Part 20
Chuunin exams.
Kakashi battled with himself internally whether to prolong the genin's possible promotion or let them rise to the opportunity.
It was no secret, team 7 was dangerous. It was known to all the kids and ninja of their generation and most tended to stray clear from their path, especially the nine tails. The villagers were ever restless knowing the jinjuuriki was in such a deadly team, most whispered he was the reason the team was so feared.
The higher up shinobi respected team 7 for their performance done in the field, Kakashi being the most respected and feared of the four.
The title 'Friend Killer' had all but vanished from his life yet the villagers wouldn't stop there just yet. Rumours were being spread that the jounin was preparing the genin, training them to be his own personal weapon and who wouldn't believe that when you have an Uchiha and a Jinjuuriki on your team. Sakura Haruno had also made a name for herself, just as the boys had, she was best known for her talent in medical ninjutsu and her inhuman punches.
The four is said to be a prodigy team as all the members were just that in their own special skills. Though with such a title came great responsibility and expectations.
Kakashi often wondered if the pressure was too much for his genin but they always proved him wrong when they persevered through the hardships and battled through anything, together.
The silver-haired man breathed out a sigh. He stood in front of the KIA stone, a blue polished and aciculate monument.
Often he'd come out to the stone to talk to his fallen friends and comrades, also the main reason why he's usually late.
Whilst the jounin was in deep thought, a figure appeared next to him and looked down at the stone. Both stood in silence for a minute in respect for the fallen.
The thinly shaped figure turned to Kakashi. "Aren't you meant to be with your team, Kakashi?" The low smooth voice of a woman questioned.
Said man turned to face his friend "Hai. I was just heading out." He said with a bored tone "what about you, Kurenai?"
The red-eyed kunoichi gave a small smile "We just finished training actually, I've set them up for some D-ranks. Should keep them busy for a while" she chuckled.
Kakashi simply stated at her, still wondering why she bothered him.
"Hm... Well, I'll be off then" The man stated and began walking.
"O-Oi! Wait a second." Kurenai ran after him. Kakashi sighed and turned back to her.
"Are you entering your team in the chuunin exams? It's expected and everyone is raving on about it" she curiously asked.
Kurenai stared at the Jounin's back in confusion, he'd been acting so strange recently and she couldn't quite pinpoint what the problem was.
"He's always got problems" she whispered to herself before disappearing in a puff of smoke.
Kakashi felt her presence vanish and gave an eye roll at the sky. He knew she was a gossiper and would no doubt go to everyone asking what his problem was, just another thing to add to his problems.
Finally arriving at the Crimson bridge the lot was supposed to meet up at, he found his students leisurely leaning beneath a tree.
The pieces of paper in his hand suddenly felt heavy, the thought of his team breaking apart scared him more than he'd like to admit.
"Ohayo!" Kakashi waved with a smile.
The trio sat up from their positions and returned a warm smile only ever given for their sensei.
"Kashi-sensei, you're late again" Naruto pouted while folding his arms and turning away.
Sakura rolled her eyes but sent a small playful glare to her sensei. Sasuke sighed at his teammate's childish antics.
The older male simply laughed it off, they always knew how to cheer him up even unknowingly.
"Hn..What's that in your hand?" Sasuke questioned, his Sharingan automatically activating.
Kakashi hid the papers behind his back "Sasuke, don't use that so freely. Using it too much can damage your eyes and what would happen if someone saw them?" Kakashi scolded the boy.
The Uchiha looked down in slight embarrassment for not realizing but nod his head all the same.
Sakura gave a small reassuring smile to Sasuke who sighed in return but gave a small smirk back.
"Naruto, are you done sulking yet?" Kakashi catechized with a smirk.
The blonde clicked his tongue and sat cross-legged on the bridge railing. The boy had amazing balance when he focused hard enough.
"So why are we here Kashi-sensei?" Sakura enquired, holding a finger to her chin for a more dramatic purpose.
