Dandy x V!Astro ( vampire 👽 )
Reminder – THIS WILL BE MORE PLOT RATHER THAN SMUT, I APOLOGIZE. ( Sorry horny people that just want it to jump to the smut, but I gotta world build here 🤷🏽. .. Smut is more-so at the end of the chapter 😒 )
Getting into the Halloween spirit 😮💨
TW: Blood sucking, Cutting skin ( not SH ), biting, choking, bondage, and gagging. 😰 ( Slight cursing is involved as well. )
( Also, I've noticed some people are realizing that this book is gonna end soon. Well. Don't worry! I'm probably gonna make a second book. Don't worry lmao, I'm not going anywhere after this. )
Spooky scary skeletons
"This doesn't seem.. safe." Dandy explained as he fiddled with the straps of his overalls, Rodger only huffed and turned around, facing him. "Well, I really want to discover the secrets of this place! Everyone has been talking about it and I want to be the first to solve the mystery!" Rodger happily exclaimed.
"So, why did we have to come with you?" Vee groaned, resting her arm against Shelly. Rodger had assembled a little investigating group which was consistent with; himself, Dandy, Vee, Shelly, and Poppy.
"Because.. uhm.. don't you guys wanna become famous once we figure out the hidden mysteries that lie underneath this castle!?" Rodger did a small 'Jazz hands' after finishing.
"Not really, I'd prefer to be at home right now. Sleeping." Poppy said as she crossed her arms and yawned.
Rodger ended the conversation with a small 'whatever' and continued to walk, the rest followed.
"So Rodger, only you've actually been here before but never went inside. Is it actually a castle or just a really big structure?" Shelly questioned as she matched his pace. "Ah, I'm glad someone is invested! Well it's an actual castle! It's a beautiful blood red color!" Shelly smiled at this and looked forward, clearly excited to see this so-called Castle.
"As much as I'm curious, I'm getting a bad feeling. Like a really bad feeling." Dandy scratched his arms as he muttered, "Geez why are you so nervous? Where's the usual confident Dandy?" Vee asked him; actually sounding a tad bit concerned.
"I just feel like someone is watching me." Vee hummed at this response and decided to stop messing with him; he looked.. stressed.
"We're almost there, trust me. The view is worth it." Rodger explained with much joy, it didn't ease Dandy's worries though.
Rodger was right, the castle was extremely beautiful. The different reds and small blues made it look like the sky itself, it looked to be 50 meters high.
"You were right Rodger.." Poppy gasped out as she stared, unable to remove her eyes from the structure.
"Okay, we've seen it! Time to go home." Vee turned around to leave but was stopped by Rodger, "We're not stopping at sight seeing, we're gonna explore!"
Dandy, Poppy, Vee, and Shelly just stared at him like he had said the most shocking thing ever. "Do we have to?" Poppy complained as she let herself fall on the ground.
"Let's just get this over with." Vee marched ahead, stopping at the bridge that connected the strange castle to the mainland. "I suppose she's right." Dandy sighed as he followed – everyone else did the same shortly afterwards.
The bridge was made out of a strange substance, it felt alive. No literally, Dandy could have sworn he saw it breathed but was told he was just being paranoid by Shelly.
They reached the main door, and stood there for a minute before Rodger tried to open the door – which didn't work. "Okay genius, how do we get in?" Vee sarcastically remarked, making Rodger roll his eye.
"Well–" the door shut open, knocking all of them off of their feet. "Oh hell no." Poppy tried to run away but was grabbed by Rodger.
"No, we're going in TOGETHER. We gotta figure this out." Dandy got up, rubbing his butt from the harsh fall. "Can we just try tomorrow? When it's day? And there's actual light?" Shelly nodded to that idea, liking the sound of that plan.
"Oh stop whining, I'm starting to like this!" Vee said as she walked into the castle, taking a look around at the fancy furniture. Shelly gulped and speed walked after her, Poppy groaned and walked in as well.
"Come on Dandy." Rodger groaned as he followed the three of them, Dandy sighed and accepted defeat; maybe exploring wouldn't hurt.
"Ooh look at this kitchen! It's so retro!" Shelly spun around, admiring the kitchen. "Yeah!" Dandy encouraged her joy, he didn't really get the point but it was nice to see her actually happy for a change.
The other three had gone on their own little group, probably to investigate further because Dandy and Shelly refused too.
"Do you think the bedrooms are any different?" Dandy asked, trying to get her to speak more as it was calming his nerves and taking his mind off of the feeling that he was still being watched.
"Ooh! Let's go check it out!" Shelly ran out of the room, Dandy chuckled and followed; they both ran up the ruby red marble stained stairs. They entered the first room they saw and smiled at the amazing condition it was in.
