Part 38
Sasuke and Itachi walked through the village with content as they'd just finished training session. They hadn't walked peacefully together in the village since before the Massacre.
Sasuke wasn't attached to Itachi's back like he used to be. That would be a little awkward but the two walked side to side.
"Oii!" A voice yelled from further down. The two Uchiha came to a halt as noticed Naruto coming closer with a smiling Hinata by his side.
"Hn" Sasuke grunted as he eyed Hinata. She was around Naurot more and more these days and he was starting to wonder if perhaps he was supposed to be making an effort in knowing her but he quickly realized he didn't care. It was merely a passing thought.
"Naruto-san" Itachi greeted as they stopped in front of the two "Who is this?" He kindly asked, seeing how shy the woman before him felt.
Naruto glanced at Hinata with a fond smile "This is Hinata-chan! She's from the main branch of the Hyuuga clan so she's really strong and she even fought again Pein!" The blonde proudly stated causing the purple-haired woman to flush with embarrassment as the attention was put on her.
Itachi noticed how uncomfortable she was becoming and gently smiled "It's a pleasure to meet you, Hyuuga-Sama"
Although it wasn't necessary for him to add her branch, he knew those kinds of things were important in clans, and seeing as the two Uchiha held clan positions with high regard, he figured they'd show more respect for her.
Hinata grew redder as she brought her fist up to her chin "O-Oh, just Hinata is fine, I-It's nice to meet you as well, Uchiha-san. N-Naruto-kun told me about your pardon. C-Congratulations" She smiled politely.
Sasuke quickly glared at his teammate for running his mouth to which Naruto sheepishly smiled at him.
Itachi glanced at the two with an amused smile before turning back to the woman "Thank you. May I ask, were you two on a date perhaps?" Itachi questioned with a sly look in his eyes.
At this point, Hinata's whole being had turned red whereas Naruto grew a soft blush over his cheeks "Y-Yeah, we were" Naruto suddenly stated as he turned to Hinata with a soft smile, who was already looking at him in surprise at admitting it. Many men would have tried to save face lest they were teased by their comrades.
Sasuke raised a brow as he eyed the Hyuuga. He was never really fond of their clan due to their stuck-up attitude's but Hinata didn't seem to be like the usual Hyuuga.
Itachi smiled "How did it go?" He asked the two as they once again glanced at the other.
"It was-"
"Hello" Another voice suddenly joined the fray, giving Naruto a mild heart attack as he'd been so focused on what Hinata was going to say.
They all turned to see Sai standing between Hinata and Itachi.
"Sai?" Naruto muttered with a frown, he'd completely forgotten about their other teammate.
"It's good to see you're back in the village, Naruto, Sasuke." He smiled with surprisingly more emotion in his eyes than they'd ever seen in him, albeit still wasn't the normal amount a human should be able to express.
"Hn. This is Sai, he and another captain joined Team 7 when we went on the mission to save the Kazekage" Sasuke introduced Itachi.
"Hello" Itachi smiled back, understanding all too well the kind of person Sai was.
Sai turned to the older Uchiha "It's a pleasure meeting you, Uchiha-san. I had heard about the Uchiha massacre, you must be really strong to take out so many in one night but I'm glad you were pardoned for it" He bluntly stated.
Sasuke and Naruto glared at the boy for bringing up topics that didn't need to be discussed so freely.
It didn't seem to faze Itachi as he lightly shook his head "I wouldn't say I'm strong-"
"But you are. To have killed Fugaku Uchiha, the leader of the Uchiha Clan, and your father. It is a great feat" Sai stated with his sickly smile. It seemed that though he had learned more about his emotions, he wasn't quite accustomed to those around him yet.
"Sai" Sasuke spoke up suddenly, gaining his attention "Why are you here?" He asked with a glare, trying to keep himself from strangling the man.
Sai tilted his head with a smile "I heard you killed Danzo-Sama which freed those of us in Root sworn to secrecy." His eyes suddenly held a sincere emotion in his eyes, something very strange to see "I left Root shortly after and can now speak freely" He said
Naruto wondered if this was his way of saying thank you.
