Class Trial {10} You
We all looked to where she was looking and that person was none other then Monokuma. Does that mean her allibi is Monokuma? She was with. . . Monokuma. .?
"Puhuhuhuhu that's right I was with Luniar at the time, we had a nice long chat, well wasn't nice for me she kept trying to boil me!" Monokuma said. "For the-"
"I think I'll try Raman next."
That's when he covered his mouth with his paws. "Scary!"
"How can we trust Monokuma?! He's probably just covering for her!" Kazuichi shouted.
"No, no I wouldn't like this time I really was with her. Want to know what we was talking about?" He asked us.
That's when everyone was quite, I think all of us wanted to know that but we couldn't just ask and plus there is a trial going on. . "Maybe another time." I answered him.
"If Fuyuhiko and Luniar both go allibi's what should we do? Everyone else was with us!" Akane answered.
"Not everyone." Hiyoko answered.
That's when we all looked at Hiyoko this time. "Peko wasn't in the office at the time she was suppose to, so where was she?" Hiyoko asked while looking at Peko.
"Uh well. . . I had a stomachache at that time so I was . . . In the bathroom the entire time." She said.
"I can account for that! I tried to go in but the door was locked, so someone was definitely in there the entire time." Nekomaru said.
"A stomachache? Did you eat anything unusual?" Sonia asked Peko.
"No I didn't have anything unusual." She answered.
"But you did take food with you right? As I remember." I asked her.
~Flash back~
While Byakuya was making sure everything was safe he looked at the boxed and choose someone to guard the box. "I'll do it. If no one has a problem with that?" Peko asked.
Because no one had any objections to that, so Peko took that as they wanted her to guard the case. "Before I go can I take some food with me?" She asked.
"Yes as much as you want." Byakuya answered her.
~end of flash back~
"Your right but I don't think the food any anything in them." Peko stated.
"If course not! Doing that too food is unforgiveable!" Teruteru spoke up.
Something about all this doesn't make sense, it's true that everyone has an allibi but there has to be something we are missing. But what could it be? What are we missing?
"The floor." Luniar spoke quietly, I heard her because I was stood next to her.
I looked at Luniar as she said that, again surprised she said anything. The floor. . . Oh yeah Gundham lost his earring didn't he. I looked at him and saw he had the earring on him. "The floor!" I said loud enough. Everyone looked at me. So I continued. "Gundham you lost your earring but-"
"The earring of the netherworld!"
"Right, but you have that earring-"
"Earring of the netherworld."
"Yeah. . . You have the earring of the netherworld with you now. How did you get that back?" I asked him.
"That was the simple task as my dark minions helped me go under the floor to retrieve this netherworld earring."
". . . . I'm going to take that as you found someway to go under the floor to get it back." I said. "Then that must mean there is a way to go under the floor-"
"From the outside! Everyone else was in the party so that means it was Fuyuhiko or Luniar!" Kazuichi said.
"No! Going under the floor from the outside is impossible, right Chiaki?" I asked her.
"Your right. . . . Me and Gundham tried so hard. . ."
~Flash back~
As me and Nagito walked out of the room we saw Chiaki and Gundham on the hands looking under the building. "Um what are you doing?" I asked them.
The both of them looked at us and that's when. Chiaki spoke up. "Gundham lost his earring so I thought there was a way for him to get back from the outside. But unfortunately there is a fence around it so it's impossible to get there from out here."
~End of flash back~
"So that means Luniar and Fuyuhiko. . . Couldn't have done it." Akane said.
"You'd know if Luniar done something anyway!" Monokuma spoke.
All of us looked at him and was confused as he said that. What does that mean? That we'd know if she done something?
"What are you saying now?!" Monomi asked him.
"Puhuhuhuhu" he just simply laughed.
That's when our attention turned to Luniar, we was all waiting for an explanation but she stayed quiet and all kept looking at her. "what about where he was killed?" She asked.
She's changing the subject. . .
All of us focused on what she said though. He was killed, "it was under the table." I answered her. Wait under the table? Why was he under the table?
I looked at Mahiru and she nodded her head at me, she already knew what I was going to ask her so she got it ready. I looked at the piece paper.
"What is it?" Akane asked me.
"Earlier I asked Mahiru to show where everyone was standing using her pictures. And drew this diagram. Where Byakuya was killed is different from where he was standing." I explained.
"Okay and?" Hiyoko asked me.
