To All The Hearts
To all the hearts
all the broken hearts in the hospital room
all the ones beating pulsing with elation
hearts crushed beneath stress and anxiety.
To all the open hearts lying back in surgery
all the hearts believing they are half of a whole
hearts missing a beat
hearts that thump on their own drum.
To the hearts rotting festering in their breasts
hearts oozing with malice shriveled and cold
hearts so shattered unable to pick up their pieces.
To my own treacherous heart, the betrayer of my every will
the keeper of riddles the hideaway of love.
A simple plea:
you are perfect never change.
Hey everyone!!! I wrote the opening line of this poem after I misheard a song lyric. I heard "all the broken hearts in the hospital room" and once I realized that wasn't what the singer said I wondered what my misheard lyrics might mean.
I know this poem doesn't rhyme. Not all poetry has to rhyme. In fact, I prefer writing short nonrhyming poems. This one isn't from one of my books but it's one of the favorites I've written. I hope you liked what you read.
-- Eliana
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