He realizes his feelings (Dr1)
Makoto Naegi:
Makoto's POV:Y/N and I were walking along the hallways when I began to notice and realize that she was just so pretty. The way her (long/short) H/C hair sways when she walks, or how her E/C twinkles whenever she smiles. W-What is happening to me? What is this feeling that I have?!?
~Timeskip to Yasuhiro's Dorm~
"GUYS I DO NOT KNOW WHAT THIS FEELING IS!!" I shout in distress before falling onto Hiro's bed. "Are you sick?" Kyoko suggested. "No." "Sad?" Hiro asked. "No." "Mad?" Sakura asked. "Noooo." I groaned. "I GOT IT!" Aoi yelled while grinning at me. "What is it?" I asked. "Well Makoto, tell me, do you like Y/N?" she asked with a smirk on her face. "Well, yeah, she is a nice girl a-" "NO!" Aoi shouted, cutting me off. "Makoto, I think you LOVE LOVE Y/N." "What is that supposed to mean?" I asked confused. "Like, you would date Y/N, and be her boyfriend!" Aoi responded squealing. I just blushed and thought... 'Wow, I guess I do like Y/N.'
Yasuhiro Hagakure:
Yasuhiro realized he liked you when you both started hanging out a lot more.... you actually listened to him and what he had to say, no one has ever done that before in his life. He appreciated that. Let's just say that is when the feels started coming.
Byakuya Togami:
Byakuya realized he liked you in class because you saw him as normal. Others were scared of him cause of his stuck-up attitude. He was also scared of himself sometimes, he was afraid you'd stop being friends with him but you never stopped being friends. Thus his feelings for you began to blossom.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru:
Kiyotaka realizes his feelings for you when you were all at your house for a party and were playing truth or dare. He chose to dare because he liked saying he was a daredevil while being a rule follower at the same time. Leon dared him to kiss you, on the cheek. He strolled over to you and quickly kissed you and you both felt butterflies in your stomachs. After the game, he couldn't prevent pondering about you. He asked Mondo what was wrong and all he said was "You are in love bro".... then he realized... he was falling in love with you.
Leon Kuwata:
He was watching your softball game and you went up to the plate. He was nervous because there were two outs on your team, it was the bottom of the last half and the bases were loaded. As soon as the pitcher threw the ball, he shut his eyes tightly until he heard the sound of your bat hitting the softball. He watched as the ball flew out of the park for a home-run. Finally, after your victorious game, you ran up to Leon and hugged him tightly. That's when he realized that he had fallen in love with you.
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