"It's something to do with those papers in your hand isn't it?" Naruto announced, his eyes closed and his arms crossed.
'They're being rather dramatic today' Kakashi thought to himself as a ball of sweat dribbled down his temple.
"Oh, these?" The man innocently asked while he painfully slowly showed them.
"The Chuunin Exams Application Form?" Naruto read the title out loud.
Sakura gulped, realizing what this meant. Sasuke's eyes widened as he heard Naruto speak. He quickly walked over and snatched a form for himself before reading it to convince himself that what he heard was true.
Naruto and Sakura grabbed a form as well and read over the details.
"Now, if you decide to partake in the exams, be at the academy, level 3, tomorrow bright and early at 6:30" Kakashi rambled on "if you don't want to take the exams, you don't have to. There's no pressure for you to take this" he stated looking each of his students in the eyes.
The three nod their heads and did a small bow together in respect.
Kakashi looked at them with pride before disappearing, leaving the genin some time to discuss the event.
"The Chuunin exams..." Sakura mumbled after a long stretch of silence.
"This is what we've been training for" Sasuke said, looking up from his form.
"Are we ready though?" Naruto questioned, having doubt in his abilities to protect his team. It was his position in the team after all.
Sasuke placed a firm grip on the blonde's shoulders, causing him to look up "We're ready." He stated, the determination in his eyes gave Naruto the push he needed.
The blonde smirked at his teammate and the two looked over to Sakura.
"To, Ke. What if something happens? I can't lose you two now, not after everything that's happened" Sakura solemnly mumbled, looking down.
Naruto gave a ferociously big grin and looked to Sasuke "She totally likes me" He whispered to the Uchiha.
The raven-haired boy rolled his eyes and shoved Naruto over the bridge fence, into the water below before sauntering over to the sad pink haired kunoichi.
"Ra." Sasuke called, making her look up.
"We'll be fine"
Sakura blinked at him before sweat-dropping. Naruto groaned at his emotionless friend while crawling back up. The blonde nudged his way in front of Sakura, earning a glare from the Uchiha.
"What he's trying to say Ra, is that we're in this together. The village already knows we're a force to be reckoned with and none of the ninja our age wants to go against us. Together, we can do anything" Naruto finished his speech with determination and a spark in his eyes.
Sakura looked at the boy, her eyes had widened ever so slightly through speech.
To... Thank you" She mumbled with a smile and launched herself at him, caging him into a tight hug, her arm pulled out in search for her second teammate and as soon as she latched onto his arm, she pulled him in with great strength.
The three toppled over each other and collapsed onto the hard cement floor, laughing at their silliness.
It still amazed Sasuke that those two were his teammates, they didn't seem strong but he learned the hard way not to judge a book by its cover.
The Uchiha felt a great wave of pride rushing through him everytime he heard the gossip of his team, though by now he knew not to let it get to his head unless he wanted a wake-up call from his sensei.
Still, Sasuke couldn't help but feel happy where he is now. He and his team grew stronger each day yet they still act like kids. He was glad the world didn't take that part of them away, it's what kept his humanity and sanity in check.
"Alright, so it's settled. Team 7 will partake in the Chuunin Exams" Sasuke firmly stated as he got up, a small determined smirk on his lips.
Naruto and Sakura stood along with him "Yosh!" The two exclaimed enthusiastically.
"Good. I'm going home to change since To's muddy shoes got all over my shirt when we fell to the floor" Sasuke grudgingly stated whilst aiming an irritated glare at the boy.
Naruto laughed sheepishly and as the boy left, he turned to Sakura "Wanna get some ramen with me, Ra?"
Sakura sighed at the blonde's enthusiasm at any mention of ramen but agreed to tag along.
Konohamaru sat in the shadows with his teammates and waited for his role model to walk past him.
The young academy student always looked up at Naruto ever since he beat him to a pulp for trying to attack the Hokage. Naruto hadn't known he was the Hokage's grandson and cursed himself for not knowing.
