☠ Cast (Editing)
Name: Amane Shiraishi
Gender: Male
Age: 18 (unknown)
Height: 5'1"
Hair colour: magenta
Eye colour: dark magenta
Birth Date: September 15
Blood Type: A
Personality: ENTP-T (Debater)
Likes: Live plays, narrators
Dislikes: book reviews, cable
One of the shortest members of the class, Amane is the son of a pair of famous French classical musicians, carrying himself as one of the more elite members of society. As a result, when the situation calls for it, he is able to switch to a more mature persona, though he normally doesn't. Due to his background as a musician, Amane has developed the personality of a performer and consequently, tends to appear rather dramatic and theatrical. Due to the influence of his parents, he has a rather short attention span and his mind tends to jump quickly from one interest to another.
A smart-alec type individual, Amane is known for sticking his nose in places it doesn't belong in, making comments at the behest of other characters for his own amusement. He possesses a silver tongue, capable of fooling numerous gullible individuals into hearing his words, internally mocking their idiocy. He tends to judge people based on their appearance and body language, making baseless assumptions on who may be useful to keep an eye on or not. Similar to Hayato, he does use a fox as his animal motif as he appreciates the cleverness of such a creature. Consequently, he has a habit of guessing others' spiritual animals.
Name: Anzai Hisakawa
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Height: 5'8.7"
Hair colour: blue and black
Eye colour: ocean blue
Birth Date: September 10
Chest Size: 88 cm
Blood Type: AB
Personality: ISTJ-T (Logistician)
Likes: Sliced cheese, body wash
Dislikes: Anything made with potatoes
The firstborn daughter to the main branch family of a clan of government executioners, Anzai was groomed to be the perfect tool to put down the worst criminals of not just the nation, but also around the world. Seeing as she has such a controversial career, it only comes as natural for her to hate it so unbelievably much. However, she is unable to quit as the job would then be passed on to her younger brother. As a result, she bears the mental strain of a life built on executing others.
A rather distant-appearing individual, she is a very religious person who tends to use it as a coping method in stressful situations. She tends to speak very formally, due to her upbringing as a member of the nobility and she is rather unused to interacting with others outside of her family. When she wishes for peace of mind, she tends to stand off to the side in quiet places, silently saying a prayer to calm her potential anxiety attacks. This is what she can often be heard muttering under her breath.
Name: Hayato Otani
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Height: 5'10"
Hair colour: orange-brown
Eye colour: electric green
Birth Date: December 5
Blood Type: O
Personality: ENFJ-T (Protagonist)
Likes: Facial expressions, cartridge paper
Dislikes: Silence, patronization
As the Ultimate Hypnotherapist, Hayato is actually quite unsure about his actual background, having confused his own story with the various patients that he has helped throughout his life. Despite the clear drawbacks that his talent has had on his mentality, Hayato feels no regret for helping out others as he is actually quite self-sacrificing. An intelligent, unkempt individual, Hayato can be described to have the personality of a ditz on a regular basis. He finds simple things such as unusual facial expressions to be rather hilarious, making him the type of person to go unnoticed as a danger to others.
Hayato seems to forget important details often, however, it is unclear as to whether this aspect of his personality is intended or not. There are times when he is known to exhibit a strong level of suspicion towards other characters, setting off alarm bells to those who notice this. He ultimately hates patronization (something that Niou is known for) and tends to treat all of his classmates as fellow equals. As a rather insightful person, he serves as a sort of advisor/counsellor for the group.
Name: Heiji Obara
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Height: 6'2"
Hair colour: greenish-brown
Eye colour: brownish yellow
Birth Date: November 30
Blood Type: B
Personality: ENFP-T (Campaigner)
Likes: Marching bands, movie theatres
Dislikes: Feeling pressured
A technician who seems to have almost as much luck as the Ultimate Lucky Student, it's a wonder how Heiji constantly manages to walk away with his life intact. Having previously been a member of the police force, Heiji has been through a lot of times where he has been forced to look on the bright side of each situation, causing him to become a sort of optimist as a result. Due to the nature of his job on the bomb squad, Heiji can be perceived to be a bit detached from his emotions as he has become rather accustomed to sudden loss.
