~ 9 ~
"You're quite the amateur, aren't you Ria?" Pan's toying voice reached my ears before I was fully awake. My eyes fluttered open and I realised that I was back inside Pan's tent, I groaned, rubbing my eyes.
"It's Ma-Ria, when will you get that I am not the dead girl you once loved?" I grumbled.
Suddenly, Pan's hand was around my throat and he'd pushed me against the pole in the centre of the tent. I gasped in surprise. "Don't. Talk to me... Like that." Pan growled, his eyes dark, thunder called overhead.
Pan blinked and suddenly he was Peter again. An impish smile spread across his face. "Don't be sad Maria, actually, I'll call you Mia, it fits."
"I'll stick to the name my parents gave me, thank you very much." I snapped back, Peter's eyebrow quirked as he turned away but he didn't say much else. I rubbed my neck as I walked over to the bed, unstringing my hair which was beginning to get knotty again. It was perfect yesterday... My skin felt clearer, physically, I felt stronger. My arms were no longer blotched but a nice, smooth tan. I pulled up my dress to look at my leg, my birthmark was gone! I blinked in shock, my leg was clear, tanned and hairless. Wait, how did I get a shave?
"What happened?" I asked. "With the flower? I think I fainted?"
"Well you certainly did go unconscious because the sky started getting a bit overcast. But what you picked up was a poppy from the Poppy Fields nearby the Emerald City of Oz. In any way, were you thinking about the Wizard of Oz perhaps?"
"Yes," I said slowly, "I'm pretty sure I was."
"Well that's it then." Peter shrugged. "That was how you summoned them, you caused Neverland to grow it."
"So I can control the vegetation on Neverland?" I asked curiously.
"Essentially, yes," Peter said quietly. "You'll need to learn how to control it first, that's what you'll do in the afternoons, with me."
I wasn't exactly thrilled about this new proposition, Pan was strange, manipulative. There was always an ulterior motive, everything was a game to him. There would have to be something he would get out of this. But on the other hand, I was getting tired of grass always growing at my feet, right now it was almost at my calves. I stepped to the side again, new grass began growing again.
"For now, I want you to work with the other boys, interact, it's not often they see a girl so be careful. By the way, stay away from Felix, he may be cute and interesting, but he doesn't need to be hurt again."
"Again?" I questioned, my eyebrow raising.
"Again." Peter confirmed, looking distant.
"Do you have anything more appropriate?" I asked, gesturing to my attire, Pan's eyebrow quirked and he began to walk outside.
"I wouldn't leave your wardrobe fittings to me, love," He flashed a grin before darting outside where light had begun to drift through the tent flap. How long had I been asleep? The Earth was hot and musty it was definitely an afternoon, how I knew that it was exactly an afternoon, I wasn't sure, it just felt like an afternoon.
I sighed in aggravation and decided that this would have to suffice, I just wish it were less revealing.
I looked down, hoping that the dress would change, the way the island seemed too. Unfortunately not, it was still the same, with the dark shape of my underwear and bra. I needed to change those. It had straps that reminded my of a Greek dress. I loved those.
Maybe it required more attention, slight focus, a bit more belief. I rolled my eyes, such things, only happened with children. I looked back down and realised that the bust area fabric was thicker and that my underneaths couldn't be seen. I also wore baggy white pants, the same fabric as the dress, making it hard for anyone to see anything underneath. My hair was less tangled and pulled back into a French braid, giving me a female pirate-like look.
I grinned to myself, I was getting the hang of this, maybe I wouldn't need Pan's help after all.
I walked outside, watching the boys bustle back and forth. Their eyes were alight with joy; some sharpened weapons, others knotted nets, some strapped pieces of bamboo together. I saw Felix tending to the fire, I said a quick thank you but otherwise avoided him, heavily heeding Peter's warning. I didn't want to hurt Felix by making him think that I felt like that, yet my curiosity was eating away at me.
"Indians!" One of the boys cried, running into the clearing. His voice was high-pitched and he had hair the colour of diluted crimson. Lost boys instantly dropped their things, grabbing their weapons and off in the general direction of where the boy had come from. He ran up to me.
"I'm Marcus." He grinned, "You must be Maria!"
"Yes." I nodded, liking this kid already, finally, someone got my name right.
"I'm supposed to stay with-"
An arrow sliced the air between us and pinned itself in the tree, near my head.
"That was a warning shot." A voice said, deep and heavily accented, "next one won't be."
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