He was lucky the Hokage stopped him before he seriously hurt the kid.
Sakura and Naruto walked in a comfortable silence toward Ichiraku's Ramen. Naruto had his hands in his pockets and stared up at the clouds whilst Sakura intently read her Icha Icha book.
As the two walked under the large oak tree Konohamaru was hiding in, Naruto could clearly see the boy and his teammates since he was already looking up.
He came to a halt and looked straight at the boy.
Sakura noticed his lack of presence and looked back to the boy "Ne, To, what is it?"
Naruto narrowed his eyes and pointed up the tree. Sakura followed his finger and saw the three academy students frozen in the tree.
She walked over to the blonde and called up "Oi! Aren't you guys supposed to be in class?"
Konohamaru flailed in surprise at the loud voice and ungracefully fell out the tree, his teammates jumping down after him.
Naruto and Sakura deadpanned at the boy's alertness.
Suddenly jumping up, the boy pointed a finger at Sakura and yelled "Hey boss! Is that your girlfriend?"
Naruto sheepishly looked at Sakura who seemed indifferent to the situation.
"Ehh...No" he muttered embarrassed by the kid.
"It's rude not to answer a question if directly asked" Sakura breathed out, she closed her book and strapped it to her waist.
Konohamaru made a sound of confusion followed by realization "I don't need school, I'm too great to be wasting time on that" The kid arrogantly stated, puffing out his chest. His teammates sighed and gave apologetic glances to their two higher-ups.
Sakura smacked the boy's head, his goggles nearly coming off from the force.
"Baka. Learning the fundamentals of shinobi is essential to becoming just that! How can you expect to be strong if your mind is weak." Sakura rambled on until she noticed the lack of attention from the kids. Naruto at least listened to his teammate as the information was true and would've been useful to know when he was at the academy.
"She's got a really big forehead" Konohamaru whispered loudly to his teammates who nod their heads in agreement.
"And furthermore, you don't just- What did you say you little punk!?" Sakura screeched and went for a hard punch but luckily Naruto stepped in the way and took the brunt of the attack.
Both he and Konohamaru flew back from the attack and landed against a, surprisingly sturdy fence. Naruto had turned the two at the last second and again took the brunt of the impact.
"U-Uh Naruto?" Sakura called out, only now realizing whom she hit.
"I'm fine Sakura!" Naruto called back as he got up with the kid unharmed.
Sakura ran over with Konohamaru's teammates.
The Hokage's grandson groaned "How are you not hurt?"
"My body is just used to a lot worse I guess" The blonde simply shrugged and helped him up.
As Sakura came closer, Konohamaru grew scared and ran the opposite way.
Naruto looked to Sakura with a pointed look and ran after the boy.
She, too, along with the kids' teammates, ran after him.
Naruto was almost in grabbing distance when the boy suddenly took a corner. The blonde soon after heard a yelp and scuffling.
Quickly speeding up, he turned the corner and found two unknown ninjas and Konohamaru being held up by the collar.
Naruto narrowed his eyes at the boy and girl, trying to assess the situation quickly.
Sakura and the other two kids soon rounded the corner as well and came to a halt seeing the scene before them.
"Put him down" Naruto ordered with a stone cold glare.
The boy holding Konohamaru's collar simply smirked though a slight shiver went up his spine upon seeing Naruto's glare.
The boy laughed it off "Little punks like you are what piss me off the most"
"Kankuro, let's just go, these losers aren't worth it" His partner stated with a smug smirk.
"Kankuro, is it? If you don't let him go now I'll make sure you regret it" Naruto muttered with a dark aura.
Kankuro took a step back but kept a firm hold on the boy's collar.
Konohamaru began wiggling to get free.
"Fine. Have it your way" Naruto darkly stated, releasing some of his killing intent.
Sakura backed up with the kids behind her.
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