"Wow! It's a lot cleaner than I expected! It's almost like someone lives here!" Shelly exclaimed as she leaped on the bed and rolled around. "Yeah, but I think it's time we head back to the entrance, don't want to get lost from the others!" Dandy said nervously.
Shelly pouted at this; "Why don't we explore just a bit more! I promise I'm almost done!" Dandy sighed and watched as Shelly went through the cabinets; smiling at every little trinket that looked cute.
"Hey Dandy! Isn't this the cutest–" the lights went off. Before anyone could say a word, Shelly was dragged out of the room, Dandy reached for her but unfortunately missed; he chased her down – he watched as her and the others were blasted out of the castle like team rocket.
"WHA–" he was dragged on to the ground, his head hit the ground; making him groan – he closed his eyes and hissed in pain.
He opened his eyes a bit and looked at the ceiling, a strange shadow figure of a person stood above him. Before he could react, his vision went black.
He awoke with an aching headache, he looked around at his surroundings and realized he was in the same room him and Shelly were in before.
He tried to sit up but his body refused, he felt extremely exhausted; suddenly the door opened.
Nobody stood on the other side though, Dandy rolled his eyes – the others were probably playing a prank on him! Those assholes!
He forced himself up and walked towards the hall, nobody was there. "Okay guys, haha very funny! You can come out now." Nobody replied, that same insufferable feeling of being watched washed over him; he shivered and limped down the hallway.
He noticed a smell, a lovely smell. Dandy walked towards it, hoping that he would see someone! Anyone!. He almost ran down the stairs and turned the corner sharply – heading into the kitchen.
The whole table was filled with different types of food, a stuffed bird sitting in the middle – he was confused, when him and Shelly were searching the kitchen; there was no food. Where did all of this come from?
"Ah, you're awake." Dandy turned around with a gasp and saw a figure; they were covered in dark clothing – a black hood concealing their face, they looked to be lanky and they were basked in a metallic smell.
"W-who are you–" Dandy backed up, his heart pacing extremely; "Don't worry, I was requested to make you a feast by Lord Astro. Sit down." Dandy was confused, who the hell was Lord Astro?
Before he could ask, he was swept off of his seat and sat in the chair. "I'll go get him now, stay here." Dandy was frozen, a part of him was screaming at him to run away while the other part was telling him that running could be fatal.
He gulped and crossed his legs, where were the others? Although he would never admit it out loud – he missed them, like really missed them right now.
He felt something swoosh past him; making him look ahead of him. A toon, with a moon for a face – sat in front of him; he wore a dark blueish cloak, he had an identical hat to go with his outfit. Dandy realized he was staring too hard after the 'man'(?) grunted and looked away.
Dandy sunk into his chair, he noticed that the man's eyes were digging holes into his chest, was he a cannibal? Is this how he was gonna die? Huh, and here he thought he would die from global warming.
"I-i apologize for the rude meeting." Dandy was shocked at the man's voice, it wasn't a rough or deep kind of but rather.. it sounded light. And full of care.
"It wasn't my intention to scare you.." The man said again, Dandy got a chance to look at his mouth; his teeth were a lot sharper than others and two big ones stood out. It made Dandy's skin crawl.
"W-well! I better get going! My friends must be worried–" Dandy attempted to stand up but it felt like he was super glued to the chair.
"My name is Astro, what's yours?" The man–.. Astro said, Dandy felt like he was trying to make up small talk but he supposed he could indulge in it for now; besides, the others were probably doing fine!
"Dandicus Dancifer.. but I prefer to go by Dandy." Dandy watched as the man smiled, and crossed his hidden arms under the table. "What a wonderful name."
"How about you tell me more about yourself, Dandy."
"Well, chatting for a bit couldn't hurt, right?"
Rodger, Poppy, Shelly, and Vee screamed as they were flung out of the castle and landed into the muddy ground. Rodger got up first and wiped himself off, the others soon following after.
Shelly looked around and realized something was.. off. "Wait! Where's Dandy?!" They all soon realized that Dandy was still in the castle. Which means he was still in the castle with that beast that threw them out.
"Do you think he's okay?" Poppy asked, actually seeming worried. "Hes gonna be okay, he's strong.", Rodger replied as he crossed his arms.
"What if he's unable to get out?" Vee asked as she stepped closer to Rodger; "We're gonna come back in the morning, it's supposed to rain heavily tonight and we need to get home. Fast."
Rodger led the way, Poppy and Vee quickly followed. Shelly stared at the castle for a few seconds, worried about her friend. "Don't worry Dandy, we're gonna save you."
