Part 19
An eerie silence fell over the area, the cry of a circling hawk was the only sound heard.
A small drop of sweat rolled down Naruto's temple as he watched with anxiety pouring through his veins, the tension thick because of Kakashi sensei staring the bridge builder down.
The jounin watched him, waiting for him to speak and when he concluded Tazuna would continue his shivering in fear instead of being useful, the copy-nin took it upon himself "Tazuna." He called out.
Said man jumped at the sudden voice breaking the tense silence.
Sasuke and Sakura who had been further away from the group chose that moment to step into the tense atmosphere and break the uncomfortable silence.
"Kashi-sensei! Are you alright?" Sakura worriedly asked, still coming to terms that her Sensei wasn't really torn to shreds.
"Hm? I'm fine Sakura and well done. You three did a good job handling that"
Sakura sighed in relief, still coming to terms with her Sensei's fake death. Sasuke's chest swelled with pride and Naruto gave a toothy grin.
Suddenly, as the blonde boy went to wipe the sweat off his forehead, His face contorted in pain. A stinging sensation announced itself and when Naruto looked down, he found his hand was bleeding profoundly with a large gash on to the top.
"Hmm, it seems Naruto has been poisoned" Kakashi murmured as he noticed the boy's wound.
Sakura stared wide-eyed at her teammate, fearful of what that could mean.
Sasuke frowned as he, too, looked over but a part of him felt smug as Naruto was the only one hurt while Sasuke was perfectly fine.
"I'm wondering whether we should continue this mission, Naruto's been hurt and this is clearly out of our pay grade" Kakashi went on to say.
Sakura couldn't help but agree as he was right, this mission was above their level and she didn't know enough of medical ninjutsu to take out poison yet.
Tazuna was silently freaking out and hoped the boy would just cut off his arm so they could continue but he also knew that if Naruto did that then they'd surely leave because the boy would be a cripple unfit for duty.
Naruto frowned at his hand. 'All this trouble...because of my hand? Because of a little poison? If I quit here, how can I achieve my goal of becoming Hokage. A Hokage is supposed to fight through any obstacle. Why am I so different from everyone else? I'm not going to be left behind!" Naruto angrily thought to himself as he took out a kunai, Kakashi watched closely to see what the boy would do.
Sakura and Sasuke glanced at each other when the sound of skin tearing and blood splattering caught their attention.
"T-To!" Sakura yelled while taking a step forward.
Sasuke widened his eyes but let his teammate continue, knowing Naruto wouldn't be that stupid as to do this without reason.
"Why am I so different? I won't be left behind. I won't be weak. From this day on I pledge to protect my comrades and become Hokage. Even if it kills me" Naruto spoke with the seriousness that anyone could tell there was no changing his mind and that he'd stick to this decision till the end.
"Naruto..." Kakashi spoke up after letting the boy have his dramatic silence.
"That speech was really cool and all but if you lose any more blood, you'll die" The jounin casually stated, earning a 'really' look from Sasuke and Sakura.
The blonde naturally began freaking out as he hurriedly threw off his backpack to get some gauze.
Kakashi felt slightly guilty for making him worry so much and swiftly snatched his hand and pulled it to himself, halting Naruto's movements altogether.
The white-haired man took out some bandages but paused.
As he looked closer at the gash, it appeared to be healing by itself.
'So this is the power of the nine tails' He thought to himself.
"What? Is something wrong?" Naruto questioned and being trained to be suspicious he pulled back his hand to see it healing by itself.
Naruto frowned 'Kyuubi' he thought. The boy sighed, already knowing Kakashi would know about it so he wasn't surprised when his sensei pulled his hand back and continued bandaging it anyway.
"I think you'll be fine" Kakashi smiled kindly at the boy and stood.
"I suppose we'll continue on with the mission for now"
Team 7 escorted Tazuna to the land of waves on a small dingy boat and after Tazuna hesitantly confessed why he had lied about such a dangerous mission, the team decided to help the guilt tripping man.
