Class Trial {16} Bottom
When I heard that voice I was shocked, I turned around and saw Luniar standing there in a swim suit, I couldn't help but go red. I wasn't the only one that was looking at her thank god.
"Yes I was swimming for three hours." Peko said, looking at Luniar with uncertain looks.
What's with that look? Is it because Luniar can tell if there's something wrong? But she has got a good poker face though.
"I see. That must have been taxing." Luniar stated.
I think Luniar has realised something is wrong with what Peko said, but what? Considering that Peko is strong I wouldn't be surprised if she swam that whole way. That's when Sonia walked in with a smile. "Hello everyone I'm sorry for the wait." She said.
All of us looked at Sonia and that's when Kazuichi started to say things. I sighed and looked at them all. Sonia noticed us and was confused. "Why are you two here?" She asked us.
"We happened to come here! Is it okay if we join you guys since we are here?" Kazuichi said to her smiling.
"Um well. . This was suppose to be an only girl time." Sonia said.
"It's fine, what's two boys going to do?" Chiaki said.
"I guess your right, if you two want to come then okay!" Sonia said smiling.
I looked at Luniar and gave a small smile, while everyone was talking about what they are going to do and explaining things. "You look nice." I said to her. That's when she only nodded. "I didn't expect you come here too." I said to her.
"Normally I wouldn't have." She said to me. That's when she looked at me. "But I don't know, hanging with you wasn't so bad so I'll give this s shot." She continued.
That made me go red when she said that, she thinks my company wasn't bad? And because of that she's soicalizing?
All of us started to walk into the cave and I couldn't believe what Luniar told me. At the moment I was walking with Chiaki while Luniar was walking and talking with Mikan. Kazuichi was in front and went into the beach house first.
But that's when we heard a scream.
I waited for the girls to change and the rushed over to him. When we got by the door we couldn't open it so we had to go around the beach side. When we walked in it was something we wasn't expecting at all. It was Mahiru sat there. . . Dead.
That's when the sound came.
"A body have been discovered! After a certain amount of time we all be doing a class trial. Phuhuhu see you soon~"
A few minutes later everyone started to arrive because Sonia went and got them all. I sweat dropped and looked around everyone was in shock and mortified well. . . Everyone except Luniar of course.
"Mahiru. . . Why her. ." Someone said.
We all looked around and it seemed like everyone was depressed again. Yet another person is dead and another killed. But when all of us was down Monokuma appeared.
"Puhuhuhuhu! It's time for the Monokuma file #2!" He said and passed it out.
I guess I should look at this now.
The victim is Mahiru Koizumi. Estimated time of death is around 3:00 p.m... The scene of the crime where the body was discovered is inside the beach house at Chandler Beach. The cause of death is a single killing blow to the head with a blunt instrument. There are no other conspicuous external injuries, and no trace of foreign substances such as drugs.
3:00 pm. . . I was here at that time with Kazuichi. . If only we would have came here straight away we might have been able to prevent this. . Mahiru I'm so sorry.
"Something seems odd." Luniar whispered.
I looked at her confused.
She must have noticed my confusion as she started to talk again. "Look, a blunt object and one hit she was dead, instantly. Doesn't that remind you of anything?" She looked at me after whispered those words to me.
Remind me of something?
I looked over at the scene and all of a sudden the scene looked exactly like the game. My eyes widened as I realized that part. "So your telling me that someone replicated that game?" I asked her.
"I think it's more then replicated." She said.
I got confused again but that's when Chiaki came up to me and started to talk to me, about the game. "Yes I saw them." I answered her.
"But did you see it all?" She asked me.
"Yes. . . Luniar was smart enough to know the secret I was going to walk away though." I answered her.
"Yeah I figured she'd be the one the do it. But it's strange I finished it and I didn't get the prize so someone else must have finished it before I did." She explained.
Someone before her?
"Want to come and investigate with me?" She asked me.
I nodded my head and that's when we left, we looked around and even managed to get into Mahiru's room. We found some pictures that what shocking.
Mikan, Ibuki and Hiyoko at what seemed like a entrance hall. .
A broken vase
Someone that was dead in the music hall.
And a girl that was hit with a bat at the back of the head.
All these pictures they seem like the live action of that game. So that means the game really was based on true events. All this really did happen and the people in my class was involved? But . . . This is the first time anyone is meeting right? How could this be? . . . Is this fake? No. . No it's real. Monokuma did say that some memories was taken from us. This must be why we can't remember this.
Then another announcement happened.
Thanks for reading everyone almost at 20 chapters now! Yay! Thanks for your support, thanks for reading.
Hope your all enjoying this!
Have a great day everyone.
Bye for now
To be continued!
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