As a result of these experiences, Heiji is a rather carefree individual who never seems to pass up the opportunity to switch his talent for someone else's. A character with a strange sense of controversial humour, nobody is spared from experiencing the horror of his self proclaimed talent. He is a leader-type that tends to shy away from fully immersing himself into the role, deigning to avoid becoming pressured by such an endeavour, not wishing to have the burden of his other classmates' lives on his hands.
Name: Iwane Ueda
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Height: 6'5"
Hair colour: pale brown
Eye colour: forest green
Birth Date: September 11
Chest Size: 125 cm
Blood Type: A
Personality: INFJ-A (Advocate)
Likes: Omelets, fried rice
Dislikes: Corruption, sweet potatoes
As the Ultimate Gladiator, Iwane is the descendant of an imperial Roman bloodline, a fact that his grandmother made sure to hammer into him whenever she would get the chance. Having become proud of his family's rich culture, Iwane would decide to honour his grandmother's values and beliefs by becoming a gladiator-- a career path that had long since decayed with the coming of the modern age. Though he is inevitably a gladiator, Iwane has never actually killed a person, as all of the competitions he had entered did not encourage such behaviour, but were merely for entertainment.
A rather calm and reserved individual, Iwane is used to others holding great fear towards him, gaining some respect for those who try and confront their beliefs by facing him. He is quite intuitive as he is capable of picking up on the thoughts of others, choosing whether or not he may wish to help conflicted individuals. He has a warrior type personality, finding honesty to be the best policy a person can uphold. As a result, he wants others to know what they're getting themselves into with him.
Name: Kyoden Ichibei
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Height: 5'11"
Hair colour: blonde
Eye colour: purplish-grey
Birth Date: February 25
Blood Type: AB
Personality: ESTJ-A (Executive)
Likes: Sunsets, cool weather
Dislikes: Fireworks, calculators
As the Ultimate Blackmailer, Kyoden is a very logical and down-to-earth person who refuses to partake in anything that may be considered needless or wasteful. As such, he is not known to participate in any of the class' events or games, believing it to be pointless to raise the mood of what plainly should be a killing game. If he does attend, however, it would merely be for preparation purposes, learning all that he can about the others so that he may use this information to survive the game.
Sharp and snappy, Kyoden tends to have a short attention span when it comes to interacting with other individuals, remaining content with observing the actions of others from a distance. His actions are very time-oriented and he is quite organized, making a habit of checking his watch and tapping his feet several times when he realizes that his time is being wasted. Very cryptic when it comes to his talent, he makes it his task to prepare himself with information beforehand so that he can be one step ahead of the others at all times. As such, he has a tendency to profile the others during conversations, offputting them.
Name: Murano Varamatsu
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Height: 5'4.9"
Hair colour: White (shoulder length)
Eye colour: Purple
Birth Date: July 7
Blood Type: A
Personality: ISTP-T (Virtuoso)
Likes: Sweet things, betrayal
Dislikes: Spicy food, letters
The protagonist of Danganronpa RM: Deathly Montage, Murano is the middle child of a family of criminal investigators. Deviating from his esteemed family's path, Murano has decided to pursue a less restrictive type of criminal capturing; bounty hunting. Though this detail may seem a bit surprising at first glance... his true motives begin to come to light once the other participants learn more about his past.
Overly prepared and ready to hop into action, Murano is a likeable character who is able to understand the personality traits of others, often adjusting his behaviour in order to appease them. No matter how approachable he may appear, it won't change the fact that Murano is actually a rather cynical individual, who holds extremely minimal levels of faith in the other members of his class. He has a tendency to blurt out rather cryptic statements at times, which sometimes end up unsettling the class.