With that, she turned around and ran to catch up with the others, still worrying about Dandy's well-being.
"And that's everything I can think of!" Dandy said as he had basically explained his whole life story, most of it was ranting about his beautiful dog Pebble.
"How about you tell me about yourself now! I mean it's only fair?" Dandy had begun to feel more confident, Astro wasn't that bad to talk to once you actually took the time too! He could get used to this!
"Well, I come from a family that could be considered.. 'royal'? It's hard to explain. In short, I've moved away from them – to live here." Astro quietly said as Dandy basically devoured a chicken leg.
"I've come here for a purpose though. To find a partner, it's something I've been looking forward to." Dandy swallowed all the food in his mouth and smiled, "Well! I wish you good luck finding someone you're happy with!" Dandy took another huge bite after saying those kind words.
"Well, I've actually already found them. And coincidentally.. I'm staring right at them." Dandy choked on his food and quickly swallowed it, he took a huge drink of water as he calmed himself down.
"E-excuse me?" Dandy looked around the room for anyone else because surely he wasn't talking about him.
"Sorry, I'm not too good at this stuff.. I meant that you're the person I've been looking for!" Astro slightly stood up, looming over Dandy.
"H-huh?! But we've only just met?" Dandy scooted the chair backwards as Astro leaned down more. "Yes but the way you calmly explained everything to me, it caught my attention! Your appearance also added to my strange attraction." Astro said as he walked around to the table; now standing at Dandy's side. ( Wattpad logic is working so hard rn )
"Well I must be going, my friends are surely very worried." Dandy successfully stood up but his hand was gently grabbed by Astro. "But it's pouring outside and its very cold out there; surely you don't plan on going out there?" Dandy gulped and looked out the window, you could barely see anything due to the harsh condition of the rain. Dandy realized that Astro was right and sighed.
"I'll be gone by tomorrow–" Astro gently pulled him closer, "Give me a chance, I only need a week."
Dandy gulped and thought about it, Astro seemed like a sweet person and surely by then his friends would have saved him! Besides the castle was warm and he much preferred it over outside.
".. I-.. sure. Only one week." Astro was overjoyed and spun Dandy around, immediately apologizing for doing so without permission.
Dandy yawned and looked at a nearby clock that was on the wall, it was nearly 11; the time he usually goes to sleep.
"Oh? You're getting tired?" Astro said as he rubbed Dandy's shoulders; "Very. I usually go to sleep near this time."
"Ah, I don't sleep often." Dandy was appalled by this, what did that even mean? "How so, everyone needs sleep? It's how they properly function."
"This may be a bad time to mention.. I'm.. a vampire?" Astro awkwardly laughed and looked off to the side. Dandy just stared at him, that explains why he didn't see him eat any of the food and why his teeth were so sharp. But we're vampires real? Apparently he was staring at one but he still looked ( for the most part ) and felt.. human?
"What." Astro awkwardly laughed again and led Dandy to his room, "try not to think about it too much! After all.. I'm still me." Dandy just blankly stared at him as he laid in his temporary bed.
"Goodnight Dandy, have good dreams.. I–. .." Astro closed the door without word and quickly sped down the hallway.
Dandy just stared at the ceiling, this had to be a dream right? Some crazy joke? This couldn't possibly be real.. but deep down he knew that it was.
He closed his eyes tightly and groaned, wondering what was to come.
Dandy woke up better this time, way more at peace. He looked around and sighed at the revelation that he was still in this cursed but beautiful castle. He noticed there were clothes at the end of the bed, a sticky note sitting above them all.
"There's a shower in the door on the right of you, I remembered that you mentioned that you like to take showers as soon as you wake up, so I thought I'd let you know. – Love Astro." Dandy read it out loud and smiled, sure, he basically found out last night that he had been chatting with a vampire but nothing really changed. It was shocking but Astro was still nice and caring. He folded the note carefully and put it on the nightstand.
He grabbed the clothes carefully and walked into the bathroom, it was clean and just screamed the word 'Rich'. Dandy smiled and turned on the shower; the water turned warm almost immediately.
He quickly took off his clothes and stepped into the shower; ready to enjoy it to the fullest.
"It's been raining all day, non stop! We can't even see the ground out there!" Vee complained as she slammed down on the table, "Dandy is stranded! What are we going to do?" Shelly whispered to Poppy who only shrugged.
"It's supposed to rain all week, there's a huge chance we won't be able to get him until next week."
"So, he's just stuck there? With that creature? Yeah, we're probably not gonna see him alive." Poppy said as she rested her head against a countertop.
