Kokichi x Kaito
Sorry I've been dead. I've been gay. And also.... I haven't had much motivation. Please don't hurt me. I'm sorry for being dead but uhhhh here is another story ^^
Kokichi had been roaming around the apartment building he shared with his roommate, Kaito.
"Momo-chaaaan! I'm so lonelyyyyy! Give me love!"
"No. You're fine." Kaito says not looking up from his phone.
"You neevvver give me any attention! I Get so lonely!" Kokichi huffs
Kaito rolls his eyes. "You'll be fine. Hey what kind of pizza do you want?" Kaito asked, looking up at Kokichi.
"Thats not a pizza!"
Kokichi flops down on the couch. "I want cheese pizza. That's a lie. Pepperoni."
Kaito nods. "Fine.
Oh is it okay if we invite Shuichi over too?"
"Awww inviting you're boyfriend over for a date? How cute."
"He's not my boyfriend. Whatever I'm inviting him over."
Kokichi hopped up. "Whatever. You two have fun.. I don't want to interrupt or anything. Have a good time though!" Kokichi grins.
Kaito blinks. "Well... Okay then.. Where you going?"
"Somewhere where I will have more fun than you two! Thats for sure!" And with that... Kokichi left.
Kokichi walked over to the side walk and began walking wherever his feet brought him. Kokichi didn't want to admit to it but... He actually really liked Kaito.
Kokichi started liking Kaito not to long after they moved into together. Of course Kokichi could never tell Kaito these feelings.
Kokichi roams around the neighborhood just doing whatever.
Kaito got up as soon as heard a knock on the door.
"Hey shuichi!" Kaito grins.
"Hey Kaito! Where's kokichi?" Shuichi asked.
"No where important. So.... How have you been?" Kaito wraps his arm around Shuichi.
Shuichi smiles. "Pretty good. You?"
"I've been great! Hungry for some pizza?" Kaito asked, taking a seat on the couch.
Shuichi nods. "Yeah that'd be great" He smiles.
Kaito stood and grabbed the pizza from the counter and brought the pizza over to the table.
"A pepperoni pizza. Is that fine?" Kaito asked.
"Yeah that's fine" Shuichi grabs a plate and grabbed two slices of pizza. "Thanks for inviting me over and all. This is really great." Shuichi went over and took a seat on the couch.
"Yeah I agree. This is really great." Kaito grabbed his slices and puts them on a plate and sat next to Shuichi. Kaito set his pizza down.
"Ya know what would be better though?" Kaito leans in closer to Shuichi and looking into his eyes.
Shuichi blushes. "Wh-what?"
"This." Kaito leans in kissing Shuichi.
Shuichis eyes widen but then melts into the kiss. Kaito pulls Shuichi closer, pulling him onto his lap.
Shuichi ran his fingers through Kaitos hair and deepens the kiss. Kaito soon pulls away looking into Shuichis eyes. Shuichi puts his fingers to his lips.
"I- i.... Oh my god...that was great." Shuichi blushes.
Kaito smiles, putting a hand on Shuichis cheek.
"Will you go out with me?" Kaito asked.
Shuichi smiles. "Yes."
Kokichi stumbles acrossed a pet store and decided to go inside. Kokichi looks around and looks at all the animals until he spotted the one. It was love at first sight. Kokichi went over, gasping.
"Its baby!!!!!" Kokichi grins. Now who would think Kokichi had a soft spot for animals... Not just any animal... An octopus. Kokichi got up and went to the worker.
"How much is the octopus?" Kokichi asked.
The worker told Kokichi and Kokichi slammed the money on the counter. "The octopus is now mine, bitches!!!" Kokichi grins as he packs up the octopus and heads out. (Don't ask how or why he's gonna carry around an octopus tank-)
Kokichi smiles and sits down on a curb and takes out his octopus and puts him on his head.
"Ima name you sushi. Nishishi~" Kokichi put sushi back into his tank and starts to head home.
Shuichi and Kaito were making out right as Kokichi walked in and blinks.
Kaito and shuichi pull away, alarmed of Kokichis entrance.
"I uhm... Hey kokichi! You're home early" Kaito scratches the back of his neck.
