The Star Spangled man
The winter soldier was escorted by Anastasia and a squad of guards, restrained and blindfolded, through the hydra base. From the countless times he had been taken this way, he had memorized the route to the training rooms and so panick began to set in when they turned a corner and walked another way. He grudgingly obliged for fear of the girl's life, but inside he was panicking. When they took the blindfold off his worse fears were realised. The girl knelt next to Anastasia who had a gun pointing to her head and in the centre of the room was an array of equipment that was all too familiar to him.
Madame Orlov spoke first. "I am sure you can guess what that is for, however after you are wiped, we will have no further use for this child," she expressed cruelly.
e fought the guards, desperate to save the girl, but they pinned him down. He pleaded with Madame Orlov, but she just laughed. He could hear the girl screaming and then saw the guard let her go. She ran towards the door, pounding on it desperately, but no one helped her. Anastasia pulled the trigger on the gun and her body crumpled to the floor, blood splattered on the door.
The rage that came out of him was immediate, but he was dragged over to and then restrained in the chair. A men in a white coat tried to force a piece of rubber in his mouth to protect his teeth, but he tried to bite him. The machines were turned on and soon the winter soldier's piercing screams flooded the facility, as his few memories were torn from him once more.
Anastasia smiled as the speedometer passed a hundred miles per hour. Although she was only fifteen, she could pass off as twenty with her fake ID. She had been informed of her new solo mission yesterday and after a long flight to New York was glad to be out in the open country. She hit the brakes as she came to a sharp bend in the road, skidding around the corner, before revving her engines again. The matte black Lamborghini she was driving responded by speeding up and she laughed as she wind whipped past her face. She had a taste for speed.
She began to slow down and then stop, as a building came into view. A long white building, with huge glass windows that overlooked the Hudson river. On the roof was a symbol in the shape of an A, unviewable from her vantage point. She had been informed that this was one of the main bases of Hydra's rivals and inside she would find her target. As she stood their, she admired their boldness to display their base out in the open - Hydra's bases were always hidden. She got out the car and opened the boot. Slipping on her tactical harness and holster, she picked up two handguns and then a large black coat, which she slipped on over the top. It hid her outfit perfectly.
As she drove up to the main gate, she was signalled to stop and so she obeyed. A man tapped on her window, so she rolled it down and gave him a large smile. "Pass please," he asked her.
She could just kill him and force her way in to the base, but she was more cunning than that. "Oh dear!" she exclaimed, deviously. "I was not given a pass. Tony must have forgotten to give me one. I guess you could ring him and ask him to come down here and clarify this." She knew the man would not want to trouble the head of the facility and she was right. He signalled someone and the gate was opened. She smirked at how easily manipulated people were.
Once she had parked the car, she walked into the main foyer and straight over to the lift. She had learnt that if you acted like you belonged somewhere, people would think you did, so no one looked suspiciously her way or tried to stop her. The lift opened and as she got in, she realised that she had no idea where her target was. She pressed the button for the top floor, deciding to work from the top to the bottom. By chance, when the lift doors opened, she found herself looking at an open plan living area where a man was sat reading. Even from a distance, his blonde hair and muscly build made it easy to identify him as her target.
Walking in, he turned as she dropped her coat on the floor and grabbed one of her handguns. She fired instantly, but the man protected himself with a shield she had failed to notice. Like the winter soldier's arm, the shield sustained no damage and she deduced it too was made of vibranium.
He ran towards her protected by his shield and then sent a kick that contacted with her jaw and knocked it out of place with a sickening crack. She fell to the floor and realised she had underestimated her target. As he stood over her, she realigned her jaw and then knocked him to the floor with a powerful kick, before rolling back onto her knees and standing. He seemed astonished to see heal so quickly and this gave her time to unholster the other gun. Before she could fire, however, he threw the shield at her and she ducked down to dodge it. It skimmed past her neck and buried itself into the concrete wall behind her.
She shot him in the leg before he could attack her and he crumpled to the ground, blood dripping down his leg. Without giving him time to recover, she jumped on top of him and began to choke him, sacrificing her gun for this move. As he began to struggle to breathe, he mustered enough strength to throw her off of him and she flew into one of the windows, causing a crack to form. However, this did not stop or slow her and she leapt over his head and kicked him in the face, snapping his head back. She grabbed the other gun she had and fired at him again, this time hitting his stomach and he dropped to the ground.
She barely registered the lift doors behind her open as she raised the gun to deliver a shot to the head, however she heard the gasp of a woman and turned around to kill her. Only, when she turned around, she saw a sofa flying towards her that knocked across the room and into the already cracked window. It shattered and she fell straight down and hit the ground, instantly shattering bones.
Wanda ran over to the window to see a body sprawled on the lawn, crushed beneath the sofa, and gasped with horror at what she had just done. Then she heard Steve groan behind her and turned her attentions to him. He was bleeding pretty badly and so using her powers, she sent a message to the avengers through their minds. A few minutes later, they had all arrived. Tony summoned a team of medics that worked their and they took Steve away. Then Steve turned to Wanda. "What happened?" he asked gently.
"I just walked in and saw this girl stood over Steve about to shoot him. I knocked out that window there," Wanda replied.
They all walked over to the window and looked out to see the assassin's shattered body. Tony put his hand on Wanda's shoulder and asked her to bring her up to the window. Using her powers, she lifted the limp body off the grass and back through the window, placing her on the floor.
"Oh my God, she is still alive!" Bruce Banner exclaimed. He knelt down beside and felt her pulse. "Her pulse is strong and her breathing is normal. A fall like that should have killed her instantly. It is not possible!"
In response, Wanda knelt down and placed her hand on the assassin's forehead and used her powers to look into her mind. As she looked inside, she saw a small assortment of memories, mainly deaths or fighting. Confused, she tried to delve deeper into her mind, but found her way blocked. Curious to see the memories, she pushed harder into her mind and managed to pull one out before she felt herself dragged from her mind. She had been physically pulled away from the girl and as she looked, she saw why. The assassin's whole body was unvoluntarily trembling and she was frothing at the mouth, all signs of a seizure. Perhaps the seizure was caused by the force she used in the assassin's mind, she thought as she watched the medical team take the assassin away too, with a squad of security guards.
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