Class Trial {9} Who
"okay well. . . . I'm getting bored waiting so let's skip to the class trial! Please go to Monokuma rock on the first island. When everyone is there we can begin. Everyone MUST attend. See ya later!"
That bear seriously pissed me off!
When we all went to the Monokuma rock anyway. When we arrived however we was two short. Fuyuhiko and Luniar weren't there. "Where are Luniar and Fuyuhiko?" I asked everyone.
"They should have heard the announcement. ." Sonia spoke up.
"Oooo are they ditching?!" Ibuki chimed.
"Ditch?! DiTcH?! DITCH?!?! I SAID NO ONE Can DITCH!"
All of us jumped when we suddenly heard a voice. We looked at Monokuma was there with his claws out. He was angry. "I'll get those troublemakers!" He shouted and disappeared. When he came back however Fuyuhiko was swearing and Luniar was. . . Well Luniar. .
"I told you all you better all make it here. Next time I won't be so nice!" Monokuma said to us all and finished dragging the two by the rock.
When he walked there he let them go and a escolator (no idea how that is spelled) appeared out of no where. "What is this?!" I asked.
"Everyone get on and I'll meet you all at the class trial!" And he's gone.
We all looked at the way in, we have no other choice but too walk on so here we go. We all started to walk and got in the elevator. Pushed the button and it started to moved.
Once we arrived it was like a real trial room set up. Monokuma was sat on a chair while Monomi was tied up. . . That's just sad. .
"Come on, come on! Go to your arranged seats and let's get started!"
We all did what Monokuma said for us to do and all got ready for the class trial to begin, but I didn't want to do this, this is just the same as killing someone. . But I guess I have no choice. .
"Let's begin with a basic explanation of the class trial! So, your votes will determine the results. If you can figure out "whodunnit" then only they will receive punishment. But if you pick the wrong one... then I'll punish everyone besides the blackened, and the one that deceived everyone else will graduate!" Monokuma explained. "Let's start with the murder weapon." He continued.
"Easy the knife!" Kazuichi said.
"Yes I believe the knife was used to stab him through the chest multiple times!" Sonia agreed.
"Miss Sonia agreed with me??" Kazuichi said shocked.
That's when I remembered something. . the knife couldn't be the murder weapon. . because of what someone told me during the investigation.
"So it's dec-"
"No wait!" I shouted out.
That made everyone look at me, they was confused so I took that as my cue to continue. "It's too big to be the murder weapon. Right Mikan?" I asked her.
"H-Huh? . . . . Oh n-now I remember. ."
~Flash back~
After a while from me investigating the room where Byakuya was killed, I went outside and checked the office. Just to jive Mikan enough time to do her Autopsy, so me and Nagito talked with Peko and Kazuichi for a bit and went back.
When we did Mikan was still looking over the body. "Mikan have you found anything?" I asked her.
"Yes the injuries on his tells me that he stabbed multiple times with a 5mm weapon."
~end of flash back~
"A 5mm type of thing is what we are looking for. A knife would be-"
"Too big!" Akane chimed in before I could finish the sentence.
I nodded my head at her saying that's right, "so we know that the knife isn't the weapon, but what is? And who could have killed Byakuya?" Peko asked.
"That's a good question all of us was there in the room. So we all have alibis for that-"
"Not everyone!" Nagito chimed in before I could finish. I looked at him. "Fuyuhiko and Luniar doesn't have alibis for that time." He said as said that everyone looked at the two.
"One of you two did it?! Which one?!" Kazuichi asked them.
". . ." There was no answer from Luniar.
"It wasn't me!" Fuyuhiko shouted at us.
That's right it couldn't have been Fuyuhiko.
"Where's your alibis then?!" Akane asked them.
"Yes I demand an explanation of that as well." Sonia said.
She feels like a proper princess now.
". . . ." Again Luniar didn't say much in fact nothing at all.
"Tch, I was in room the entire time!" Fuyuhiko said.
"That's no alibi!" Everyone shouted.
"No wait Fuyuhiko does have an allibi! Right Chiaki?" I asked her.
". . . Me?. . . . Right I remember seeing him now. . ." She said to me.
Chiaki's POV
I was standing outside with Monomi and was looking for Monokuma when I saw someone walking towards us. I kept my eyes on the figure that's when I saw Fuyuhiko. "Why you two standing out here? Ain't you going to the party?" He asked us.
"We are watching for Monokuma not for him to interfere in this." I explained to him. But there was something off. "why are you here?" I asked him.
I think I saw him go a little red at that question. "N-No reason dumbass! Just taking a stroll." He said back.
He then walked off, I think he wanted to join the party with the rest of them but didn't want to admit it. That's when Hajime and Nagito came out asking questions and told them all about me seeing Fuyuhiko.
~end of flash back~
"So Fuyuhiko does in fact have an allibi for that time. ." Akane stated.
The only one left that doesn't have one is. . .
We all looked at Luniar, who have been quiet this whole time. She haven't said a word, only been looking at the floor she never looked at anyone. That's her being her though, I'm pretty sure she's just anti-social or something. "Luniar is the only one who doesn't have an allibi!" Hiyoko stated quiet loudly.
". . . ." Still nothing from her.
"Well we need your allibi!" Nekomaru spoke up.
"You want my allibi fine. . ." She spoke.
I was shocked she was speaking this time, she ignored us the rest of the time, and that's when looked at someone, and the one she looked at was. . .
Part 2 of the trial will be next! Jeez I didn't expect the trial to go on for 2 chapters. I have a limit for each chapter guys, yes I know some are longer but I couldn't very well end in the the middle of a sentence and not leave a cliff hanger.
That would just so booooooooring-!
Anyway thanks for reading.
Bye for now
To be continued!
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