Class Trial {5} I
"well done to everyone for collecting the hope fragments! And to celebrate I will give you all a prize, please go to the beach and I will see you all there!"
The announcement ended, so like everybody else we all walked to the beach, once we was there, we looked around but couldn't find Usami anywhere. "Was she tricking us?" Kazuichi asked.
"No she seemed serious." I answered them.
I looked around again and I saw Luniar standing with us too, it seems she decided to join us plus there was Fuyuhiko as well, it seems all of us are here. And by the others reaction from the fact the two was here it's a surprise to everyone.
"Where is she?" Mahiru asked.
"Sorry too keep you all waiting! I'm here now!"
When we turned around we all saw Usami standing there looking happy. . . I think.
She got something out of nowhere and faced us as she did. "Now then here are your prizes!" She said as she handed them all out.
There was little charms if what looked like Usami. Everyone looked disappointed well except two people, that was Chiaki and Luniar. Everyone complained except for those two as well. When we looked at Usami she looked down. . . Or depressed?
"I think it's nice." Chiaki spoke.
Why would anyone like this?
"W-well I did have another present but I think. . . . . I wanna give it to you all now!" She said.
"What is it?" Sonia asked her.
Usami looked at us and pulled out some swimsuits, as she did she looked at us all and started to explain again. "I thought for you all to get along why not go for a swim. So there are swimsuits that fit you all." She said too us.
There is no way anyone will want-
"Now this is what we're talking about!"
"This is aweeeeesome!"
I was stunned some of the people ran over and started to get suimsuits and ran off to get changed. Are they serious?! At a time like this?! They want to go swimming?!
"Hajime, I know your suspicious of this but I hope you will come an join us at some point!" Nagito spoke to me and ran off himself.
. . . .
When I looked there some people still behind, I won't bother talking to Gundham I can't understand what he is saying. So I looked at the others. "Fuyuhiko, you ain't taking part?" I asked him.
"Bastard! No way am I doing that!" He responded to me.
I looked at Akane and walked over to her as well. "Akane your not going to go swim?" I asked her.
"Of course I am! Hell I'll go now!"
As she said that she started to strip and covered my eyes" what are you doing?!" I asked her, as soon as I said that Usami started.
"No you can't change here! This is a beach not a changing area!"
As soon as Usami spoke those words, Akane ran off with the swimsuit. That leaves one more person I looked at her, however she was looking at the others messing in the water. I looked over too. "I have massage oil! Anyone want me to rib it in?" Teruteru spoke.
"Oh how nice oh you!" Nekomaru spoke back.
I glanced at her and when I did there was no emotion on her face, how is that possible? Does she really not feeling anything about anything or anyone? "Don't you want to join in Luniar?" I asked her.
". . ."
No answer from here. . . Is she ignoring me or did she not hear me? "Uh Luniar i-"
Before I could even finish my sentence, she answered me. "I heard you. ." She spoke. All I could do is just nod my head at her. However the more and more I watched them play in the water the more I justed wanted to join in on the fun.
Is this really not a trap?
I can actually trust this?
You know what. . . SCREW IT!!
I went up to Usami and when I did she looked at me tilting her head. "Let me have on!" I said to her.
She handed me on and I ran off to change, as I was my mind flashed to when Luniar was looking at everyone.
If it is true that she doesn't care or have no emotions towards people then why was she looking at them? Could it be that she did want to join in after all?
Once I was done with changing I ran back and looked at everyone in the water. "Hey guys let me join in! Wait for me!" I spoke and ran over.
"Hajime is joining us!" Nagito spoke up smiling as he said that.
I smiled too and I was about to start having fun when all of the sudden. . .
The sky turned black.
All of us stopped and looked at the sky, we all looked at Usami. "What did you do?!" I asked her.
"I didn't do anything! What is this?! This shouldn't be happening!" She spoke up.
That's when the monitor came on.
"Hello? Can you all hear me? Yes? Good! Puhuhuhuhu!"
"N-No it can't be!" Usami said. That's when a black and white bear appeared on it instead of static
We looked to her and then too the monitor again. "Now then since I have your attention please go to the park on the island I'll seeeee you all thereeeeee bye-bye now!"
That's when the monitor turned off, "no I can't let him do this!" Usami spoke up and left. We all looked at eachother and then ran off too the part once we gotten changed into our usual clothes.
When we got there something happened that none of us was expecting.
The bear came out of nowhere. .
"I am Monokuma! The principal of Hopes peak academy! So I'm your principal!" He spoke.
"More stuffed animals?!" Kazuichi asked panicked
"No not stuffed animals I am Monokuma Your principal. So show some respect!!" He shouted back.
All of us was confused as he said that. However what he said next next was shocking. "now then too shake things up I'm going to spice things a bit I was getting bored watching you all play nice! It's LAME you know! Lame, lame, lame, lame LAME!!" Monokuma said.
"No I won't let you!" Usami said.
That's when Monokuma and Usami started to fight and as you probably expected Monokuma won that, Usami was left in tears. "now then instead of getting along, your all going to be in a. . . ." He paused for probably a dramatic effect.
"Killing Game."
Okay but seriously, anyone think the real Byakuya would be really mad at the fake though?? I do. XD
And now the killing game has been introduced. . . Sort of. Anyway hope you all enjoying this. The results of OCs ultimate will appear soon!
So if you haven't already guess away!
Thanks for reading
Bye for now
To be continued!
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