Class Trial {50} And
When we turned around that's when we saw Kazuichi and Nagito standing there looking at Chiaki. "Hey Chiaki! Don't go running off on your own!" Kazuichi said to her.
"You disappeared so suddenly. . .I was worried about you." Nagito said to her.
"Kazuichi. . .Nagito. . ." I said while looking at them.
"Thanks to your disappearance, I was left all alone with Nagito. . ." Kazuichi complained to her.
"Huh. . .was that annoying for you?" Nagito asked him.
"Hell yeah it was! I don't wanna be alone with a creep like you!" Kazuichi complained even more.
Me, Chiaki, Robomaru and Lunair just stood there watching as they was 'talking' to each other. "I see. . .so it's not just Hajime, you don't trust me either, huh Kazuichi. . .Hey, are you okay? Have you. . .stopped trusting other humans?" Nagito asked him.
"Well yeah! thanks to you, you bastard!" Kazuichi shouted at him.
That'd when the others started to show up one pair at a time. When all of them finally arrived in one area, we all looked at each other. "That was fast! I thought think your investigations would take longer then this!" Robomaru said to them.
"There aren't many areas to search, and we didn't find any good clues. . ." Fuyuhiko said to us all.
Right now. . .the only thing I found out is. . .There's seriously no food anywhere! This ain't funny at all!" Akane confirmed.
" I-I heard. . .that it's super painful to die from starvation. Before that happens. . .why don't we. . .you know. . .the hamsters that Gundham carries around. . .?" Kazuichi asked, freaking out.
"Perish the thought!" Sonia shouted to him.
"AAAAAAAHHHHHH- I'm sorry!" He said back her.
"Kazuichi... You should be grateful to Sonia. If you'd gotten your hands on my Four Dark Devas of Destruction, your body would be incinerated by hellfire!" Gundham spike up.
But are the hamsters going to be okay without food?" Chiaki asked him.
Fortunately, the flowers blooming in Strawberry House's indoor park are cursed flowers from hell's garden. . . As long as those seeds are there. . .The Four Dark Devas of Destruction shall not lose a single hit point." Gundham explained.
"I am relieved to hear that." Sonia said.
That's when I noticed the hamsters that's normal on Gundham's shoulders are not there it confused me since they are always there. "Uh Gundham where are your hamsters?" I asked him.
He looked to where they normally where and noticed they weren't there. He started to look around the place to see if he can find them, all of us was confused as they never leave his side. That's when we heard someone speak. "There right here." We looked over to where the voice came from and that's when we saw Lunair standing there.
I looked at her and that's when I noticed the hamsters sat on either side of her shoulders, one on her head and another behind held in her hands. They all were just laying or sat there looking really happy. I looked over at Gundham and saw him blushing but trying to hide it. I don't know why but that made me really annoyed.
"Sorry. . . ." Gundham spoke in a quiet tone of voice.
Lunair looked at him and then at the hamster that was in her hand. "It's fine not like their hurting anyone. They just sat there relaxing." Lunair said to him.
Gundham tried to make them go back to him but for once they didn't listen to him. All of us was shocked and confused at what just happened. The hamsters wanted to stay with Lunair. However Lunair walked over to Gundham, standing in front of him. "I think your master would you back now, why not go to him. . . You are his dark minions right?" As soon as Lunair said that to them they went back to Gundham.
However once again Gundham lifted up his scarf to hide his blush and for some reason once again it made me annoyed. It feels like I'm forgetting someone really important . . . Something to do with Lunair. .
"Moving on. . . We need to discuss what we found. ." Robomaru said.
"Okay, if it's fine, Fuyuhiko, Gundham and I will represent out teams and give the report." Nagito suggested.
"Yeah, I don't mind. ." Fuyuhiko said to us.
"Hmph, rejoice mongrels... I've discovered something that you fiends will be happy to hear about." Gundham stated to us.
I think he's missing the point. . .
Thanks for reading everyone! That's it for this chapter I can't believe this book has 50 chapters now! Thank you all for the support!
Bye for now.
To be continued!
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