Name: Nahoko Anbi
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Height: 5'8"
Hair colour: ice blue
Eye colour: Sky Blue and red (heterochromia)
Birth Date: April 16
Chest Size:
Blood Type: A
Personality: ENFP-A (Campaigner)
Likes: Amusement parks, aeroplanes
Dislikes: Radiation, skyscrapers
As the Ultimate Revolutionary, Nahoko is a very energetic and charismatic individual with the ability to wear down the guards of most individuals after a while-- though it is unclear if she does this intentionally. Despite her enthusiastic attitude, it quickly becomes clear that she is actually quite logical, though she doesn't seem to have any sense of personal space or privacy. Nahoko is an excitable person, though she gets bored easily when nothing, in particular, is happening.
A rather chaotic character amongst the group, there is a clear dissonance of morals when it comes to Nahoko's personality. While Nahoko is well-intentioned, she does sometimes take things to the extreme. She is very sociable when it comes to other individuals and she has a tendency to irritate those who she finds to be amusing characters. Nahoko believes that as long as the purpose is just, rules can be bent every now and then, as she is usually able to talk herself out of any potential consequences. She is a bit of a thrill-seeker, and she enjoys thrill rides such as rollercoasters among other things.
Name: Niou Maebara
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Height: 5'7"
Hair colour: light brown
Eye colour: pink
Birth Date: August 30
Chest Size:
Blood Type: A
Personality: ISTP-A (Virtuoso)
Likes: Sculptures, game shows
Dislikes: Christmas cards, vacations
As the Ultimate Puppetmaster, Niou is a very authoritative and domineering person who greatly enjoys manipulating others to do her bidding. Similar to Seiran, she is rather confrontational, however, she possesses a tendency to attempt to humiliate and patronize those who she disagrees with. Having grown up under the care of a set of female triplets, she can also be perceived to be rather spoiled and attention-seeking.
Niou is a smug and sharp-witted individual who can be very stubborn to deal with. Being a rather cunning and practical person, she naturally clashes with Sarada, who tends to spin her view on each situation when she hadn't been asked for it. Niou believes that it is important to have all the variables of a situation before deciding how next to proceed, highly disliking being left in the dark about anything. Niou has a tendency to disregard the opinions of others, patronizing them for trying to help. At the same time, she is horrible at taking criticism, going as far as to hold a grudge against those who disagree with her opinion.
Name: Pandora Ferrara
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Height: 5'3"
Hair colour: Light Orange
Eye colour: Yellow
Birth Date: June 25
Chest Size: 64 cm
Blood Type: O
Personality: ISFJ-T (Defender)
Likes: Animals (especially pigs), aquariums
Dislikes: Space stations, law enforcers
Though her talent may initially appear to be very useful for members of the police and judicial forces, Pandora's talent as the Ultimate Witness has caused her a lot of grief throughout her life. Born with the amount of misfortune that could probably match an Ultimate Unlucky Student, Pandora has become witness to a number of criminal acts (even by her own parents), all of which have scarred her to date. As a result, the number of enemies that she has gained just by simply being an innocent bystander has become countless, leaving her constantly in witness protection as a result.
A young timid girl among the shorter side of the group, Pandora is a hesitant individual, who tends to avoid interactions with those she deems to be truly dangerous or who bring back bad memories. She seems to be a very intuitive character as she can sense the type of presence that others give off, based on her experiences in life. Due to her talent, however, she suffers from the many situations that she has seen, leaving her with a thin line of sanity left. Rather scared due to being placed into such an unsettling situation, Pandora speaks in a very soft and hesitant voice, typically hiding behind those with a good presence such as Shion and Murano.
Name: Ritsuki Neikan
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Height: 5'6"
Hair colour: purple
Eye colour: white
Birth Date: May 10
Chest Size: 89 cm
Blood Type: AB
Personality: ISTP-A (Virtuoso)
Likes: Chips, optical illusions
Dislikes: Bath towels, hot weather
Ritsuki is a curious individual who has come to realize that her instinct is typically right most of the time. She is a very dependable, albeit hesitant person, who chooses exactly she may rely on depending on her impressions on them. Well aware of her above-average intelligence, Ritsuki is very proud of her analytical skills, refraining from flaunting them unless absolutely necessary.
