i have to be on my a game
bradley, phoenix, bob, wildcat, payback, hangman and i were the ones fighting in this mission. some how bradley was put as back up and hangman was my wingman
"comanche" i started, looking beside me seeing hangman "dagger 2 stand by check in"
"comanche 1 set , clear, recommend dagger continue"
it's like the same exact mission that was a couple months ago, just harder
i breathed in slowly before saying "copy, daggers defending below radar"
the other followed me down, below the clouds and we were now right about the water
i saw the enemy's land in front of me " enemy's territory up ahead, comanche picture"
"comanche, picture clean the decision is yours"
my body shivered "dagger attack"
i looked above and saw the missiles flying over all of us
"daggers assume attack formation" i said into the helmet
a couple minutes later we made it to the territory
"approaching target, 2 minutes and 30 seconds in 3,2, 1 mark" i said first
"2 mark" phoenix
"3 mark" bradley
"4 mark" hangman
"5 mark" payback
my air craft flew fast in the steep mountains, turning harshly every so often
"first sams sighting above" wildcat mentioned , i looked up and saw it
"one on the left too" i exclaimed and i heard wildcat chuckle
"that's what i just said" he mumbled "i think you mean right"
i snapped back at him "how was i supposed to know?"
"there's even more in front of us" phoenix said "i think we're clear on the radar guys"
"remember last time?" i said "we never know" tell her with a sigh
i heard bob say "guys 2 minutes left until target"
i cursed under my breath "we have to increase our speed, when ever the bandits hit they will know we are here"
seconds flew by and i heard comanche on the radio "bandits are switching course to defend the target"
"they hit the runway" i heard bradley say
"no shit" i sarcastically said and i heard him say my name in a warning tone
we got to one of the most difficult parts, it's semi similar to the other mission but this is just way longer
i flew straight up into the air, doing a 360 over the mountain, "got my lasers bob?" i asked him out of breath
"one second" i heard him yell "got it locked" he hit the red button
i waited a few seconds until i heard bradley's start yelling in happiness "we did it"
"hangman y'all close" i asked them. i yanked the joystick close to me so i fly into the air
don't go into g lock
"right there" i heard hangman say
"we got it!" payback exclaimed
i looked behind me and saw some of the mountains collapsing
holy shit
"we did it!" wildcat yelled out
"it's not over yet" i said trying to hold all my air in, i flew over the mountains and that's when the sams starting going off
"dagger one defending" i say hitting my flares
"what the-"
"dagger 3 defending"
this is terrifying
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