"Then I take it you'll be staying on the team?" Naruto questioned.
Sai turned his attention to the blonde "Only part-time. While I'm glad to have left Root, it is all I know. I requested to join the Anbu under the charge of the Hokage" He stated with a genuinely happy smile.
Naruto figured it would be hard to make such a transition from a mindless killer to someone with emotions.
"That's great! The Anbu will give you time to transition" Naruto grinned.
"Hn" Sasuke glared at Sai "And the Hokage trusts you to take on that role?" He muttered.
Itachi wondered if he was jealous. From what he knew, none of them had ever been offered a role on Anbu.
Sai shook his head "I'm not sure but I will prove my worth over time"
"Well, congratulat-" Naruto paused as he felt the ground beneath him rumble. The others seemed to notice as well as they looked around for the disturbance.
"What's-" Hinata mumbled before she was cut off by Kakashi and Guy suddenly appearing over the top of them, seemingly flying through the air. They landed on the other side of the small group and continued barging through the village, smoke, and dirt following in their footsteps.
"What was that?" Naruto stared after them with confusion.
"Has something happened?" Hinata questioned softly in concern.
Naruto glanced at Sasuke who gave a short nod.
"Come on" Sasuke muttered to Itachi as they jumped away from the group, following after Kakashi and Guy.
"Want to go see what's going on?" Naruto grinned at Hinata.
"Sure" Sai answered with a sweet smile.
Naruto deadpanned at the boy as Hinata softly giggled "Sure" She repeated.
The three quickly followed after Sasuke and Itachi as well.
Sakura giggled with Ino as they joked about Sasuke's hairstyle. Though the two had feelings for the Uchiha, they admitted to themselves and each other that his hairstyle could use some work.
Team 10, 8, Team Guy excluding Lee, and Sakura wandered along the construction sites of Konoha, simply being together and hanging out.
"His hairstyle is a little strange but..." Tenten trailed off as she felt her own buns on her head. Truthfully, a lot of them had some weird hairstyles. It's what made each person so unique.
"It's nothing compared to having pink hair!" Kiba pointed at Sakura with a good-hearted laugh.
Sakura playfully glared at the Inuzuka as she ran her fingers through her hair "You're one to talk, Kiba. The whole time we were at the Academy, I thought that furry hooded jacket you always worse was your hair!" Sakura teased with a chuckle. The group laughed with her as Kiba's cheeks grew red with embarrassment.
"What's that?" Choji questioned as he eyed something in the distance, the group slowly looked to where he was staring and were surprised to see Kakashi and Guy running along the rooftops at an incredibly fast pace.
"Those two...Don't tell me they're at it again?" Neji narrowed his eyes with annoyance.
"No mistake about it. It's their rivalry contest" Tenten sighed, suddenly feeling exhausted.
Sakura smiled as she looked at her sensei, happy he was loosening up again.
"Our sensei probably challenged him" Tenten continued as she crossed her arms, feeling annoyance settling in "Of all times to do this" She muttered.
Neji scoffed with amusement as he eyed them with a small smile "No, that's exactly why he challenged him now"
Sakura smiled at Neji, happy he thought along the same lines as her as they all watched them go.
"EH?! Sasuke?!" Ino screeched as she brought the attention to the two Uchiha brothers running along the roofs, following after the two sensei's.
"Is that Hinata?" Kiba muttered with a hand over his eyebrows to shield from the sun as he noticed his teammate, Naruto, and Sai following at a slower pace after the Uchiha's.
"What is going on?" Tenten questioned.
"Looks like they're all curious to see who will win" Sakura grinned as she quickly followed after them.
"Heh!" Kiba smirked as he and Shino went on ahead as well.
"We might as well see who wins" Tenten smiled as she and Neji left.
"Sasuke! Wait for me!" Ino yelled, quickly following after Sasuke.
"What a drag" Shikamaru watched as they all left. Choji stood beside him, happily munching on his chips.