"Well what if the killer used the power cord to get to the table, where they hid the knife? And we can tell they hid the knife because of the fact the duct table glowed under the table so what if the killer used a glow in the dark paint so they could see the knife?" I explained to everyone.
"But we already agreed that the knife wasn't the murder weapon." Nekomaru chimed in.
"But what if it was suppose to be." I said.
"Let's ask the person. ." Luniar answered.
We all looked at her, she had her eyes closed and arms crossed, I get the feeling she wants to leave, I mean we all do but still. She opened her eyes and looked at Nagito. "Well Nagito?" She asked.
"Nagito?" I asked and looked at him.
He was just smiling at her. "me?" He asked her.
"Don't play dumb. From what you guys have said and from the diagram. Nagito was close to the table, he could have used the cord to move his way to the table, when he got there he tried to grab the knife but something happened that he never expected." She said. I'm still amazed she can talk like she has no emotion in her.
"What didn't he expect?" Sonia asked.
What didn't he expect to happen?
That's when it hit me, none of us knew what was in the box. "Night vision goggles!" I answered.
"Hahahaha! All of you are so good, your all the shining hope as expected!" Nagito said.
We all looked at him and that's when he looked like he was crazy. There was no way. . There is no way Nagito is the killer. No. "Your right the knife was ment to be the murder weapon however when the blackout happened I moved under the table and tried to get the knife, but Byakuya noticed with the night vision goggles and we had a fight under there. He pushed me out so I was unsuccessful." Nagito explained.
"And that's when someone else took over and went under the floor boards with the actual murder weapon and stabbed Byakuya from under the floor. Isn't that how you done it, Teruteru?" Luniar asked.
All of us looked at Teruteru as soon as Luniar said that. He looked at her shocked. "What?! Me?! You got it wrong!" He said.
"Do I? You was in the kitchen the entire time and the kitchen holds something that help you move in the dark, does it not?" She asked.
Something that can help you move through the dark? The kitchen cooker wouldn't light because the electric went off. So the stove wouldn't be able to light-
"The portable stove. ." I answered her.
That's when Teruteru started to deny it all. He started to say something that none of could even understand. Monomi had to translate for us all.
"Okay, okay enough! I'm getting bored now looks like your all in agreement. So let's get on with the voting, make sure you vote for someone!" Monokuma said.
And with that we all voted for Teruteru.
And we was right.
"Your right! The blackened this time was Teruteru! Congratulations everyone!" Monokuma spoke up.
"Why. . Why did you kill Byakuya?!" Mahiru asked him.
"You don't understand. . . That was an accident I was only trying to protect you guys from Nagito." Teruteru spoke up.
"Nagito?" I asked him.
~Flash back~
Teruteru's POV
I went to the kitchen early to make sure everything was done in time for the party. When I walked out I noticed the door slightly open so I peeked in.
That's when I saw Nagito taping a knife to the top of the table. I confronted him about it. "Oh I was caught?" He asked.
"What was you doing?" I asked him.
"Well I'm planning to murder someone of course. I want too see if the symbol hope can actually out shine even this despair." Nagito explained.
"Kill someone?!"
~end of flash back~
"And that's when he explained about the hatch to go under the floor to me." Teruteru explained to us.
"Puhuhuhuhu interesting turn of events!" Monokuma spoke.
"Shut it bear or I'll turn you into paste." Luniar spoke up.
"Hey that reminds me! What did you mean that we'd know about it if Luniar was to kill someone?" Akane asked.
"Oh well you see Luniar is known for torturing people really badly before she ends their life. Well too some of her victims. She creates so much despair! The ultimate assassin, she really does know how to kill someone swiftly or brutally! Didn't you ever think it was weird you couldn't hear her foot steps?"
"Puhuhuhuhu, that's not all but I'll save the rest of the details another time. Now then. . . Let's give it everything we got. Iiiiiiiiiiiit's punishment tiiiiiiiime!"
That's when Monokuma dragged away Teruteru. We was forced to watch his execution. He was deep fried just like if he was food. It was really disturbing. .
All of us was at deep despair. Well I looked at Luniar and it seems like she didn't care, not one bit.
The ultimate assassin?
Yay this chapter done! This one was a long one. And to those who got it right here's your cookie. *Passes one out to each person that got it right*
She is the ultimate assassin, however assassination isn't the only thing she's good at, and she has many nicknames of course that includes her assassin name.
All that to be revealed in the story. What fun!
Thanks for reading
Bye for now
To be continued!
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