However, due to her amnesia, she has become rather uncertain, seeking the approval of others in order to back up her claims. Relatively realistic and overly prepared, Ritsuki tends to be one step ahead in the game in deducing possible circumstances and outcomes. An interesting quirk of her personality is that she seems to have no sense of shame, possessing a heavy dislike towards bath towels, possibly due to wearing such conservative and warm clothing all the time.
Name: Roka Yamanaka
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Height: 5'3"
Hair colour: light blue
Eye colour: yellow-green
Birth Date: March 3
Blood Type: O
Personality: ESFP-A (Entertainer)
Likes: Nightclubs, scandalous behaviour
Dislikes: Strip clubs, bartenders
A rather controversial photographer, Roka's pictures have led to numerous arrests of dangerous criminals around the world. As a result of his talent as the Ultimate Post Mortem Photographer, he appears to remain relatively unfazed by witnessing murders. Very easy-going and laid back, Roka has a tendency to say whatever is on his mind at that exact moment.
Roka can be described as a hyperactive and eccentric person who tends to believe in his gut feeling about different situations. He is also a rather conspiratorial person, getting along well with Amane and his theatrics as a result. Finally, Roka is one of, if not, the most mature individuals in the cast as he has taken a liking towards mature sexual aspects of life such as night clubs and scandals. Despite this, he is surprisingly pure as he is only interested in one person, a childhood friend of his, Misao Kusumoto.
Name: Ryu Akihiro
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Height: 5'5"
Hair colour: black
Eye colour: whitish-grey
Birth Date: April 22
Blood Type: O
Personality: INFP-T (Mediator)
Likes: Egyptian tomb curses, pirate treasure
Dislikes: Croissants, expiry date labels
Despite his nature as a pickpocket/thief, Ryu is a very approachable person with a strange fascination with famous thieving endeavours such as dealing with Egyptian tombs or pirate treasure and the various issues that come with them. He likes items such as jewels or money as they don't have a short shelf life but remain eternal, which is the reason why he dislikes being reminded of the expiry dates on food.
A relatively calm and soft-spoken individual, Ryu normally tries to take the passive way out of a situation, leading others to think that he has no backbone within him. Due to his talent, Ryu has developed the skill of going mostly unnoticed or being disrespected due to his demeanour. He loves tales such as fantasy stories, enjoying the fantastical aspects of the world and its characters. Due to his habit as a pickpocket, Ryu has developed a sort of subconscious kleptomania which causes him much grief in life, seeing as he usually never intends to steal anything in the first place. As a result, he has become a rather apologetic person and is willing to do anything he can to make it up to the others.
Name: Sarada Karinagi
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Height: 5'5"
Hair colour: red
Eye colour: orange
Birth Date: November 5
Chest Size: 79 cm
Blood Type: O
Personality: ESTJ-A (Executive)
Likes: Indian curry, ramen noodles
Dislikes: Courtrooms, glass tables
The youngest member of the esteemed Karinagi Judicial Family, Sarada is the daughter of a respectable politician and a renowned attorney. Wishing to set herself apart from the careers of her two older brothers, Sarada decided to follow in her grandparents' footsteps and to make a name for herself as a judge.
Sharp-witted and hotheaded, Sarada is an intelligent individual who has a tendency to take on more practical lines of work, likely stemming from a desire to do something other than observe and analyze. She is anything but a pushover, ready to defend herself and others she wishes to at all times. Once she has yet to notice a situation, she can be a bit forgetful, ignoring the fact that something isn't adding up correctly. To those who have earned her trust, she is a loyal individual, someone who can be counted on at all times. As the Ultimate Judge, however, Sarada has developed a nasty habit of asking only what needs to be asked in order to reach a conclusion, utterly refusing to delve any deeper into certain situations. As a result, the phrase "ignorance is bliss" has become a sort of modus operandi for her.
Name: Seiran Tomeo
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Height: 5'5"
Hair colour: Purple
Eye colour: Grey
Birth Date: October 4
Chest Size: 82 cm
Blood Type: A
Personality: ISTJ-A (Logistician)
Likes: Construction sites, loose shoelaces
Dislikes: Public pools, bad impersonations
As the Ultimate Sharpshooter, Seiran is a hostile individual who won't hesitate to pick apart the secrets of one's very soul. She utterly hates hypocrites and has developed a tendency to go on a poisonous tirade against them as a result. Due to prior obligations, she feels as if she has no particular need to associate with the rest of her class, deciding only to focus her efforts on disposing of the mastermind of the Class 49 Killing Game and ending the whole thing once and for all. Surprisingly, she and Niou appear to get along as they both share a similar mindset towards the others.