"There's not much we can do, it's too slippery for vehicle transportation. The only thing we can really do is hope that he'll at least still be breathing." Vee said while she moved her hands in a circle motion.
"As I said before, Dandy is strong. He's not just gonna let himself give up like that." Rodger huffed as he sat down on a nearby stool.
"O-okay okay! I give up!" Dandy laughed as Astro continued to tickle him; the two had decided to play a game of uno, Dandy kept loosing and decided to tease him – resulting in this.
"That's what I thought!" Astro pulled away and quickly concealed his arms, luckily for him – Dandy hadn't seen the pair.
"How about I show you something cool?" Astro asked him as he stood up, Dandy stopped to catch his breath and nodded.
"I know you just discovered that I was a vampire and somehow were cool with it but that's not the only thing strange about me." Astro explained; he was starting to feel like this was a huge mistake.
"Oh? Are you gonna tell me that you're secretly a mermaid as well?" ( Spoiler for future chapter!!)
"Well, it's a bit more complicated than that." Dandy giggled and stood up next to him, "Well, it can't be that bad! Hurry up and tell me Moon-boy!"
Astro blushed at the nickname and gained a huge amount of confidence. He huffed and dropped the cloak; revealing his four arms – Dandy gasped and backed up.
"I know.. I'm strange–" "DOES THIS MEAN YOU HAVE TWO DICKS?!" Awkwardness filled the room as Dandy cleared his throat and looked away.
Astro fought the urge to say 'wanna find out?' but he could say that later, he was knocked out of his thoughts by Dandy rubbing his arms.
"I apologize for the comment, but this is really cool. I'm not sure why you hid it from me!" Dandy continued to playfully rub his forearms; he went down to the second pair and wrapped it around his waist, pulling himself into a one-sided hug.
Astro carefully wrapped his other pair of arms around Dandy, his face flushing with every movement.
"So, you tryna show me more than what's under you cloak?" Astro shoved him away and hid his flushed face, "okay, uhm! Let's take our mind off of this and take a look at the garden.. haha!"
"Astro, it's literally pouring outside. We probably won't even be able to see our hands." Dandy said as he rubbed his hands together.
"Just.. trust me, okay?" Astro clapped his hands together and pulled out an umbrella.. "whatever you say.."
Astro held Dandy's hand and led him towards the gardening gates, Astro forced open the door; rain spilling into the corridor immediately.
"Hang on to me." Dandy immediately grabbed on to his arm and watched as Astro headed closer to the outside; he quickly opened the elevator and slightly ran out; dragging Dandy with him.
Dandy yelped and held on tighter, digging his head into Astro's side. Astro chuckled and walked through the mud, slightly lifting up Dandy so it wouldn't touch him.
"Open your eyes." Dandy was hesitant, he might've been a flower but he hated rain with a passion.
Dandy sighed and obliged, he could barely see anything but the rain that covered them added a light feeling to the scene. He looked up at Astro, he felt his heart twing and he quickly looked away.
He fell in love with a monster. This was just like beauty and the beast but less furry-ish, well the beast was kinda hot not when he turned human though; should've stayed a furry.
"Astro.." Astro hummed and looked down, Dandy signaled for him to lean down; he smiled and repositioned the umbrella to where it would still cover them.
Dandy smiled and gave Astro a kiss on the cheek, "looks like you don't even need a week."
Astro just stood there with his mouth agap while blush spread throughout his face. "C'mon, let's go inside. I'm getting cold."
Astro stuttered and quickly brought them inside, he turned towards Dandy but was shocked once more as he watched Dandy run down the hall like Earl Devereaux.
He'd get a chance to talk to him later, especially about what he said.
Dandy laid in bed, now in more comfortable clothes after taking a bath. He couldn't believe he was making moves on a vampire with a moon for a face who also has four arms. What was wrong with him.
His door was slightly opened to reveal Astro; Astro didn't have his arms covered and was wearing an oversized black T-shirt ( with four arm holes that looked handmade ), Dandy couldn't tell if he had pants on or not; a part of him wanted to find out but he held back that thought.
Astro sighed and closed the door behind him – he walked towards Dandy's bed and sat on the edge. "So.. about my 'offer'.. do you really accept it?" Astro stared at the ground, scared for the outcome of this situation.
Dandy chuckled and crawled towards Astro, putting a hand on his shoulder as he sat down next to him. "Well, that's what I said, no?"
Astro smiled brightly and basically pounced on Dandy – bringing him into a soft loving kiss.
Dandy immediately kissed back, his face flushing almost immediately. Astro bit down on Dandy's lip – allowing himself to explore his mouth; Dandy didn't protest and opened his mouth further, wanting Astro just as bad as he wanted him.