Kokichi grins. "Wow Momo- chan, I see you're having fun with Saihara. Well I'll just take sushi and go to my room then. You two have fun but not to much fun!~ Nishishi"
Kaito raised an eyebrow. "Sushi?
Kokichi nods, taking out the purple octopus. "Sushi!"
Kaito stood. "You bought an octopus without asking me?!?!?"
Kokichi puts Sushi on his head. "Well you see Sushi had the cutest eyes and begged me to adopt him. So... That's exactly what I did!" Kokichi grins.
Kaito sighs. "Can I make him for dinner tomorrow night?"
Kokichi gasped and held Sushi. "Don't hurt my baby!"
Kaito turns to Shuichi. "You can stay if you like?"
"Oh no, I'm good. I can leave. You two should work this out. I'll see you tomorrow?" Shuichi smiles.
Kaito nods and smiles. "Yeah." He kisses Shuichi quickly before Shuichi leaves.
Kokichi had already went to his room to set up the tank for sushi. Kaito walks in.
"Okay but seriously... But why did you buy an octopus without asking me?"
"Because I can. You're not the boss of me. Plus now that you're with Saihara-chan I'm going to be lonely so... I have sushi to give me company!"
Kaito sighs and heads out of room.
~~time squip~~
Kaito had been seeing Shuichi for while and had been out once again. Then there was Kokichi who was alone with Sushi.
"Sushi... What am I gonna do with my feelings for Kaito? With his stupid hair... And his stupid pretty eyes... And what the hell is up with purple freaking jeans?!?!?!" Kokichi sighs. "I actually like him.... I can't really tell him I like him... He's with Shuichi. Besides... He'll never love me... " Kokichi looks down.
What Kokichi didn't know that Kaito was standing right at the door way. "Kokichi...?"
Kokichi jumps and turns around and forces a grin. "Momo- change you're home! I was just talking to Sushi. See this is why I need sushi in my life!!"
"I heard you talking about me." Kaito says.
"It was all a lie! Nishishi!~ since when did you ever believe a word I said?"
Kaito shurgs. "It just seemed.... Different this time."
"Well it's not! It's a lie!"
"Why would lie about something like that though?!?"
"Because it's fun momo-chan!"
"But you shouldn't lie about how you feel about someone! So just stop lying to me just like you always do and just tell the truth! God!"
Kokichi looks down. "Fine... I lied...."
Kaito walks closer to Kokichi. "Talk to me..."
Kokichi bit his lip. "Okay.... I do like you.... But it's not like I could've told you because for one you're dating Shuichi and two you'd never feel the same for me! So why should I even tell you?!?!?"
Kaito lifts Kokichis chin up. "Shuichi and I broke up. We decided we'd be better as friends."
Kokichi looks up into Kaitos eyes. "But you'd never like me like that in that way... So why even bother try-"
Kokichis eyes widen as he felt Kaitos lips up against his. Kokichi kissed back and the two shared the moment for a a couple minutes. Kaito was the one to pull away first.
"The real reason I broke up with Shuichi was because I realized that I loved you more, Kokichi."
Kokichi felt tears prick into his eyes. "Why would you even wanna be with someone like me?"
"Because I love you."
Kokichi blushes and was kinda shocked by the sudden words. Kokichi kissed Kaito again. Kaito kissed and held Kokichi close.
"I love you too, you stupid space dork." Kokichi chuckled. "Does that make us a couple?"
"If you want to"
"Nope!" Kokichi paused before giggling. "That's a lie. I would love too!"
Kaito smiles. "Would you like to go cuddle?"
"Only if sushi can join for a little. Not too long though. Because... For obvious reasons" Kokichi giggles.
Kaito sighs. "Fine."
Kokichi grins. "Yay!"
And with that Kokichi, Kaito and Sushi all cuddled on the couch.
Okay... I'm done!!!!!
So my girlfriend doesn't have to ground me!!!!
Sorry for taking so long to update. 😔
But I updated now so be proud... Please.
But like.... Damn... It's been so long since I updated but hope y'all are doing well and like this.
I will... Try... Key word: try
To update more.
Thank you for not hating me for posting after not posting for like ever.
Byeeee y'all!
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