"Want to go see what's up?" Choji asked with his mouth full.
Shikamaru sighed, already feeling his social energy at a low level "We might as well" He muttered as the two followed.
Kakashi and Guy jumped in the air again with dramatic poses as they tried to keep from losing their balance.
"As expected from my rival!" Guy yelled over the wind in their ears "The challenge has just begun!"
The two landed and came up the cliff of the stone heads. Running straight at it, they quickly used chakra to run up the walls, sparring as they went.
At the top of the cliff was a small finish line Lee had set up. As he waited, he did push-ups to keep himself pumped up for their arrival.
As he trained, his hands suddenly began to tremble. Lee eyed his hand on the ground before looking up to see his sensei and Kakashi running like the world was about to end toward him.
He quickly got up with a frown as he noticed how close they were. It would be hard to tell who wins this match.
They rushed to the finish line and as if time slowed down, Lee carefully watched who crossed first.
Dust covered the area as they passed, taking a while to slow down from the speed they had been running at.
In that time, Their teams and team 8 arrived on the scene, quietly waiting with Lee for them to come back.
Kakashi came to stand before them, seemingly cool-headed as ever while Guy huffed with a grin "Lee, who won?"
Everyone turned their attention to Lee as he seemed to freeze up with the pressure. He shook as his eyes were wide with concentration. Lee suddenly looked up at his sensei with a strained smile.
Guy began to feel excited at the prospect of beating Kakashi.
"Kakashi sensei is..."
Guy's grin further spread at his student's words.
"the winner!" Lee cried.
Guy fell onto his back as if he were suddenly attacked. The teams next to Lee cheered at the challenge, it certainly brightened their spirits. Sasuke and Itachi simply looked on with small smiles.
Kakashi smiled "That was a pretty good challenge"
Suddenly, flowers were pushed in Kakashi's face as he eyed them with confusion. The teams slowly grew quiet as they watched.
"Congratulations" Guy muttered while looking away.
Kakashi tilted his head "Oh no...This is nothing to be congratulated for" He chuckled.
Guy turned to Kakashi with a serious expression on his features "Congratulations on becoming the leader of the United Nations. You'll be Hokage next. There's already planning to go on for it" He finished with a genuine smile.
Kakashi was taken aback at his words. The teams were silently watching. Ino, Sakura, and Tenten held on to each other at the suddenly moving moment.
"When you become Hokage, you probably won't be able to accept my challenges so easily. That's why I wanted to challenge you for the last time before it happened." Guy pushed the flowers to Kakashi "Thank you, Kakashi" He sincerely stated.
Kakashi didn't know what to say. He took the flowers and stared at them for a moment before looking up at Guy "This isn't the last time. We'll still be eternal rivals. That won't change" He smiled.
"Huh?!" Guy twisted his face as he felt surprised.
At this point, Ino and Tenten had begun crying whilst Sakura stared at her sensei with pride.
Kakashi tilted his head as he sighed "Guy, seriously. I find it reassuring having you there. I hope I can count on your continued support" He smiled.
Lee quickly joined the girls in crying over the moment as Guy, himself, joined as well.
"Ka-Kakashi" Guy muttered as tears rolled down his cheeks.
Sasuke rolled his eyes at the two but continued watching as Naruto raised his fist in silent determination and emotion ran through his body at the scene. It was truly inspiring.
"I can't fight the war or bring this village together by myself" He chuckled.
"You're making me cry" Guy mumbled as he rubbed at his tears.
"Hey, are you listening? Hey!" Kakashi jokingly teased.
"I'm listening" Guy sniffled.
Kakashi glanced at the other teams that came to watch only to notice some crying faces. His cheeks grew mildly warm at his students seeing him in such a setting in front of everyone.
Naruto stepped forward "That was so cool, sensei!" He yelled, choking back his own tears.
The girls vicariously nodded in agreement with the blonde as Sasuke teasingly shook his head at the Jounin.
Kakashi internally groaned at never living this down.
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