Astro traced his second pair of arms down and up Dandy's legs, making Dandy shiver in the process. Astro kept doing that for a while while he continued to abuse Dandy's mouth; he pulled away with a 'pop', a string of saliva connecting their lips.
"A-are you ready to go further?" Astro caught his breath while he asked, his voice was already hoarse for some reason. Dandy nodded his head eagerly, screw what he said earlier! He was about to get with a vampire with four arms and a moon for a face! He couldn't turn this down – this was his twilight moment!
Astro smiled and took off his own shirt first – leaving him in dark blue boxers; Dandy marveled at the sight but was caught off guard by Astro taking off his shirt for a single moment. He quickly composed himself and smiled at Astro like an idiot.
Astro chuckled and kissed Dandy's face – slowly trailing down to his neck, he kissed it before slightly biting; piercing his skin with his 'fangs'. Dandy winced at the feeling but it turned into a low moan as it got more pleasurable.
Astro reached his hands down to Dandy's pants, still sucking on his neck as he pulled them down – leaving his legs fully exposed for his view. He smiled and slightly bit down tighter on Dandy's neck, making him squirm a bit; he used his hands to slightly dig into Dandy's thighs – prickles of blood slightly forming.
Astro pulled away from Dandy's neck and immediately headed towards his thighs, licking up the blood desperately. Dandy moaned and threw his head back, since when was he into this? Holy freak town.
Astro pulled away once all the blood was clean and licked his lips, he slowly took off Dandy's boxers and smiled at every movement he would make. Once fully exposed, Dandy tried to close his legs but was stopped but Astro held them apart, Dandy groaned and rolled his eyes.
Astro shoved Dandy's boxers in his mouth and smiled. "Much better~" Dandy felt himself stiffen up and quickly looked away, woah. Another kink added to the Pokédex.
Astro quickly took off his own boxers and threw them off to the side, Dandy gulped and decided to stare at the ceiling – he felt something cold on his lower half and he quickly stared down. Astro somehow had lube and was spreading it around Dandy's hole, Dandy tried to talk but then remembered that he was gagged – sure, he could take it out, but he honestly didn't want too.
Astro poured lube on his own length, Dandy mentally cried – no two dicks. :(
He quickly stopped pouting once Astro rubbed the tip in circles around his hole. He watched as Astro gently reached for the 'gag' he pulled it out of his mouth and threw it on the ground.
Dandy was about to say something snarky – why? Because he can. But he was cut off by Astro entering the tip, he gasped and clenched on to the sheets – tears appearing on the corners of his eyes.
Astro used a pair of his arms to wrap his hands around Dandy's neck; slightly squeezing. "Is this alright?" Astro asked as he slightly squeezed Dandy's neck again.
"Mhm.." Astro smiled and slowly started to enter into him further, Dandy moaned and opened his legs more.
Astro was fully in and stopped to catch his breath, getting used to the warmth that consumed his lower half.
He slowly started to move his hips, brushing against Dandy's prostate immediately. Dandy moaned and threw his head back – making Astro slightly tighten his grip.
Astro started to thrust more harshly making Dandy moan and mewl – "Ngh~.. A-astro.." his voice was light and barely could be heard. Astro grinned at the position that Dandy was in and pulled out – thrusting in harshly. Dandy cummed on the spot; covering his own and Astro's stomach in his cum.
Astro gripped tighter on Dandy's neck as he continued to rip open his insides. "Who told you to do that~?" Astro started to pound into him mercilessly, he leaned down and brought Dandy into a heated make out session; cutting his lip with his teeth.
They swirled their tongues together as blood spread throughout their mouths. Dandy shivered at the metallic taste but took it anyone.
Astro pulled out a final time and entered him harshly, he came into him; coating his insides white. Dandy moaned and cummed again – breathing heavily as Astro pulled out and realized his hands from Dandy's neck.
"S-sorry for going so hard.." Astro said as he licked his lips again.
Dandy slowly sat up and smiled, "Oh no no. We're not done yet." Astro realized what this meant and grinned – immediately bringing Dandy into another heated make out session; excited to flip his insides in and out.
"So yeah, Dandy is definitely dead." Vee said as she twirled her mic around.
"Oh well, that's not our problem." Poppy flopped on to the couch after saying that, groaning as she closed her eyes.
"If anyone asks – we never knew him." Rodger calmly explained as he folded a piece of paper.
Shelly, Poppy, and Vee agreed to this statement.
Rest in peace to Dandy, I suppose.
Twilight but better trust!!
I refuse to watch or read twilight. YOU CAN'T MAKE MEEEEEUHHHHHHHHHHHHH
4614 words
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