A good friend and supporter of the bridge builder rowed the vessel as quietly as possible with all the people in it, not to mention trying to stay alive in case Gato's men found them. Though that may be harder than previously thought as a certain knucklehead simply couldn't keep his mouth shut when he saw the magnificent bridge.
After being reprimanded by not only the boatman but his Sensei as well, the group broke through the thick fog that layered the lake and stationed at a small dock.
They walked through the dense woodlands leading to the center village of the land of waves.
Naruto and Sasuke trudged next to each other, both lost in thought when the blonde Uzumaki sensed a presence in the nearby woods.
Taking out a kunai without a moment's hesitation, he flung the weapon across the walkway, alarming the group. The kunai thunked against the targeted tree and as Naruto swiftly came over to survey the scene for any threats, he instead found a Snow White rabbit.
Whilst the blonde was being scolded for 'fooling around' by Tazuna, Kakashi narrowed his eyes at the shaken animal before sensing a fast approaching chakra.
Team 7 battled against the well-known demon of the mist: Zabuza Momochi.
Kakashi fought bravely and determinedly before Zabuza caught a lucky strike and injured the man's leg. Unfortunately, Kakashi was shortly caught in a water prison after that.
The trio heatedly argued with their sensei about fleeing the scene but were too determined to leave a comrade behind.
With Tazuna's permission, the three worked together wonderfully as a team and defeated Zabuza's prison. With Kakashi still wounded, he needed all the help he could get even after being set free.
The four worked together and defeated Zabuza albeit with difficulty.
Naruto's wind nature was the one to take the end kill as he cut through Zabuza's neck, detaching his head from his shoulders.
Team 7 held pride and celebrated a small moment of victory before a loud shrieking voice sounded from the trees.
A boy with a mist hunter mask around Naruto's age sprung out of the foliage and threw any and all weapons he had on him at the group.
Team 7 was extremely confused but soon connected the dots as the assailant known as Haku rambled with heavy emotion about his relationship with Zabuza.
Sakura couldn't help the small tears escaping her eyes as she heard Haku's story. She truly felt pity for the boy.
Sasuke and Kakashi felt somewhat sorry for the boy but knew they couldn't let him walk free, not after everything he's just confessed.
Naruto, on the other hand, was having a much harder time as he could relate with Haku.
Emotions overwhelmed the young blonde. The rest of the team was keeping Haku occupied when the boy used his Kekkei Genkai and surrounded Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi with impenetrable iced mirrors.
Naruto was lost in his emotion at this point and watching Haku hurting his friends without mercy enraged him.
A dark, angry chakra filled the air causing Kakashi to stop mid-step. He knew that chakra and looking over at his student, he internally panicked.
Naruto gave up to his anger and lost himself to the nine tails, asking for the power rather than turning it away.
He could hear the Bijuu laughing maniacally throughout his head.
Darkness engulfed Naruto, the only scene he could see was water, lots of water.
He was laying down, his body hurt and everything was a dark hazy color.
'Where am I?' he thought, confused and scared.
He slowly got up, his muscles aching with each movement. Before him was a cage, but not any cage. Naruto's eyes widened as he saw what was in the massive cage.
"You-you're the-"
"Silence you slimy meat suit!" Came a loud roar.
With a startled yelp, Naruto took a step back.
'This is the nine tails. The nine-tailed fox. What do I? How'd I get here? Where is here??' He thought, panicked.
His body began to shake as a panic attack settled.
"Child. Cease your useless stuttering! You're right to fear me!"
Naruto looked up at the Bijuu with wide eyes. It's discolored and cheerless fur soaked with what looked like drain water.
Sucking up his fear as best as he could "I-I'm not scared!" He yelled back, taking a step forward with a fist raised.
The nine tails stared at the boy skeptically before letting out a boisterous laugh, throwing his head back.
