The beginning(Part 1)
Hello this is my fan made danganronpa thing so I hope yall enjoy this :)
Today is the day for Hoshi purotag to enter hops peak academy, a place for ultiments to enter and learn, He was on his way to the gates of hopes peak academy until he got to the door and saw a sign on the door reading the following:
'The class today is taking place in the cabin on the right, please head their'
"Huh um ok then" Hoshi though as he headed to the place the sign told him to head to the area that he was told to head, as he opened the door it revealed 15 other people, some did not notice him while others did and either waved or ignored him. It was about a few seconds before there was a voice coming from the speaker in the top corner of the cabins, it was kinda high pitch and also kinda scratchy.
"Tap tap, is this thing on?" The voice asked in the mic,
Out of no where there was another voice in the speaker, it was a bit more lower then the other one, and was less scratchy, this one sounded more like a human but still an AI as well.
"It should be on the lights green" The other voice said to the first voice
Then the first voice spoke again
"Ok good, welcom welcom my students today is gonna be a fun day everyone, hold on tight everyone we will be taking you guys to the place now" The voice said
We were all confused of what the voice was talking about until we felt the whole cabin move around, it was going slow at first but then it started to pick up speed, it started to get faster and faster so fast that we all started to pass out due to the speed and thats when Hoshi finally passed out.
*Hoshi Purotag POV*
I woke up after passing out from that speeding cabin, then I relized that everyone was starting to wake up as well, another thing I relized is that we are definitely not in the same cabin, it was much bigger then the one we stared in, we also noticed that the school was gone, we were in some kinda of forest due to all the trees around the new cabin we were in, and their was a desk like the tall skinny ones that teachers use or the president use to make a speech. We then heard the voice again, The scratchy one again, or the first one that we heard at the beginning.
"Hello hello we see that you guys are alive, thats good, I would have been more boring if you guys died arleady and we have not even started to game yet heh"
The voice then laughed a bit after they said that
"Oh right wherer is our manners, we must introduce ourselves propoly, its kinda rude to not show yourself ya know, please pay attention to the desk to the front please"
The voice said again to us, so thats what we did, we all turned to the desk that we saw earlier, it was like a few seconds before something popping out of from behind the desk, It was two bears, like teddy bears, but thye had one normal eye and another eye that looks like a scar. The bear on the right was half black and half white like an oreo, the one on the left was half black and half gray, and this time this one had a red bowtie.
The black and white one started to take again with that scratchy voice again,
"Tada! Welcom students, My name is Monokuma!"
Then the black and gary one started to talk as well, this one was the chill and lower voiced one that was talking to I guess monokuma.
"And my name is Monogray" so now we know who is who
Monokuma started to speak once again "Today is a fun day, well maybe for us and only us, because today is a day where you could learn how to kill, and get away for it" he then ended it with a laugh, while Monogray started to snicker, Everyone was shocked, especially me, killing? Really? This has to be a joke or a dream...... Right?
Someone spoke to the bears "W-what do you mean killing?" The girl with a witch hat asked the bears
"Well let me dumb it down for you guys, you guys look more lost then a new student in a giant school, well this is a murder mystery, meaning that, You have to kill, and we will hold class trials, the killers goal is to get away from the murder and your home free, WHILE THE REST DIES!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" Monokuma was laughing like crazy.
Every sat their shocked and kinda scared, Monogray got down and stared to hand out keys with numbers on them all,
"Here you guys go, your cabin keys, the number that is on the key is the cabin that you have good luck" Monogray jumped back to the dest with monokuma and they both said 'good luck' and then they disappeared into a puff a smoke, we all left the cabin shocked and confused of whats going on, alot of thoughts were rusing through my head
'Is this all a prank?'
'What are those bears talking about?'
'Is someone controlling the bears or maybe they ae possessed by a ghost maybe?'
'How long are we going to stay he? For the rest of our lives?!'
'Do we really have to kill someone?!'
'What happens if we don't!?'
And so much more, until I felt a tap on my shoulder, turned around to see a boy with glasses and a bit of blond hair as well, he looked also worried but calmed at the same time
"Hey you ok?" he asked me
"Y-ya im just thinking about some things" I studdered a bit, still confused and scared
He put a hand on my shoulder and smiled at me
"Well its ok, if we are all calm about it and not kill each other then we might be able to get out of here alive, all of us" He smiled which made me smile a bit as well
"Oh right where are my manners, Im Tekaru Toku, and im the ultimate intelligent, who might you be?" Tekaru smiled at me
"Oh right, im Hoshi Purotag, and Im the ultimate clover, or the ultimate lucky student"
We both exchanged smiles at each other, Tekaru then turned to everyone else
"Hey guys we should introduce ourselves to the new kid"
So thats what everyone did
I heard someone screech in my ear which made me jump, I turend around to see a small person who was laughing from my reaction, thye had a witch hat on and a broom on their back
"Hahahahahah, im sorry- im sorry... but you reaction is priceless, anywho.... Im Katanaku Rinkaji the Ultimate Witch!"
She smiled with a little evil smile. Someone came from behind her and kinda bonked her on the head
"Sorry about her, shes kinda weird, Im Zumona Kedokiko and Im the Ultimate Detective, Nice to meet you"
He was a bit tall but friendly at the same time and he had a tench coat that was gray over his shoulder,
I looked over to see a girl with short and red hair yelling at another guy that had a cape that was red and white on the top, and in the middle was black, kinda like a pokeball pattern, they were both yelling at eahc other but no like a couple being made and about to break up, like two friends yelling at something stupid or disagreeing on something. Tekaru pointed to the girl and said
"The girl is Kutata Shikato the Ultimate song writer"
He then pointed at the boy
"And thats Kuchika Mirido the Ultimate Creator, and before you ask, yes they always act like this, dont worry"
Ummmm ok them...?
*No ones POV*
Suddenly a speaks started to play and it was Monogray's voice on the other end
" Its bedtime everyone, go to your number cabin right now or you will be punished for breaking the rules, ok goodnight" then it cut off
We all started to head ot our cabin, when I just reached my cabin I heard someone behind me, I turend around to see Tekaru again behind him with the same calm smile
"I'll see you tomorrow, and be careful, sleep tight" Said Tekaru then he left to his cabin, Hoshi smiled then entered their cabin, It was like a little house with a kitchen, bathroom, and a bedroom. Hoshi went to the bedroom and laid down about to go to sleep, before he could close his eyes he had a last though
'I hope no one kills one another' before closing his eyes and falling asleep in the bed
Word count:1477
Also I changed Michi Aridoto, they now don't like humans (due to their past) and also I changed their design because it was basically my normal oc just with boots and a different mask, as well as a backpack so this is the new Michi Aridoto, the ultimate veterinarian :)
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