.
And when the chorus came, Gusion went near her and danced in front of her in full performance!
She felt the alcohol was now out of her system and felt her every cell in her body woke up.
Lesley covered her face with her hands, she knew she was blushing furiously. The chorus part was full of body wave moves and Lesley swore, Gusion was dancing sexily in front of her.
Oh God, forgive me for I have sinned.
Gusion stopped dancing after the chorus and Lesley didn't know if she would be thankful he did or not. Their friends kept on teasing them.
"So how was it?" Gusion asked her as he helped her to stand.
Lesley didn't answer him and just hit his arm which earned a chuckle from him.
They continued to play, some of them were already drunk. Even Hayabusa removed his mask and his face was now red because of the alcohol.
"It's about time!" Layla exclaimed as the bottle pointed at Lesley. "Truth or dare?"
Layla smirked, "I dare you to kiss the person you love on the lips."
Lesley was frozen, "I changed my mind, I chose truth."
Layla waved her forefinger, like gesturing she was wrong, an evil smile was plastered on her lips, "No changing of answer honey. No backing out."
Lesley sighed. She might be tipsy but she was still thinking straight.
She fidgetted on her nails and looked nervously at Gusion, who was intently staring at her, as if waiting for her next moves.
This will be the first and last time.
She took a deep breath and threw away her shyness as she grabbed Gusion's collar and kissed him on the lips.
Their friends roared at the sight of them.
Lesley was about to pull out from the kiss when Gusion's arms went around her waist, pulling her, not wanting to cut their kiss.
She moaned lightly when she felt Gusion bit her lower lip and sucked it before licking it, asking for entrance which she gladly granted.
Lesley's arms went around to Gusion's neck as their kiss became deeper.
She heard Gusion groaned as he scooped her in his arms and walked away from their friends, still kissing her.
They could still hear their friends shoutings but they chose to ignore them.
Lesley didn't know how long their kiss was and she didn't know how Gusion managed to kiss her while carrying her.
He placed her on a soft mattress, as he went on top of her, hovering her.
Lesley could feel his hot breath fanning her face and her nose was filled with his minty yet alcoholic breath which surprisingly intoxicating her.
She felt Gusion moved, as he placed tiny kisses on her forehead, to her eyes, nose, cheeks and on the side of her lips.
"Is it true?" Gusion asked her in a husky voice.
The room's light was just moonlight passing through the windows and yet it was enough for them to see each other's face.
Lesley nodded, "But I know I am just a friend. Don't worry Gusion, I won't let this affect our friendship. I just thought it was about time for you to-"
She was cut because Gusion attacked her lips once again.
She felt his hands went under her shirt, touching her skin, tracing her curves. And she couldn't help it but to moan in his lips.
This seemed ignited Gusion as he left her lips and it travelled down to her neck, placing wet kisses there and running his tongue on her throat which she didn't know was a soft spot, making her whimper.
"Ahh... Gusion." She moaned as her hands also went under his shirt, caressing his well-toned abs.
Gusion moaned and sucked her collarbone, gently biting it but she was sure it would leave a mark there.
He stopped, but his hands were still roaming to her back, touching her.
"I love you. You didn't know how I longed for you to reciprocate my feelings." Gusion told her while looking at her straightly.
His eyes gave it all. Lesley could see the love in there while staring at her.
And she knew her eyes were reflecting it.
"I love you Gusion. You kept on giving me mixed signals you know. It was hard for me to know if you love me or not."
Gusion chuckled as he kissed her cheeks, his hands were now on her waist, rubbing small circles there making her shivered. "I'm sorry sweetheart. Let me make it up to you."
And no, they didn't do it. Gusion wanted to claim all of her once they are married although Lesley said he can already claim her.
They weren't aware that their friends were behind the door, eavesdropping on them and they recorded their whole conversation, including the noise that shouldn't be heard by anyone.
EXO's Love Shot kept on playing in my mind and I was imagining Gusion dancing it in front of Lesley *screams*
There's a link above of EXO's live performance of Love Shot so you can see all the dance steps *winks*
Keep on loving GusLey! <3
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