It was such a peaceful day, so wonderful and sweet! What could possibly go wrong?
Goob and Scraps. That's what went wrong.
Scraps tapped the table repeatedly, clearly bored and wanting something to do. Goob had his head on the table, slowly drifting off to sleep, today had been a slow day. It was too quiet for both of their likings.
Sure, they could go in the elevator to kill some time but they didn't want to that. They wanted something exciting that wouldn't hurt anyone. Goob groaned which made Scraps roll her eyes, suddenly, she had an idea! To kill some time they could just prank the other toons! Just harmless little pranks, besides, if nobody got hurt it should be okay.
"Hey goob! I've got an idea to cure our boredom!"
Goob perked his head up, excited to have something to do. He watched as Scraps rubbed her hands together like a cartoon villain as she walked over to the supply closet. She slowly pulled out water balloons and paint. Goob stood up immediately, knowing what was about to go down.
Scraps stood in front of a whiteboard, which had a list of names on it. She grabbed a ruler and pointed to the first name on the list.
Goob sat on a table in front of her, paying close attention to her every move. "First! We go for Teagan, switch out her tea with coffee! Make sure it looks almost identical!"
Goob stood up, saluting before running off to go do as he was told. He slowly made his way to Teagan's room, luckily she wasn't in there at the moment, but he could hear her in a another room. He quickly switched out the two cups, the coffee being a tad bit lighter than the tea.
He giggled as he scurried away. He smiled as he heard the sound of Teagan gagging while crying, pranking people was so fun!
Back with Scraps, she was deciding who to prank next, who would be their next victim? Sprout? Cosmo? Astro?.. Poppy! Yes, Poppy was a good idea! But this time they would up the prank a 'little', yeah, just a little..
Poppy was on the ground, unresponsive, probably choking to death. Scraps and Goob had spiked her drink when she wasn't looking. They both stood above her body, watching her with neutral faces, clearly not showing any sigh of remorse. They both walked away, acting like nothing had happened, Boxton stood in the corner with his mouth wide open. He couldn't believe he had just saw that, why did that even happen? What did Goob and Scraps do? Is she dead? Maybe it's just a joke—
Okay. Now is not the time! He needed to warn the others. He picked up Poppy's now unconscious body and ran as fast as his legs could take him. He knew what this meant.
Back with the terror twins, they had their eyes on their new victim. They both looked at each other and grinned.
Tisha swept the ground peacefully while humming, suddenly Scraps stopped in front of her with a glass of red juice. Tisha raised an eyebrow before continuing to sweep, unfortunately she didn't see Goob behind her with a huge tub of ink. He looked at Scraps for confirmation, she nodded with a thumbs up.
He let it go.
With a splash and a thud, it was everywhere. Goob quickly ran away before Tisha could turn around. Scraps gasped and threw her cup on the ground, adding to mess. She quickly fled as well.
Tisha just stood there with her mouth hung open, she threw her broom on the ground and ran to go tell the others.
Rodger and Toodles sat on the ground, playing with Barbies. Rodger, who clearly just wanted to make Toodles happy, squinted as he saw Goob staring at him from the distance. He ignored it, assuming Goob probably wanted a hug and continued to play with Toodles.
He looked back at a Goob and saw him giggling now. Now he was curious, he was about to stand up before he was knocked down. Scraps had pushed a closet on the both of them. She giggled and ran back to Goob, they both looked at the now fallen closet and quickly ran.
Sprout, Cosmo, and Glisten. They all stood in a random hallway, Glisten screaming at Sprout for some random reason. Cosmo couldn't care to listen at this point, he groaned and closed his eyes.
He suddenly felt himself be grabbed, he was wrapped in a tight hug before getting throw at a wall. He stood up slowly before getting trampled with water balloons filled with permanent dye.
Glisten and Sprout watched in horror, Glisten suddenly held onto Sprout like his life was dependent on it. Sprout just stood in shock, everything went so fast they couldn't tell what happened. They both heard a giggle and with a swift motion Sprout picked up Glisten and put him over his shoulder, he quickly began running as fast as he could.
Everyone was in Dandy's office, complaining to him about what had happened. Tisha was complaining about the mess the two had caused, Boxton was barely speaking but it was clear he was trying to, Teagan was complaining about almost choking apparently it wasn't just coffee but coffee with gunpowder in it. Everyone else (who was alive) listened with concern.