A drop of sweat slid down Naruto's forehead as he frowned at the Bijuu.
"Nine-tails. Tell me. Where am I?" Naruto determinedly asked, his fear leaving each time he spoke.
"Your mind! Stupid boy!"
"Are you keeping me here?"
"You speak as though you control me! Your questions are meaningless here fool!"
Crunching his teeth together. Naruto glared at the fox.
"Tell me" his voice calm and confident.
The fox looked down at him with a sneer and growled a ferocious growl at the genin.
This seemed to be enough of an answer for Naruto "let me out!" He bellowed.
He had a bad feeling that something was happening to him without his consent.
The fox let out a deep laugh "Stupid boy. Order me again and I'll kill you myself!"
Naruto smirked at this comment. "You can't. If I die you die" he simply reminded him.
The fox growled and swiped a large paw the boy.
Barely dodging back and out of range, Naruto stared at the big, sharp claws and the drool leaving the Bijuu's snarling mouth.
"Let me out." He ordered again in a calm and controlled voice.
The fox narrowed his eyes but just as Naruto thought he'd decline again, the scenery changed before his eyes and he looked down to his hands.
Small bits of red chakra was retreating back into his body. He stared wide-eyed at the chakra before looking up.
He almost wished he hadn't.
The iced mirrors of Haku were smashed into pieces, his comrades were far away behind him, to his relief and Haku was underneath him.
Naruto was standing above him, Haku looked terrible. Long gashes and bruises covered his entire being and his mask laid next to his head, broken in half.
The enemy looked up at Naruto with a sad smile before closing his eyes, his life force leaving his eyes as he did.
Naruto watched with wide eyes, his hands were covered in blood and so was Haku.
'I did this... I didn't want to kill him. He was a good person...I-I- I wish we never met like this...Haku' Naruto solemnly thought to himself, looking up to the snowing sky.
Footsteps sounded behind him and as he turned around with a sad look in his crystal blue eyes, his teammates stood before him.
No judgment and no hatred in their eyes, only concern and relief. They softly smiled to the blonde and Sasuke held out his hand.
Naruto looked at it and down to his own bloody hands. He frowned 'he really wants to help me, even with my hands so bloody?' Naruto thought as he looked up.
Sasuke rolled his eyes and walked over to the blond, grabbing his hand and pulling him away from the bloody mess.
No one said anything as nothing needed to be said.
It took a while for Team 7 to console Naruto, at first the boy didn't speak nor eat. He kept himself isolated from the group. Only when the other three barged in and sparred with him, did he let out his frustration and anger. His guilt ate at him and having a battle with his comrades seemed to really help the boy.
Team 7 stayed with Tazuna until he finished the bridge, they even got some training in as well. Naruto and Inari hadn't gotten along so well at first but after Kakashi explained to the boy why Naruto was the way he was and wouldn't give up. Inari began to warm up to the boy, more so after they defeated Gato and his thugs.
The silly little man thought he'd handle the situation himself if Zabuza couldn't.
Not only was he wrong but also very dead at that point in time.
Team 7 showed no mercy, with the knowledge of what he's done to Tazuna's village and his family, there wasn't any room for mercy.
Soon after burying the corpses of their enemy, as a noble ninja would, after all, they were ninja themselves and fought until the end like true shinobi. The team set out for home but not before Tazuna gave the great honor of naming the bridge after young Naruto himself.
The blonde cried himself silly after facing away from the village. Inari, too, had cried, facing away from the departing team 7. Both boys too proud to show their emotions to one another.
Sakura rolled her eyes at the two but gave a small smile, returning to her book. She's missed out on a lot of chapters because of this mission.
Sasuke remained silent but felt content with the mission, everything was a success and he felt stronger than when he first left Konoha.
Kakashi, on the other hand, felt strangely sad. A gut feeling was nagging at him, it felt as though things wouldn't be this peaceful again, at least not for a long time.
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