From Lachlan
Rhys found him. I'm meeting him at his place in an hour to go track him down.
Rubbing my face I try to wake myself up at the text that woke me from my nap. I had my phone beside my ear when I fell asleep from being on the phone with him. The high pitched ding woke me up and I feel a flare of anger that Rhys used it against me to make sure I was unaware.
To Lachlan
Thank you. Keep him there for me.
I sit up and kick the blankets while still feeling nauseous. I've got a stomach bug I think or the early stages off one which is why I called Rhys. We had planned to go to the aerial tower across the road from my old house for a picnic but I cancelled. I didn't want him getting what I could possibly have.
Stripping down I put on a bra, jeans and a black tee shirt before brushing my hair. The tug on my scalp hurts my head further and I make a mental note to take a panadol before I go to sleep. I leave it down to avoid anymore pain and sit down with my socks and shoes as my phone dings.
From Lachlan
Remember this is a transaction Kira. I love ya like a sister but don't screw me over.
I lace up my converse once the socks are on and take my phone. Once I've grabbed my car keys from the dark area of my room I make my way downstairs to see if Dad needs anything. My phone beeps again and I sigh to read the demanding text.
From Lachlan
A deal is a deal.
To Lachlan
I'll send you Jamie's number once I arrive, I promise.
Biting the inside of my cheek I look up to see dad lounging back with a remote resting on his chest. His eyes move over to me and he pauses whatever he was watching on the TV.
"Hey I'm going to Rhys' for a-"
"I need to talk to you about something before you go," I tense in the slightest and he gives a soft smile. "For a while now I've been unhappy with my job and I've been talking to someone who owns a law firm in Washington. He's asked if I would be interested in jumping ships."
"Oh." I blink a few times at the information, stomach churning at the realization. "That would mean we would have to move, right?"
Dad nods with a grim expression. "I know that it would be hard on you because-"
"Dad I don't want to move. I'm finally happy - I don't want to leave."
"You'll still be able to text and call-"
"You can't be serious. I am not moving states when I've finally got my life back on track,"My tone becomes defensive and dad seems a little shocked by it. "I'm happy for the first time since mom died, extremely happy and moving away will change-"
"We aren't moving," He raises his voice to stop me from ranting further. "Yet. I know you're happy because I can see it with my own eyes. But things aren't safe anymore; with the emails of you and Rhys, my attack and Taylor's it seems like someone is after you. If this is from my job at the moment, the best thing that can happen is if we move to keep you safe."
My heart stops and for a moment I want to scream out no. He thinks it's his job that's the reason behind all the threatening stuff that's happened. I can't tell him it's Rhys because that would only encourage him to move us to another state.
"Nothing has happened to me."
"I don't want anything to which is why I'm considering taking this job," His voice is still scratchy from the cold he caught and evidently passed on to me. "The moment, a first sign that someone is after you and I'm taking the opportunity to leave. I've lost your mother and I won't lose you as well."
Nodding I swallow the lump as everything feels like it's on fire. "I'm going to Rhys' now."
"Are you sure you should be going anywhere? You look-"
"I'm fine. I'll see you when I get home."
I rush outside, taking a jacket but slamming the door behind me. My head pounds and I squeeze my eyes shut with a groan. Bad idea. I open my eyes to shuffle my feet to my car parked in the driveway as the pain intensifies.
Moving away is not an option. It can't be an option because that would mean restarting in a place I don't want to be. While my life isn't perfect, it's a step closer to where I want it to be. I have this amazing guy who would do anything for me and even though he might not be forever, I don't want to lose him over something like this.
Even with his dark baggage, he's still mine and I won't give him up. If I moved I would want to try long distance despite the curse of it saying all of them will fail. That's how strongly I believe in what Rhys and I have, I think I'm falling for him which is absurd.
Releastically our whole relationship is absurd and I don't think I would have it any other way.
I pull up behind Lachlan's car, checking my appearance in the mirror. On the way over here I started to cry at the thought of being torn away from my current life. Nothing else will happen, it can't happen that's for sure.
"Everything okay?" I nod, stepping onto the path while pulling my phone out. "I don't believe you, what's wrong?"
"Scary news at a scary time," I send Lachlan Jamie's number and hear his phone buzz at the text. His eyebrows are furrowed and I suck my lips in. "My dad wants to move because he thinks a client is responsible for his and Taylor's attack. So I'm not really fine, I just need for everything to go right."
"Fuck no."
Rhys slams the door and storms his way to us. "I'm coming whether you want me to or not."
"No. Not only is this dangerous but you're sick," When in distance the back if his hand goes to my forehead. "You have a temperature so go home and rest."