A rather curt, no-nonsense character, Seiran is a cold, reserved individual who tends to keep others at a great distance. She believes that the majority of her other classmates are rather naive, and tends to take matters into her own hands when she feels that the need arises for it. She can be rather childish at times, deciding to ignore those who have answered her until she feels that enough time has passed, and also holds little faith in the others in their ability to avoid committing murder. Despite all of this, she does seem to have a soft side as she is capable of sympathizing with others.
Name: Shion Raniero
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Height: 5'7"
Hair colour: Brownish Red
Eye colour: Dark Green
Birth Date: October 31
Blood Type: A
Personality: ISFJ-A (Defender)
Likes: Chocolate, limousines
Dislikes: Stereotyping his line of work, questionable individuals
If one word were to be used to describe Shion, the word reliable would be used. As the Ultimate Drug Lord, Shion is a very practical-minded and influential individual, traits that happen to be essential for one of the main leaders of an international drug-trafficking syndicate, and the soon-to-be head of the Japanese branch of this organization.
As a result of his talent, he is relatively used to being presumed to be an untrustworthy character (though he does dislike these assumptions), and often laments that eccentric individuals tend to gather around him like flies. He isn't likely to go out of his way to help others, but when he does, he expects to be recognized for it. He is a very skeptical and charismatic individual whose good nature is even confirmed by Pandora, who by the start, has already made a habit of staying by his side. Despite this, he is rather uncomfortable in social situations, tending to mess up the meaning of his words when talking about others, and often has to build up enough mental fortitude first before engaging particularly intimidating individuals in interactions.
Name: Tahara Hatano
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Height: 5'7"
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Orange
Birth Date: February 13
Chest Size:
Blood Type: B
Personality: ENTP-A (Debater)
Likes: Record players, smooth language transitions
Dislikes: Gothic makeup
A rather morally grey character, Tahara initially became known as the Ultimate Hacker due to her agreement with her older brother, Eiichi Hatano, the Ultimate Network Consultant. Despite having used shady methods to get to where she currently is now, her talent, however, is no joke. Reliable, but reckless, she is willing to bend the rules to her benefit, taking advantage of her talent in the process.
Surprisingly enough, despite the clear signs that she is more than your average run of the mill hacker (which is hard enough in itself), Tahara doesn't seem to think much of her talent. She believes her talent to be something rather simple, often talking about it as if she was taking a simple walk in the park instead. Tahara is a person who enjoys intellectual challenges, tending to go on a creative tangent when someone asks something unique of her. This aspect of her personality tends to bewilder others around her.
Name: Yuhara Mitsugi
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Height: 5'4"
Hair colour: pink
Eye colour: orange
Birth Date: January 31
Chest Size:
Blood Type: B
Personality: ENFP-A (Campaigner)
Likes: Reality-TV
Dislikes: Foundation
As the Ultimate Missionary, Yuhara is well-versed in the customs and beliefs of multiple religions, making it no surprise that she possesses a rather adept memory. She finds the power of faith to be a rather interesting concept as she has witnessed it help many individuals several times, whether it be performing a full recovery, gaining the mental fortitude to triumph over others, or merely for peace of mind, Yuhara has come to acknowledge that there are many things that religion can do, that technology and science can't.
A humble know-it-all, Yuhara is a very perceptive individual who has a tendency to make fun of her own demeanor by exaggerating her knowledge. However, when she does attempt to learn something, it quickly becomes clear that she does know impossible amounts of personal information suggesting that she actually may have supernatural connections. Due to her knowledge, she tends to become a mentor-like character in the eyes of troubled individuals, helping them through their circumstances. Yuhara gives off a rather peaceful and understanding aura, capable of inspiring others to relax and believe in themselves.
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