Suddenly Sprout licked the door open with Glisten still in his arms, he quickly shut the door and slowly put down Glisten, still holding onto his arm.
Dandy sighed and pulled out paper, quickly writing something down. "Another victim?" Dandy sighed and stood up, everyone quickly went quiet, waiting for his word.
"Looks like we're having another prank war."
Vee, Shelly, Astro, and.. Shrimpo? Gasped. Everyone looked confused, what did he mean? 'another?'
"NO! WE CAN'T DO THAT AGAIN." Vee suddenly screamed, she was clearly distressed but relaxed when Shelly patted her back. The room had a thick tension throughout the air, Astro held himself, trying to calm down.
"Dandy? Are you sure this is.. really necessary?" Astro barely spoke out, it was obvious he didn't like this idea. Dandy sighed and rubbed his eyes. This was the only option.
"You know how Goob and Scraps get, if we do this, they'll calm down. It's the only option for now, you don't have to participate if you don't want to—"
"No. I want to join."
Astro had a weird new found determination, he huffed and walked beside Dandy. It was silent again but another noise entered the air.
Shrimpo groaned and walked next to Dandy, soon after Shelly and (a shivering Vee) walked next to him. Everyone else, who didn't know what was going on just stood there.
Flutter, who didn't know what was happening, wanted to be included for once. She suddenly flew beside Vee looking off to the side. This action caused more toons to move next to Dandy, well, everyone besides Sprout and Glisten. Sprout looked at Glisten, still holding his hand, and began walking forward. Unexpectedly, Glisten held on tighter and followed, Sprout smiled at this and quickly focused on Dandy.
Dandy got out his whiteboard and sighed, time for a game plan I suppose.
Chaos. Just.. chaos.
After finding a plan to take down Goob and Scraps, it was war. The siblings wouldn't be taken down that easily though, this wasn't just a 'game' anymore. They wanted victory!
And they were winning, they had managed to capture Shrimpo and Glisten. The two were both tied together, hidden behind a shelf. Shrimpo surprisingly, was calm. Glisten didn't understand how he could keep his cool in THIS situation. He felt Shrimpo try to stand up, and quickly stood up two. They were both back to back, Shrimpo leading the way while Glisten just let himself be dragged along.
The others weren't doing so hot, most of them hiding while Shelly and Dandy were throwing water balloons. Everyone had quickly hid after finding out that Goob and Scraps were throwing water balloons filled with dye. Dandy was covered in blue dye while Shelly had green dye all over her. They continued to throw, not really caring about it, they could deal with that later.
Goob and Scraps giggled, they were having fun! To them everything they had done was harmless although most of it wasn't. They kept throwing, Scraps using her tail to fling more water balloons, Goob had been hit with multiple times unlike Scraps who elegantly dodged.
Meanwhile with Shrimpo and Glisten, they were quickly breaking the tape that was concealing them both. They both were cutting the tape with a broken pipe, it was cutting both of their arms but they couldn't care, at least Shrimpo didn't.
Every time Glisten was cut, he let out a girly cry and continued. Shrimpo was already getting pissed but thankfully the tape had finally been cut, they both quickly separated, Shrimpo ripped the tape from his mouth and coughed. Glisten took it off softly before smiling with satisfaction.
He watched as Shrimpo picked up the broken pipe and began walking off, not wanting to be alone, Glisten followed. They both peered around the corner, seeing Goob and Scraps, who were distracted with throwing balloons.
Shrimpo, to the best of his ability, crept behind them. Glisten watched in shock but he was impressed, he didn't have the guts to do what Shrimpo was doing. Shrimpo, with a swift motion, smacked both of them on their heads, knocking them both out instantly.
Glisten clapped his hands and ran over, happy now that he felt safer.
Everyone else was confused as to why there weren't anymore balloons being thrown.
"I'll go check it out."
Dandy quickly said before anyone could protest, he walked swiftly, creeping around corners before slightly gasping.
Shrimpo was standing over Goob and Scraps with an annoyed face. A pipe standing by his feet, Glisten on the other hand was talking about how cool that was.
Dandy cleared his throat and smiled, Shrimpo looked up and put up a thumbs up. His face was now neutral as he picked up the pipe and threw it somewhere.
War was over.
For now.
Sorry guys, I was busy all week 😔🙏🏽
But I have fed and provided! Enjoy this while I continue to make more, I hope this makes up for my absence!
1751 words
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