"Rhys maybe-"
"You don't get to talk right now, " He glares at Lachlan when he tries to interfere with the conversation. "You're sick and even if you weren't you wouldn't be coming anyways. I made a promise to you and I plan to keep it - just trust me on this."
"Stop treating me like I'm incapable."
He raises an eyebrow and slips his phone into his jeans. Before I can even realize he's swinging his fist that gently knocks into my temple. I try to deflect his arm only for him to yank me into his chest and an arm to press to my neck before he kicks one leg out to send me to the ground.
Huffing I use my hands to push myself up and send a glare his way. "It took me five seconds to take you down and if I was the enemy you could have been severely hurt. So you either go home or stay here with Nate and Jordan."
"Because being a third wheel is so much fun," My anger raises to the surface and I notice Lachlan take a step back. "I am sick of you putting me down like I'm nothing, it hurts. I hate it. You need to stop acting like a cave man."
Rhys fake laughs. "A caveman? Really, that isn't me being a caveman."
"Oh, it isn't? I'd like to see how you define caveman."
The sneer was unintentional and I inhale sharply when I realize how hot headed I'm acting. He isn't the main cause of my anger, he's just making it worse as once again I'm treated like a fragile vase. Rhys glances to Lachlan and a smug smirk comes across his lips when his eyes fall on me again.
I furrow my eyebrows and before I know it he's hauling me up over his shoulder. Lachlan let's out a laugh while I groan at the wind being knocked out of me. Rhys' arm is locked around my knees and his hand is holding my back to keep me bent over his shoulder.
"Rhys! Put me down now!"
I scream when he jolts me up and I land back on his shoulder. Blood rushes to my head and I can barely see the concrete below through my hair. I wriggle on his shoulder until I remember that I could very easily fall to the ground.
"No you challenged me to show you what a a caveman is so I am," He pivots and starts walking, sending his shoulder to dig up into my stomach. "I tried to go nicely about this but you wouldn't listen so you're staying here, Nate! Come open the door!"
Rhys stops out the front and kicks it twice despite yelling for his brother. I grab the back of his jacket in a childish attempt to annoy him but he pinches my side. Jolting I try to use my core muscles to lean back and somehow I enough to glare at him.
"This is wrong on so many levels."
"I'm trying to protect you from yourself. Stop being stubborn and stay where you're safe."
"What did you - is that Kira?"
I try to lift myself up using Rhys' shoulder and manage to turn my body slightly. "Tell your brother to stop treating me like glass."
My arms give out and I'm back to slouching over his back with a huff. Stupid masculine men. Eventually I see the concrete fade with carpet and I know Nate let us inside. Reaching down I smack his ass only to be thrown down onto the lounge.
I feel my head collide with a people before my legs are forced open with Rhys sliding between them. He hovers over the top of me and I notice the rage dwindled in his bright greens. Smiling softly he leans down and gently kisses my cheek.
"You're sick Kira and I don't think you should come anyways," He whispers, one of his arms above my head drops down to stroke my cheek. "Stay here, relax and when I get back we'll watch a movie until you fall asleep. Okay?"
His mood changes completely and I feel the weight on my chest get heavier. I might never see him again. The possibility of moving away from having moments like this sends a spike of sadness and fear through me. I nod and wrap my arms around his neck.
"Please be safe, Rhys. I need you to come back to me."
"Of course I will," He pecks the corner of my mouth and sighs. "Take it easy, get Nate to be your slave."
"I resent that. I'll be upstairs because I don't want to watch this despite you being my OTP."
Nate's footsteps rush upstairs and I run my fingers through Rhys' hair. "I'd kiss you but I don't want you getting sick."
"Screw it."
He captures my lips regardless of my warning in a searing hot kiss. Leaning up into it I resist the urge to wrap my legs around him because god knows where that will lead. Rhys is amazing and perfect, he's everything I want.
A moment later he pulls away and I hum in contentment. "I mean it Rhys, be safe and don't do anything reckless."
"I won't, see you soon."
Rhys pulls himself away and instantly I miss the warmth. My eyes close and I listen to the sound of them talking until a car pulls away. I have no idea how I'm going to tell Rhys about what's happening, he'll freak out at the thought I could be leaving.
I hear footsteps on the stairs and I reluctantly open my eyes knowing that I can't lounge around. Sitting up I go to speak until I witness the horrifying sight before me. Nate struggles against the arm crushing his windpipe but despite that he isn't fearful of the gun pressed to his temple.
"Now that he's gone, the fun can begin."
Exciting news! This story will be finished in the next week, the epilogue will be published next Monday with updates coming this week sporadically.
That being said I'll be skim reading the story to fix some errors because I've realized some things have been completely over looked/missed.
A lot happened in this chapter, you've got to have thoughts??
Question; who do you think it is?
Thoughts? Feelings? Predictions?
-inspiredrlh 💕
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