Class trial {45} Grateful
Instead of numbered buttons... There's just a single button with a grape image on it. But why grapes? Why not strawberries?
Lunair was watching me as I picked up the phone. "Well might as well see if it works. ." That's when I pressed the button. And I could hear a ring tone. "it seems to be working." I said out loud.
However, no one was picking up. . .
"What a mysterious may be used for summoning rituals. A novice shouldn't carelessly touch it." Gundham spoke up.
"Yeah. . . I'm sure it's not that Dangerous. . Aside from the button, it looks like any other regular telephone. But it doesn't work like a normal telephone, and I don't even know where it was connecting to." I said to him.
I put the phone down and started looking around once again. "Hajime. . Photo." I heard Lunair say.
I looked at the photo. "Why would there be a portrait in a place like this? It seems very out of place. . . Also, the placard on the portrait. . ." I asked.
"Yes, it says. . Hopes Peak academy founder Izuru Kamukura." Lunair spoke up once again.
Why would a portrait of someone as important as the founder of Hope's Peak Academy be in a place like this? Also. . .this name. . .It's so hard to pronounce!
"Hajime. . I think we're done here." Lunair said.
Before I could even say anything I heard Gundham started to speak, "Jeez. . .what's going on. . .? My Four Dark Devas of Destruction are investigating the area, but it seems there's nothing of note to report. . ."
"Why have you given up!? There may be something on this floor we have not searched yet!" Sonia spoke up to us.
"Yeah, you're right. . . It's still too soon to give up." I said back to her.
"Good, I leave this matter to your discretion!" Sonia replied.
"Your part of this investigation are you not? So why are you acting like you can give orders to people? Get to work instead of making others do it for you." Lunair spoke to Sonia and walked out.
I went after her frowning some at what she said. "Lunair. ." Before I could finish that sentence Lunair jumped in once again.
"I know. . I should have been nicer to her but in my defense she does make everyone do things for her. She's not a princess here she's a student like the rest of us. Why should I treat her like royalty I never have in the past." Lunair said.
I stopped. "In the past?" I asked her.
"Yes I've encountered loads of royals and I haven't made them so important more then anyone else." She replied.
Once again the hope crumbled into pieces I thought she had her memories back. . But it looks like she haven't yet.
As we all started to walk to the first floor I couldn't help but think back at the many, many times she gave us all hope and then shattered it before us. Does she know she's doing it? She has to know right?
"I'm glad I'm back to everyone and I have got told by Akane what happened too!" Robomaru said as me and Lunair stopped by him.
We both looked at him when he said that to us. "However. . .I never expected we'd lose three people during my absence. . ." He told us.
". . .Yeah." I replied at him.
"It was unfortunate." Lunair joined in.
"Hiyoko and Ibuki. . .Those two were quite the noisy bunch. It's as if a fire was smothered. And I cannot believe. . .Mikan was the one who murdered them." Robomaru said once again.
" That's why... No matter what shape you're in, we're all extremely happy that you came back to us." I said to him with a small smile.
"Yes really glad your sort of okay Robomaru. . ." Lunair said.
"Ngh...? Then I must live up to everyone's expectations! As long as I'm here, I will not tolerate any more victims! I won't allow iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!" Robomaru started to say.
That's when we all made our way to the 1st floor and started to look around the place. When we got down there we looked around. The 1st floor is pretty bare. There's one large strawberry statue in the middle. As we looked around I noticed something.
Ah. . .isn't this an elevator? But that's weird. . .the only stairs are between this building's 2nd and 3rd floor. . .
"Does this mean there is a basement?" I asked no one in particular.
"No. . . I don't think there is. . Look at the button." Lunair said.
I looked over at the button and saw it had a grape sign on it. This made me confused as I looked at it.
A grape image. . . It's the same as the button on the lounge telephone.
"What happens if I press the button?"
Thanks for reading everyone! Hope you enjoyed it!
Bye for now
To be continued!
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