Class Trial {8} Remembered
Hajime's POV
After I spoke With Luniar and she walked away, I went back to my cabin however I did want to talk to her a bit more, but I doubt that will happen, I need to come up with an idea that I can make her believe I want to be friends.
I looked at the time and sighed, it was almost time for Byakuya's party. I got up and walked over to my door when I opened the door I jumped a mile it felt like my heart was going to jump out. Standing there all alone, right outside my door was. . .
Luniar. . .
"L-Luniar. . ?! You scared me!" I said trying to take deep breaths so I didn't die.
"I did. . .?" She simply replied with.
I sighed and looked back at her, I obviously couldn't let her stay outside so I moved out the way and let her come in. I then closed the door.
I was so surprised that I almost died. That would have been bad. "Is there something you wanted?" I looked at her while I was spoke those words.
That's all that was in her eyes was a blank look and one that didn't look like she had anything inside. "Are you going to the party?" She asked me in her usual cold and dead tone of voice.
"Uh yeah. . Why?" I asked her, confused why she would ask me that.
"I'd be careful and stay in guard. . . You never know what will happen. ." She said.
"W-What do you mean by that?" I asked her.
She didn't even answer me she just left my cabin. I quickly went after her and saw her walking to hers. "Wait ain't you going?! It's manda-" before I could even finish that sentence she already closed the door.
I sighed and looked at the time. I should get going.
I started to walk to the old place when I entered I saw Byakuya standing there, I was confused as I thought it would be in the dinning hall. "Can you stand up straight and hold out your arms?" He asked me.
That just made me even more confused with whatever it is he is doing. "I need to make no one brought sharp objects, I don't want anyone getting hurt on purpose or on accident." He said. "So I need to pat you down." He continued.
"Ah if that's the case I guess it's fine. . ." I said.
That's when I stood up straight and held out my arms and he started to search me. He didn't leave anywhere unchecked either. . . That was so uncomfortable but I was able to move on, I walked into the dinning hall and I saw everyone there well except two people. Byakuya walked in with me and he looked around. "We are two short." He said.
"I did say to Fuyuhiko to come and join us but he said he'd never come and join us and for me to leave him alone." Mahiru said. "I told him it was mandatory but he didn't wanna hear it." She continued.
"And what about Luniar?" Byakuya asked.
"Ah I'm the one that saw her she was actually with me in my cabin before I came here." I said.
"What? You and her was alone?! Before you came here?!" Kazuichi asked me.
Oh for-
"It's not like that! But I was about to tell her that it was mandatory but she closed the door to her cabin before I could." I said to them.
Some of them started to complain about how Byakuya was searching them but then again even though it was uncomfortable it needed to be done. Byakuya was looking around. "Wait!" Byakuya shouted, ran over to the table and started to eat really fast.
"Hey leave some for us!" Akane shouted.
"What the hell are you doing?!"
"I ain't doing this because I want to!" Byakuya shouted back as he did he was still eating.
It's amazing he ain't choking. However when he was done he held up the skewers and put them in a box he put the other sharp weapons on. "That could have been used to hurt people. Hajime come with me and we'll check the kitchen!" He said.
. . . Why me?
Despite me not wanting to go I went with him anyway. When we walked in Byakuya was shouting Teruteru. I started to look around. I looked at the equipment list and saw there was something wrong. "Hey Byakuya look." I said to him and passed him the clipboard.
He started to read through it and it looks like he spotted the same thing as I did. "Where is the other skewers? There is one missing." He asked and then started.
"Ah, that was already gone when I got here." Teruteru replied.
I shrugged it off, not like he would lie about that, I looked at Byakuya and he looked around the place. "Well it's not like you can hide it in the food so it's fine, it was already gone so there is nothing I can do about that. Let's go and enjoy the party." Byakuya said while walking out.
I looked at Teruteru and saw him going back to the cooking. "Make sure you take a break too Teruteru." I said to him.
I saw him turn me and smile. "Don't you worry about me go have fun! This is fun for me anyway!" He replied back.
I nodded and left the kitchen to go to the dinning room where everyone else was. Byakuya then sorted a guard to take the box away with was Peko, it was the right choice to choose her, when she left I looked around, everyone was having fun. That's when Mahiru walked around taking pictures.
Everyone was having so much fun but fun, doesn't last long.
Everything went black.
None of us could see anything.
"Hey turn the lights back on I can't eat like this!"
"What's going on?!"
"What this is darker then my future!"
"What is this?!. What are-"
"Guys you okay?! Isn't it just the kitchen that turned black?!"
"I'll go along the wall too see if I can turn the lights back on!"
When the lights finally came back on everyone was looking around so confused as too why they went off. "What happened?" I asked everyone.
But they couldn't tell me.
With that we all looked into the direction of the scream and we saw Mikan fall in the most unusual way. "P-Please d-don't look at me! I-I'm so s-sorry!" She said. That's when some people helped her up.
(In all fairness who on earth could forget that pose?! XDD like what the actual hell-)
"Wait where is Byakuya?" Mahiru asked.
"H-He w-was just h-here." Mikan said in her shy voice.
That's right he was, so he has to be somewhere!
We all started to look for him, I pulled up the cover of the table clothes and that's when I saw it. A scene I can only describe as
All of a sudden an announcement nose came up.
"A body has been discovered! After a certain amount of time the class trial will begin! Who will you vote to be the blackened? Good luck everyone!"
And with that it was time to investigate. I sighed and when I turned around Monokuma was standing there we all jumped.
"ITSSSSSS HERE!!!" Ibuki screamed.
"That's the reaction I am talking about! Man the other one is a stick in the mud!" He said.
"What other one?"
"Anyway I got something for you all! Tada! It's the Monokuma file!!"
He said as he passed us all one. "What's the Monokuma file?" Some of us asked him.
"The Monokuma file will contain information about the crime. Make sure you read it!"
And with that he left, he didn't even answer my question. I sighed and looked at the file, I guess I should start with the file.
Victims name: Byakuya Togami
The victim's body was discovered in the dining hall of the old building near the Hotel Mirai. The estimated time of death is 11:30 p.m. The victim was repeatedly stabbed over ten times between the throat and abdominal region, resulting in death. Aside from that, the body has no other external injuries, and no chemicals such as poison were detected.
Hmm he was stabbed to dead by something?
I looked around and noticed a knife by his body but there was something strange about it, it was covered in green type thing that glowed. I looked above the body and saw duck tape there as well with the same substance. This is really strange.
Plus where the body is it a pool of blood under him, it's splattered all over the floor too.
I went around with Nagito checking everywhere, we saw irons and we even found a blood cloth in the wash basket. We went to the office which we couldn't find Peko at all. When she actually walked in I was so confused.
"Peko where was you?"
"I'm sorry, but I was-"
That's when she held her stomach. "If you need to go I suggest your cabin or the restaurant, the bathroom here is already in use." Nagito said her.
"Then I have no choice." She ran out in a rush while saying though words.
A couple of minutes later when we searched everywhere that's when it happened.
Another announcement.
And boom! Next chapter will be the class trial. For real. XD wonder what's going to happen in it.
Obviously not going to be the same in the game because my memory ain't that good and some days I can barely remember how to spell my own name!
Thanks for reading guys.
Hope you all are having a day/afternoon/evening or night. Depending on where you are.
Bye for now
To be continued!
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